Help Me Avoid a Heart Transplant

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Help Me Avoid a Heart Transplant

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jul 11, 2019 7:20 am

On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 5:09 PM

Hello Mr. Fonorow,

My name is [deleted - male] and l live in Silver Spring, Maryland. I spoke with your customer support this afternoon and he was very generous with his time as he explained to me the Linus Pauling therapy.

The information about your products was passed on to me just this morning. Given my state of health as it stands now, and what l found out about this product, much of what happened to me could have been avoided.

I am a patient on LVAD waiting for a listing on the heart transplant registry. The LVAD surgery caused a stroke that left me paralyzed for several months. But the list of complications continued since the surgery in Dec. 2015. at Washington Hospital Center.

The goal now is to find things that can help me since the prescription medications have not offered much relief.

My problem is l have not been working since the surgery. I depend on my friends for much of my daily needs.

That is why l am reaching out to you. Given what l know so far, l think this product can help me. The problem for me is the cost. I am not asking for this to be free.I just need your help with the price.




Dear Sir,

Sorry to hear about your medical difficulties. If your heart is failing such that you require a transplant, then while Linus Pauling's therapy for your cardiovascular system may improve the health of your blood vessels, we have no experience that Pauling's therapy (alone) would overcome what you are facing.

From my knowledge there may be nutritional means to restore the muscle and health of your failing heart, but it is expensive.

First and foremost are vitamins E and CO-Q10.

UNIQUE-E (from A C GRACE) and available from LEF.ORG has restored bad EKGs to normal. To my mind, this means that "dead" heart tissue has been replaced with live tissue. The dosage to start is probably 2000 iu (or 5 400 iu UNIQUE-E capsules in the morning). After your heart recovers, you might lower to 400-800 iu. This brand though is required, as others may go rancid causing rapid heart beats.

CO-Q10 is required by all muscles (actually all cells) for energy, and many heart medications interfere with the body's own production of this substance. (There are something like 16 steps and 5 vitamins required for your own body to make Co Q10, and as you get older, you make less.) Heart patients are routinely put on statin cholesterol-lowering drugs, and these very drugs block your own production of Co-Q10. (Heart failure has tripled since these drugs have been "mass prescribed.") In Europe, heart failure is considered a CoQ10 deficiency disease.

The CoQ10 dosage starts at 200 mg/day, to overcome the statin problem, but if I was facing a heart transplant, I would take 600 to 1200 mg of CoQ10 daily. (CoQ10 must be taken/eaten with fats, as bile is required for it to be absorbed into the blood stream.)

These two nutrients may work a miracle. Others to then consider are Magnesium and Carnitine.

I would start or increase magnesium supplementation, at least 300 mg. There is probably no more important mineral than magnesium for heart function. Some people get diarrhea, but I have been reading lately about a SLO-MAG (or a competitor) timed release product that avoids this issue.

L-Carnitine is another factor required for heart health and strength. Eating meats provides it naturally, but you can also supplement.

It might be a good idea to buy a strong Omega-3, and take a capsule with your CoQ10. Omega-3s are required to repair cell membranes, and it would seem you want to improve the health of your heart cells.

As far as vitamin C and Lysine (and proline) for the cardiovascular system, please note, you do not have to use our products. These are some of the least expensive supplements available. You can start by going to a store and purchasing Nature's Made vitamin C and lysine tablets. There are also great vitamin C and lysine products available over the internet in bulk.

If you are in such financial difficulty, have you thought about starting a Go-Fund-Me style web site?


Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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