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Herbalist wondering about the best product

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:58 pm
by ofonorow

Hi I'm researching natural means to clear out blocked arteries and was
intrigued with Dr. Paulings information. I've been using cayenne as I was
trained to do and while it's helpful, it doesn't seem to be taking out the
build up as I was taught ( I am a master herbalist thru the school of
natural healing) I'm not sure which product would be best if one wanted to
break down plaques?

Cheryl F.

Well according to the Pauling/Rath theory - lack of ascorbate (vitamin C) is the root cause leading to weakened arteries, leading to the repair process we call atherosclerosis. Most animals are fortunate in that they can produce their own vitamin C, and don't suffer the same general problem.

Reversal is the great invention of Linus Pauling - based on the knowledge of what makes plaques stick to the damage arteries. The lysine binding sites.

It is simply the amino acid lysine - in high dosages.

This miracle can be purchased for little money.

It is unknown to me which herbs/plants contain the amino acid lysine, but these plants would be useful. i.e. if cayenne does..

However, the dosages are high, and we usually only get 1 gram in our diet. For Pauling's effect, one needs 5 to 6 grams of lysine.

Hope this helps.