Watched 'What the Health?' Eye-opening, but why is sugar good?

The discussion of advanced medical knowledge now channeled through the Medical Medium Anthony William. This knowledge amounts to perfect Naturopathy. Knowing what causes chronic and other disease, the followers of Linus Pauling extend Naturopathy with human-based nutritional science Pauling called orthomolecular (right molecules) in therapeutic amounts.

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Re: Watched 'What the Health?' Eye-opening, but why is sugar good?

Post by sjmusic2 » Tue Sep 17, 2019 7:55 pm

ofonorow wrote: Thinking about it, since the brain is an electrical device, does it really make sense that it is made out of fat?

I would suggest you research the composition of myelin

Great. I stand corrected. Although why would you then reference other authorities and what they think? Lets start a topic on where the documentary is wrong :-) Or continue, the only problem I had was the cardiologists interviewed who were afraid of cholesterol and salt. (Cholesterol holds fat, is it fat?)

And please confirm that it was Anthony Williams LIVER RESCUE that you read (and if so, it is surprising you didn't recognize "medical medium.")

I think you are confusing me with someone else. I was the one stating mm=medical medium and yes it was the book you stated. I would never be so arrogant as to assume that my opinion was absolute and infallible. It is important to corroborate theories with other research and opinions. Which is the reason why I read and watched your sources in full before arriving at my conclusions.

Absolutely surprising.. But the entire picture is coming together as you read everything. Don't misread my tongue-in-check comments as my praying to a new Oracle. I want to test everything, and in particular, this idea that the brain is "mostly carbohydrate." Could the brain be firing neurons if it were mostly fat?
DYOR...the axon carries the electrical (or chemical) impulse and is surrounded in many cases by the myelin sheath (lipid-protein-water).

Another black swan, potentially, however, as I said, we used glucose meters to measure AA entry into the blood stream - in 3 minutes. Johnwen, (bless his heart, hope he is well) argued strongly for entry through the intestinal tract. Doesn't/can't happen in 3 minutes

Seems black swan events are becoming the norm rather than the outlier ! It was my understanding from reading this website that some AA is absorbed in the stomach straight into the blood stream (50mg ?). Wouldn't this register quickly on your meter and account for your findings ?

Yes, this is strange, to say the least. "Some" factual insight? This is the purpose of this forum and the debate. You also need to open your mind that everything you learned may have been in error. I am only 3 weeks in, and in awe. I have to revise many of my articles, and if you believe in Earth science so much, why then hasn't Linus Pauling theory and treatment for CVD ever been investigated?

My mind is always open to new ideas, but they have to pass the sniff test to proceed. Pauling's work was conducted using scientific method and has been corroborated by other researchers. You know the reason why it has not been universally adopted, ie. it is not patentable and as such is not seen as a revenue stream for big pharma so it is ignored at best and suppressed at worst. The medical trade organizations are complicit.

Please permit my brief folly....I have for some time now been hearing voices in my head that tell me that grass is not really green. Apparently it is pink, humans have just not developed the capacity to see its real color yet. Of course many people will point to the large body of research that says chlorophyll is the responsible agent and consequently the color really is green. But my voices affirm it is pink and any naysayers are just not opening their minds far enough. One day I will be vindicated when the technology advances sufficiently. :)

Sorry, but I am more inclined to believe the Long Island medium than the Medical medium (and she is a complete fake).

I am going to disengage now and agree to disagree as this is too time-consuming to pursue with the vigor it requires.

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Re: Watched 'What the Health?' Eye-opening, but why is sugar good?

Post by ofonorow » Wed Sep 18, 2019 7:02 am

sjmusic2 wrote:I would suggest you research the composition of myelin

You are saying the brain is made of "myelin?" If the brain is made of electrical circuits, then myelin is the covering or insulation, rather than how or what the currents flow in.

sjmusic2 wrote:I think you are confusing me with someone else. I was the one stating mm=medical medium and yes it was the book you stated. I would never be so arrogant as to assume that my opinion was absolute and infallible. It is important to corroborate theories with other research and opinions. Which is the reason why I read and watched your sources in full before arriving at my conclusions.

Sorry about that, so you have read the MM series and believe that Anthony, alone, could have written these books? The arrogance is Anthony's source, either God (or a 300,000 year-old alien science). I am more than willing to repeat what HE THAT KNOWETH says :D until proven wrong.

DYOR...the axon carries the electrical (or chemical) impulse and is surrounded in many cases by the myelin sheath (lipid-protein-water).

I need to study this. Is there glucose in the water?

Seems black swan events are becoming the norm rather than the outlier ! It was my understanding from reading this website that some AA is absorbed in the stomach straight into the blood stream (50mg ?). Wouldn't this register quickly on your meter and account for your findings ?

Me thinks you did not get a chance to read our paper. We measured 10 grams IV/C. Then we measured 10 grams orally at the same rate as the IV/C - maybe 250 mg/minute - to compare 100% bioavailablity with what can be accepted by mouth. (The idea that only 250 mg saturates never made sense.) We were able to measure almost 4 g (like the IV/C) before it tapered off.

The surprise was when we (me) gulped 10 grams of ultrafine ascorbic acid all at the same time. The peak exceeded the blood level of the IV/C, and peaked at 3 minutes after the gulp! (This did not happen when we gulped sodium ascorbate, or glucose 10 g) This is why the MM words, (which I will look up and post here) in the first book resonated. Those words, in the Candida section, spoke to me... few others

Added. Medical Medium, Candida, Pg. 119

Medical Medium wrote:In fact, the fructose that naturally occurs in fruit is actually bonded with compounds and substances -- including antioxidants, polyphenols, anthocyanin, minerals, phytochemicals, and cancer-killing micro-nutrients - that annihilate almost all diseases and actually kill of Candida. Even when sugar is separated from fruit and concentrated into fructose, it still doesn't have the ability to feed Candida

Further, fruit sugar leaves your stomach in three to six minutes and doesn't even touch the intestinal tract. So if your fear is that fruit sugar feeds Candida, you needn't worry anymore.

sjmusic2 wrote:My mind is always open to new ideas, but they have to pass the sniff test to proceed. Pauling's work was conducted using scientific method and has been corroborated by other researchers. You know the reason why it has not been universally adopted, ie. it is not patentable and as such is not seen as a revenue stream for big pharma so it is ignored at best and suppressed at worst. The medical trade organizations are complicit.

Exactly, which is also the point of the Medical Mediums source, that our science has failed, causing millions to suffer.

Please permit my brief folly....I have for some time now been hearing voices in my head that tell me that grass is not really green. Apparently it is pink, humans have just not developed the capacity to see its real color yet. Of course many people will point to the large body of research that says chlorophyll is the responsible agent and consequently the color really is green. But my voices affirm it is pink and any naysayers are just not opening their minds far enough. One day I will be vindicated when the technology advances sufficiently. :)

Great parable. I have always wondered if what I see as green is what another person sees. We'll never know. Your assumption is that the brain being carbohydrate is as obvious a thing to know as the color of grass. This is an assumption you make, I don't, yet. And after listening to Anthony a second time, I have little doubt that he has participated in the reversal of Altzhiemers in his clients.


Explains the idea that the root cause of ALZ is metal in the brain, usually mercury, but often a combination of mercury, aluminum, copper and other heavy metal toxicity. When fat in the blood reaches the brain, the fat oxidizes in the presence of these metals, creating "sparks" that damage the brain cells in that area. If there are no toxic metals, as in Intuit Eskimos, then fat can travel through the brain harmlessly.

Me thinks you may be throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Sorry, but I am more inclined to believe the Long Island medium than the Medical medium (and she is a complete fake).

I am going to disengage now and agree to disagree as this is too time-consuming to pursue with the vigor it requires.

I fully understand the need to disengage. Appreciate your time. I value your keen intellect and skepticism. Hope to see you back after we prove that the brains electrical system is glucose-based :D
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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