Heart Bypass 18 Months Ago - looking for product w/o proline

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Heart Bypass 18 Months Ago - looking for product w/o proline

Post by ofonorow » Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:04 am

I had a heart bypass about 18 months ago , I was told by one of your
people . just to take the vitamin c and l-lysine mix, and to avoid the
proline because of the new artries. can I get this mix ,without the
proline. thank you

It is too bad that no scientist or medical researcher in all of medicine hasn't studied Pauling's therapy and recommendations.

The conservative advice to avoid proline is not based on any evidence, only our understanding of the Pauling/Rath theory, combined with reports that Lp(a) drops to zero after adding the amino acid proline to the therapy.

Our idea is that some lp(a)-based plaque is probably required after a coronary by pass operation to strengthen the veins used in the bypass (If chest arteries were used, there would be no theoretical need to avoid proline.)

The factor that seems to stop the body from making Lp(a) is proline, thus our concern. (Although everyone's body makes some proline - it is not essential)

18 months may be long enough for the normal healing to have taken place, and recently we have had reports of success in people adopting Cardio-C (vit C, lysine with proline) immediately after a Bypass operation.

The product that is just Vitamin C and Proline is called CardioAde from Tower Laboratories.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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