Mild heart attack and numbers --new member

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Mild heart attack and numbers --new member

Post by marymcdowell5 » Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:26 pm

My husband had a mild heart attack in April, at age 67. He felt ill while exercising and was taken to the hospital. He felt fine by the time he got there. They did a heart catherization and said that there was an area of irritation in the LAD, probably caused by a piece of plaque breaking off and lodging in the artery, then clearing. Other than that, just what the doctor called "lumps and bumps". An enzyme test the next day showed a small amount of damage to the heart. The doctor said it would not affect him (said he'd be a 7 7/8 engine rather than an 8 cylinder by analogy). He got plavix, an ACE-inhibitor and beta blocker in the hospital, and continued those at home. Now takes only the beta-blocker and an aspirin every day and will discontinue the beta-blocker in 9 months. We said no to statins and the doctor continues to push for this. At yesterday's appointment he did admit he had no studies to show us, he just "knows" this is the best. My husband continues his three-four times a week work-outs and feels fine.

Pauling therapy was started immediately after heart attack. Four times a day, at 6 am, 10 am, 2pm and 6 pm he started on 3 grams of ascorbic acid and 1 gram of lysine (total of 12 C and 4 L) plus 1 gram total of proline, split into twice a day. Recently decreased the amount to 2 grams of C four times a day plus one package of Lypo-spheric C at bedtime. He's pretty good about remembering all this, using his Blackberry as a timer and carrying the pills with him wherever he goes.

Test results:
Recently stress test showed "normal myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging with exercise demonstrating no evidence for ischemia or infaraction with a calculated ejection fraction of 62%"
Recent carotid Artery Duplex Ultrasound: Right: Normal velocities. Homogenous. Appears mild. 20-49% stenosis Left: Same thing
Abdominal Aortic Duplex Exam: Color duplex evaluation of the aorta, right and left--illiac arteries reveal normal size with no evidence of anyeurysm. Normal blood flow velocities with no evidence of stenosis.

Lab results: Immediately after the heart attack: lp(a) was 7 (in the desirable category)
c-reactive protein was 2.91 (average risk category) 3.5 months after the heart attack: c-reactive protein was 0.7 (big reduction--from the C?)
LDL-P was 1970 flagged as HIGH
LDL-C 169 flagged as HIGH
HDL-C 63
Triglycerides 72
Total cholesterol 246
HDL-P (total) 36.2

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Re: Mild heart attack and numbers --new member

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 03, 2013 12:26 pm

Welcome. Smart to adopt Linus Pauling's protocol and dosages seem good, although the total cholesterol is a clue he could probably use more vitamin C. Was there a question/concern?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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