Observational study document

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Observational study document

Post by rainier » Tue Nov 19, 2019 3:52 am

After 4 years of using myself a guinea pig it is time to release the results.

You can download it as pdf here: www.mglavionics.co.za/UHT.pdf

In a nutshell: Quad bypass 18 years ago, half a dozen stents and heart attack since then, recommended for second bypass 4 years ago but refused.
Started my own research into what can be done, fixed the problem.
Ran first half marathon last week.

Enough said...

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Re: Observational study document

Post by johnjackson » Tue Nov 19, 2019 8:04 am

not enough said
but congrats on runnning a marathon.
if youd read linus pauling, you'd saveda lot of time

what is your lp(a) and cac score today?
and how mu ch vit k2 did you take? (1 pill)
9grams vit C

my comments
you say "take Lecithin "(sure? wont make a difference)
avoid CT scans, too much radiation...
page 8 were you say Arginine, no, Arginine has too many issues, take citrilline as explained here
https://www.peaktestosterone.com/Citrul ... efits.aspx

I skimmed at your 17 page report, very detailed, but most seems overkill to me
no you dont get proper nutrients with a "good diet"
-why is getting your hr high useful? YOu tell the report all the medical boooks you looked at, (no reason wHy) but didnt say why

why arent you on the best diet out there, the DASH DIET

why arent you eating more veggies that are high in nitrates to increase NItric oxide
Dr. Louis J. Ignarro and his book on Nitrix oxide is a must read for you,
https://www.amazon.com/More-Heart-Disea ... 0312335822
as well as this study

why are you checking cholestrol so much? your liver makes tons of cholestrol

yes, yours dropped, a lot, but likely caused from losing weight more than anything else/
maybe niacin
maybe the vit C

cornary heart disease is not a complex problem, it is caused by lack of collagen and you fix that by taking enough vit C and lysine
and k2
following a Dash diet, (diet high in fruits/veggies) no dairy, low fat and you will beging to fix it(usually) hormones/root canals,both need attentiuon




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Re: Observational study document

Post by pamojja » Tue Nov 19, 2019 9:34 am

Congratulation rainier! Very well done.

PS: never mind johnjackson, he is a know it all. But never confronted with anything close to the conditions you experienced - as a simpleton believing in one-size-fits-all - he would fail badly.

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Re: Observational study document

Post by ofonorow » Tue Nov 19, 2019 10:04 am

Congrats! Now be careful when you write your book. I have a feeling that after David Leake had a similar experience to yours, and wrote the book THE PATENTED HEART DISEASE CURE THAT WORKS, he felt cured and stopped or cut down on the protocol. Unfortunately, all attempts to contact him failed.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Observational study document

Post by johnjackson » Tue Nov 19, 2019 1:49 pm

pamojja wrote:C
never mind johnjackson, he is a know it all. But never confronted with anything close to the conditions you experienced - as a simpleton believing in one-size-fits-all - he would fail badly.

not at all, although I am sure from your viewpoint that is the best analysis you can come up with, glad you admitted you are a simpleton, I would not go as far as calling you names.
look at what the work done here and ask yourself, "isnt this pauling therapy?"
Yes, yes is, I see no difference save added k2....keep throwing out insults from your mom's basement :mrgreen:




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Re: Observational study document

Post by rainier » Wed Nov 20, 2019 4:05 am

As the document suggests this is simply an observational (self) study.
It happens to have an extremely positive outcome and yes it is very much founded on ascorbic acid which is the foundation of the protocol and an indispensable ingredient. But it certainly is not the only one. Each of the ingredients is chosen based on existing research in complimentary fashion aimed at achieving an overall outcome. It certainly, in this case, has done just that. No more, no less.

In our country - and independently - it has resulted in a product that you can buy in most pharmaceutical retailers and chemists at reasonable cost. It is mentioned in the document. It has become fairly popular over the years even without any specific advertising or the like. If taken diligently and at the correct dose - it appears to be helping many. Sadly, there are no trails to prove this and likely there will never be.

For me personally - considering my pretty bad starting position - the question is not "does it work ?". The question that needs answering is "why does it work ?'. Even better: "Why did it work so incredibly well for me ?".
That is the reason I have released this paper - perhaps, and hopefully, it can help somebody else. Perhaps my story can convince somebody in the medical profession that matters to have a closer look. It's certainly causing my cardiologist to scratch his head just a little.

As for me - the story ends here. This is now behind me, I know of course that I need to stick to the protocol for the rest of my life - that's fine. Yesterday I signed up for my next half-marathon race and I am starting to think I can do a full marathon in a few months time and maybe a famous ultra-marathon a bit later. I don't know if that counts as proof of any kind - it does not matter.

As they say: Use it, don't use it...

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Re: Observational study document

Post by confused1 » Fri Nov 22, 2019 8:18 am


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Re: Observational study document

Post by pamojja » Sat Nov 30, 2019 10:54 am

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Re: Observational study document

Post by DiverDown2 » Fri Dec 27, 2019 7:57 am

You were asked about a CAC score,
My Cardiologist told me since I had bypass surgery, it would not do any good to have that test and he refused to order it, Because the bypassed area would show up and cause a very high score.

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