LP-PLA2 - The PLAC Test

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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LP-PLA2 - The PLAC Test

Post by gmdodaro » Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:27 pm

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Re: LP-PLA2 - The PLAC Test

Post by Montmorency » Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:57 am

Are you taking l-lysine and l-proline? (Not saying this is necessarily relevant here, but might be worth trying if not already doing it).

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Re: LP-PLA2 - The PLAC Test

Post by gmdodaro » Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:24 am

Yes, I've been taking l-lysine for about a year and added l-proline eight months ago. There are a couple of other factors that I've discussed on this forum previously: 1. I have hepatitis C that flared up a year ago, but since January, the viral load has been undetectable. (This is to the credit of Bert Burkson treatment: http://www.townsendletter.com/Dec2007/alphalipo1207.htm) 2. I had a root canal tooth for 7-8 years that was extracted in July 2015.
The hepatitis C was only active for about four months, but during that time, my LP-PLA2 measurment increased to 600+. It came down to about 225 for a while, but the most recent test, even after the root canal was extracted, is the 321 number above.
JohnWen commented last year when the plac number was over 600 that this indicated I could have a stroke. Everything I've read says that plac measured above 200 is in high risk category for heart attack or stroke.

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Re: LP-PLA2 - The PLAC Test

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:53 am

Way out of my pay grade. LP-PLA2.. sorry

Your total cholesterol appears to be close to perfect. I wonder, have you ever done a Jaffe-style C Cleanse (or do you know your Cathcart bowel tolerance?). It sounds like you are taking a lot of vitamin C, but for your metabolic needs, you might be one of those people who can and should take a lot more vitamin C. That would help with any "oxidative stress" score, if that is what this is.

The Lp(a) indicates to me that you haven't been taking proline, and I would be interested in following your progress over time now that you are taking proline. (And it could be that the Lp(a) is elevated because you are burning so much vitamin C that you still have an effective deficit regarding collagen production, meaning your arteries aren't as strong as they should be.) Or this is simply a genetic anomaly given that we started using Lp(a) (instead of making our own vitamin C) only around 3 (to 35 million) years ago. Not a lot of time to select for Lp(a).
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: LP-PLA2 - The PLAC Test

Post by Johnwen » Wed Sep 23, 2015 5:05 pm

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Re: LP-PLA2 - The PLAC Test

Post by gmdodaro » Wed Sep 23, 2015 6:09 pm

I'm working on the dental problems. I had a root canal tooth for 7-8 years that was extracted 2 months ago. Periodontal health is otherwise very good. The dentist has me wearing an orthotic to make sure I'm not rocking teeth and letting infection in. Also, I am on aspirin (salicilic acid).

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Re: LP-PLA2 - The PLAC Test

Post by gmdodaro » Thu Sep 24, 2015 2:55 pm

I talked with my dentist today about this inflammation problem, and he has a plausible explanation. When he took out the root canal tooth, he also put an implant into the bone. So there is a healing process going on with the destruction of old bone tissue (osteoclasts) and growing new tissue (osteoblasts). The destruction of old tissue could explain the rise in LP-PLA2 indicator.

I'm increasing my vitamin C dosage. Maybe I'll take it in the middle of the night when I have not previously.

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