Skeptical of Dosage for Pauling's Therapy

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Skeptical of Dosage for Pauling's Therapy

Post by ofonorow » Mon Sep 08, 2014 6:52 am

Hi, thanks for the reply.

I don't have cardiovascular disease, but I just found out (at 42) that I have mild plaque in my left carotid artery and have bad LDL and lp(a) cholesterol. I'm on 1000mg of niacin for the latter, but she wants to do a further screening to see what percentage blockage I have. She suggested Crestor (a statin), which I know I don't want to take. I'm already doing everything I can to get off a horrible benzo (that actually led me to do all the tests). My guess is that I've had plaque for a while and just discovered it. I'm not overly worried, but I have only two months to bring it down and get rechecked before she prescribes the statin. I'm making dietary and exercise changes (and trying to taper off the other med), but it's a lot to take in and on. This was the least of my worries.

I heard about you through my biofeedback doctor as I'm trying to go all natural rather than through debilitating medication. I bought your product and will take it. My skepticism is not vit C per se but the amount suggested. It seems like a lot for mild plaque. I'm not sure of the correct dose for my case.

I'm also on a lot of natural supplements to get off klonopin, so adding more makes me feel like I'm overwhelming my body.

I'm doing everything and anything I can to clean my body and be healthy. My first priority is getting off klonopin (which will take months) without neglecting my cholesterol and heart health.

I will look into what you said. As long as the C supplement doesn't interact with my other supplements and contribute to my anxiety (due to withdrawal and lack of sleep), I will certainly try it. I would love to be retested to find out everything has been lowered. I can then tell her and stay off the statin.


Lot to digest - you do have cardiovascular disease, albeit perhaps mild.

The vitamin C dosage is based on many things, not the least of which is what all the other animal species make 24/7 (e.g. between 3000 and 13,000 mg adjusted for body weight) We humans cannot make any.

Dosages are different for everyone, but unlike drugs, where an overdose can harm, vitamins are non toxic and taking too much will not harm, other than a bad case of diarrhea. (Here is a paper explaining the diarrhea (bowel tolerance) effect:

As far as the other issues, after you begin taking vitamin C I suggest the Hoffer/Saul book NIACIN: THE REAL STORY as it seems likely that increasing your niacin will have a positive impact on the "benzo" issues.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Skeptical of Dosage for Pauling's Therapy

Post by ofonorow » Mon Sep 08, 2014 6:53 am

Owen, I was diagnosed with mild plaque (I need another carotid screening to see the percentage) on my left artery only. I don't have heart disease, but she wants me on a statin (which I won't do unless all else fails).

I have high LDL cholesterol (and the genetic type a) and borderline HDL, so I'm on 1000mg niacin, which I've tolerated fine. I'm also exercising more (I'm a healthy weight and eat pretty decently anyway).

I just received the cardio-C. My question is how much I should take. I put one scoop in water and drank that (like lemonade :)). Do I break that up throughout the day? I have a very sensitive stomach, so I need to do this right.

I'm on a lot of supplements as well (The Road Back program) to get off klonopin for good. That's been a nightmare in itself.

My question is if 1 scoop is enough right now with mild plaque. My overall cholesterol is 185, not bad at all. It's the breakdown that's bad, esp high LDL.

Also, I read the journal entry and see so many other vitamins and supplements. I just want enough to reverse the plaque without statins and strengthen my heart and lower my LDL.

The directions say 1-3 scoops. So is 1 scoop enough to start? Do I break it up over my day or can I take one scoop in water and be done? Do I need E or can I get a good multivitamin?


Do you want to shoot low or high? In my uncles case, he "accidentally" took 1/2 Pauling's suggested 5000 mg dose (or 2,500 mg) and cleared a 70% carotid blockage in one month (verified by a second surgery). It might work for you.

Most people report best results 20 minutes prior to meals. So perhaps 1/3 scoop before eating 3 X daily... To start.. If you want to have the plaque gone by the next exam, take more.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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