The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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Ascorbate Wizard
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Post by ofonorow » Sun Aug 08, 2021 11:23 am

I posted this because I agree with the premise (headline) although it appears to contain much, perhaps unintended, misinformation.

Most people are low in vitamin C, and when supplies of the vitamin are exhausted, the immune system fails and the patient goes into sepsis and dies. So keeping vitamin C levels up reduce the risk of dying, probably to zero.

Re: so-called Delta Variant

#1) If the original coronavirus has never been cultured, and the test for it discredited, how is the so-called Delta variant indentified and/or diagnosed?

#2) The sources I trust say the Delta variant is far less deadly, more like a common summer cold, but it more transmissible. Same question applies, how do they know, unless it too was purposefully released.

#3) Case rate is up, but who is telling the truth about hospitalizations and death?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Post by jimmylesante » Sun Aug 08, 2021 11:49 am

USA CDC director says 3% of hospitalised are VACCINATED.
Israel -90% of hospitalised are VACCINATED
Iceland-70% of hospitalised are VACCINATED
UK - say 40% hospitalised are VACCINATED(although PHE shows about 50%- Jvan Tam has however deemed one dose goes into the unvaccinated column skewing the data in favour of vaccines--then PHE data on the delta variant shows vaccinated people have 2x incidence of hospitalisation and 6x incidence of death compared to unvaccinated- so Jvan Tam cherry picking his figures for highlighting to the public- or simply pork pieing.)
Wales-say 67% hospitalised are VACCCINATED
Australia- only release ICU data where 99% are unvaccinated in one hospital- no hospitalisation data
Strange data that implies you must get vaccinated to the further advanced countries such as Israel where the guided narrative is heading to ;you must now get vaccinated every 6months to keep the same immunity (cher-ching for the vaccine makers)
And in other side news,of course Professor Neil "Knocking boots" Ferguson scaremongering pre-freedom day model prediction that UK will "inevitably" hit 100k daily infections. Then scientifically questions whether this figure will "double or go even higher" .
Why does the press still ask his opinion when he has been wrong for two decades and his model which began these lockdowns has been proven to be outdated unscientific and incorrect.?

Who is telling the truth or is the lie so big they cannot get the details right?

Ascorbate Wizard
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Post by Saw » Sun Aug 08, 2021 10:36 pm

Who is telling the truth or is the lie so big they cannot get the details right?

One nurse in Iowa? a month or so ago said 100% in the covid ward had both injections.
Another nurse a few days ago reported they were no longer logging the injection status at her hospital.
CDC in june stated they would not be reporting positive pcr in those injected anymore unless hospitalized.
As Reiner Fullmich has stated, you can't believe anything the mainstream media says at this point.

Virology is a fairy tale, a 2000 year old myth made up for political/financial gain. Surely if there were any basis
in reality this Covid vilan would have been isolated long ago with every virology lab on the planet working
day and night to end this "crisis". As Dr. Cowan says - saying your an expert on viruses is bit like saying your an expert
on unicorns. It really is looking that bad.
Even a Blind Squirrel makes his own vitamin C.

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Post by ofonorow » Tue Dec 07, 2021 11:16 am

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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