LP(a), LP-PLA2

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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LP(a), LP-PLA2

Post by gmdodaro » Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:09 pm

Just checking in. After several months, I hoped to have more positive results, but my Lp(a) and Lp-PLA2 scores seem to be stuck in undesirable ranges. I'm 67 years old and mostly asymptomatic for heart disease. I run and lift weights without pain, but I'm working against a coronary calcium score that has climbed from 225 in 2011 to 655 in July 2015.

Recent blood work:
Lp(a): 36 up from 25
Lp-PLA2: 226

Oxydized LDL: 47 up from 35
LDL 120
HDL-C: 84
Small LDL-Particle number: < 90
Homosysteine: 8.4 down from 9.2
Triglycerides: 85
Ferritin: 87

I've been taking 25-30 grams of ascorbic acid, apx 4 grams l-lysine, and apx 2 grams l-proline for more than a year. This after a more than thirty years of 10-15 grams per day of ascorbic acid. I read Pauling when he published Vitamin C and the Common Cold and got great benefits from it.
Vitamin K dosage is way up: 40-50 mg per day. Vitamin D last tested above 80.

I recently re-read Cathcart, and I am increasing my already large dosage of ascorbic acid. Interestingly enough, I'm up to about 45 grams per day without a hint of bowel overload. My functional medicine MD says the problem must be either infection or toxicity. I had a root canal tooth that could have been a source of chronic infection, but it was removed 7 months ago. Last week I sent more samples to test for heavy metal toxicity, blood, urine, hair analysis. I'm waiting until a year has passed to get another EBT calcium score.

My doctor thinks Lp(a) is set by heredity. Her Lp(a) is 5. Both my parents died of heart disease.

Open to suggestions.

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Re: LP(a), LP-PLA2

Post by ofonorow » Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:59 am

The toxicity idea is a good guess, and you are lucky to know enough to be taking large amounts of vitamin C. As we must have already pointed out, the Pauling/Rath invention of "lp(a) binding inhibitors" is even more important if Lp(a) remains high on the therapy.

Do you still take any drugs?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: LP(a), LP-PLA2

Post by gmdodaro » Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:08 am

No drugs. The only prescriptions are testosterone, progesterone, and B12. My cardiologist recommended a statin for heart disease plus diltiazem and coumadin for episodes of atrial fibrillation. I started taking 500 - 800 mg of magnesium per day and the atrial fibrillation has dropped to 3-4 episodes in the past year versus 3-4 per week when I started. Sometime this summer I'll get another EBT scan to see if the coronary calcium score is going up or down. Vitamin K should help. I also read that L-Arginine can help remove calcium. I'm taking 5-6 grams twice a day. I have a very helpful doctor who practices functional medicine. She has backed me up when I declined the statin.

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Re: LP(a), LP-PLA2

Post by gmdodaro » Wed Mar 16, 2016 1:55 pm

The recommendations for L-Lysine dosage are not clear to me. Some products contain as much lysine as vitamin C. Any experience with this variable?

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Re: LP(a), LP-PLA2

Post by ofonorow » Thu Mar 17, 2016 6:30 am

There are no studies, to my knowledge, other than Rath's Foundation who discovered that high amounts, e.g. 12-14 grams of vitamin C and lysine seem to inactivate an enzyme cancers require to "eat through" tissues.

Johnwen provided a "safe upper limit" to lysine around 14,000 mg.

We know that vitamin C varies by individual from 4 grams daily to 12 grams (when healthy).

I relate a story about my uncle in my book where half Pauling's recommended therapeutic dosage of 5 grams C and 5 grams lysine (so 2.5 grams of each) cleared his carotid arteries (estimated 70% blocked) in one month as verified by surgery.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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