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what do my numbers mean?

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:35 am
by blade
I had a blood test from 2013 and my numbers were:
total cholesterol 151
HDL 34
LDL 90
TG 133

my HDL/TG ratio is 3.9 and anything above 3.5 is "at risk"

is that right?
Before I found this site,I was told to read these books:
Here are the 3 must-read books from the Plaque Regressors:
Heal Your Heart: How You Can Prevent or Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. K. Lance Gould
Track Your Plaque by Dr. William Davis
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. C. Esselstyn

Basically those 3 books tell you to reduce plaque via:
eat low fat
take some supplements, like niacin
lose weight
more EFA
no/low dairy/meat
getting your HDL, ldl, total cholesterol to low levels
HDL above 60
LDL below 60
TG below 60
then you can start to reverse plaque building

Do people on this forum reduce plaque by just taking more vitamin C/lysine
I think I have to do both, eat right, get lower numbers and get my other numbers (CRP, T/E, bodyfat) low
I dont see how I can be fat and have a low risk for heart diease, even taking 10+grams vitamin C.. is that right?


Re: what do my numbers mean?

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:55 am
by ofonorow
Moving this to heart forum where I will provide more detailed answers.

Our view thanks to Linus Pauling is that what we now call cardiovascular disease or heart disease is a chronic or sub-clinical scurvy. A vitamin C deficiency. So if you think of heart disease as chronic scurvy, it can help with a lot of the other information swirling around.

As far as the HDL/LDL ratios and all that - in my opinion, designed to sell drugs, even if the original research was well meaning.

Question: What is the symptom of high cholesterol (or a "bad" ratio)? Answer: Feeling good. (And if your total is really 151 - you are too low sir!)

There is an entire body of skeptics who have written volumes on the falsity of worrying about fats in the diet in relation to CVD and heart disease. (The artificial trans fats or hydrogenated fatty acids are another thing entirely.)

Re: what do my numbers mean?

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:51 pm
by blade
ofonorow wrote:Moving this to heart forum where I will provide more detailed answers.

Our view thanks to Linus Pauling is that what we now call cardiovascular disease or heart disease is a chronic or sub-clinical scurvy. A vitamin C deficiency. So if you think of heart disease as chronic scurvy, it can help with a lot of the other information swirling around.

As far as the HDL/LDL ratios and all that - in my opinion, designed to sell drugs, even if the original research was well meaning.

Question: What is the symptom of high cholesterol (or a "bad" ratio)? Answer: Feeling good. (And if your total is really 151 - you are too low sir!)

There is an entire body of skeptics who have written volumes on the falsity of worrying about fats in the diet in relation to CVD and heart disease. (The artificial trans fats or hydrogenated fatty acids are another thing entirely.)

why is 151 too low?
if people are conned by pharm/MDs to buy cholestroling lowering meds. what is a good cholestrol number/ratio?
why is tc 151 "low"?

I had a low cholesterol and a bad ratio,
I had high cholesterol, Im not sure what my ratio was I know my HDL was the highest it's ever been
but my TC was over 230, within 6 months, I lost weight, not much of a diet change, just less food, more walking/weight lifting.
soon I went from 120kg/265lb/TC >230 to 83kg/TC 152
My point is, I wasnt "trying to lower my cholestrol"
I was getting my other numbers where they should be and look/feel healthy.
even at a total of 151, I wasnt satisfied with my 12-15% bodyfat, and was going lower, to change my T/E ratio, but I had some unrelated issues come up

I know the rumors/propaganda about HDL/LDL/ratios, but I don't know the science they have to show right or wrong?
I've heart the stories about runnners, guys who are in shape, dying from heart attacks, I've also heard about how people with heart attacks usually have low/normal cholestrol

but I see no harm in taking VC and I understand the science, and I just don't buy the fact that VC is used in so many rxn in the body that less than a gram will allow it to get the job done.. This is the main reason I'm taking so much vC, I see no harm in taking it and it makes me feel better.

I want a way that I can measure my plaque buildup, without radiation, and see it go down
Otherwise, how do I know what I'm doing is working? how do I get people I care about to do this therapy without evidence that is helps prvent heart disease?

I can't find a study that shows people who have heart disease have high LPA and those without have low/no LPA
nor have I seen anything concrete saying lots of vit C will lower LPA/.
Oh I did see this page with studies on LPa, but which one shows anything about lowering affects via VT or anyway to lower it?

I cant find one that says LpA gets lowered by vit C or any knowledge of how to lower LPA except I've read aspirin,TRT, and niacin lower LPa

Re: what do my numbers mean?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 5:45 am
by ofonorow
These posts are a little long to respond to and cover many subject areas.

In my view, 180 mg/dl is the optimum cholesterol reading. This very number is in Pauling's book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER. When mine was measured at exactly 180 mg/dl for an insurance physical I went to Pauling's book and was flabbergasted. I gained immense respect for the true science represented by Emil Ginter's extensive work on vitamin C and cholesterol. Others, who adopted a high vitamin C regimen have reported the same exact number.

Since cholesterol is an absolute requirement for good health (carries fat soluble vitamins and coQ10 around in the blood to cells) and has an important "detox" function (as reported by Thomas Levy) and is also the building block for vitamin D, and the sex hormones, etc., I worry when cholesterol is way under 180 mg/dl. (As mine is!?!?! We have discussed ways to raise cholesterol, but I eat one or two eggs daily. Johnwen believes there is a connection between cholesterol and insulin)

As far as the HDL/LDL ratio - it has no relevancy for anything we do. it is essentially a NOOP. It is only measured, in my opinion, to justify the use of drugs to "correct it." You want proof about Lp(a), where is the proof that this ratio has any significance what-so-ever? Cure your chronic scurvy and you can forget about this and really any "cholesterol issues."

Re: what do my numbers mean?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:29 am
by blade
ofonorow wrote:These posts are a little long to respond to and cover many subject areas.

In my view, 180 mg/dl is the optimum cholesterol reading. This very number is in Pauling's book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER. When mine was measured at exactly 180 mg/dl for an insurance physical I went to Pauling's book and was flabbergasted. I gained immense respect for the true science represented by Emil Ginter's extensive work on vitamin C and cholesterol. Others, who adopted a high vitamin C regimen have reported the same exact number.

Since cholesterol is an absolute requirement for good health (carries fat soluble vitamins and coQ10 around in the blood to cells) and has an important "detox" function (as reported by Thomas Levy) and is also the building block for vitamin D, and the sex hormones, etc., I worry when cholesterol is way under 180 mg/dl. (As mine is!?!?! We have discussed ways to raise cholesterol, but I eat one or two eggs daily. Johnwen believes there is a connection between cholesterol and insulin)

As far as the HDL/LDL ratio - it has no relevancy for anything we do. it is essentially a NOOP. It is only measured, in my opinion, to justify the use of drugs to "correct it." You want proof about Lp(a), where is the proof that this ratio has any significance what-so-ever? Cure your chronic scurvy and you can forget about this and really any "cholesterol issues."

im not sure about insulin/cholestrol, ratio
my dad has really low total cholestrol (114 last may) and he eats 6-12 eggs a week yet high insulin
Sounds like cholestrol is important and yes, I can find studies that show a correlation with CAD and cholestrol ratios, but it's not definite at all. Otherwise people with low cholestrol, would have heart attacks, right?
Today is my 45th day on PT. taking in about 14+ grams of VC a day and is the ratio is
55+, with doseage/weight(mg/kg) Im about 133? which is great.

Im not 73 kg right now so any fear about "low cholestrol" is unwarrented currently. 3 years ago, I was a bit heavier then I am now and my TC was 200+ so Im getting leaner and taking in better foods and 14+ grams of vit. a bunch of lysine
I am sure I get proline/lysine from my eggwhites and vit C from fruit/veggie
I think that thing to do is get my LpA tested and use that as measurement of risk of heart disease.
which I can get tested at Private for $50 which is cheaper than a basic lipid tes($70)