Dilated Cardiomyopathy + HFrEF

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Dilated Cardiomyopathy + HFrEF

Post by deputydawg » Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:27 am

Hi Owen,

Thank you so much for your reply. I have been taking
300mg of COQ10 on and off...I am trying to figure out if it is making me feel weak.

I was in ICU last year for 5 days presenting with shortness of breath, edema in my ankles, and a cough. I thought I had Covid, which I did not. While in the ER, I was told I had afib, with a heart rate in excess of 190 bpm at times after the ER doc performed bedside ultrasound and told me matter of factly that I have heart failure with an ejection fraction of 25%. I was in that ER at 5:30 am on a Sunday morning by myself, I am recently divorced with no children and certainly did not understand what this doctor was telling me. I was panicking thinking I would die that morning and no one would know what happened to me. I also experienced an intermittent and undiagnosed condition which I finally uncovered online called Sudden Crisis Breathlessness which occurred each night as I was falling asleep in ICU. I had 3 more days of it upon release from the hospital and it finally resolved. It is a very unsettling feeling.

I felt awful upon release and was taking carvedilol, amiodarone, furosemide, and eliquis for a DVT. My main diagnosis was Acute Decompensated Heart Failure, Old Inferior Wall Myocardial Infarct, Acute Respiratory Failure and I also had atypical pneumonia, which I learned about after receiving my medical reports and which was never mentioned while I was in ICU. Upon release, I found it difficult to walk without severe dyspnea, my skin color was white, I was in bad shape for 3 days...then I turned a corner and started feeling better. I had difficulty getting an appointment with a cardiologist who was out until January of this year, and finally saw him at the end of that month. In the mean time a friend's husband who is a retired cardiologist read my medical report and my ekg tracings and said he sees no evidence of afib, nor of a previous large infarct. I stopped the amiodarone and eventually the furosemide. I just turned 55 and have done physical work as a builder of exterior structures, fences, pergolas, patio covers etc. so I was always in good shape. I am back to feeling as if I was never in ICU, I take 25 mg twice daily of carvedilol and 49/51mg twice daily of entresto, as well as myriad vitamin supplements. I have wondered if I might have had takutsobu cardiomyopathy (broken heart syndrome due to my divorce) but it seems doubtful as that condition usually resolves in a few weeks.

I had a stress echo done in March and completed the 12 minutes on the treadmill. My results were abnormal due to moderate global hypokinesis of LV contractility at rest and Dyskinesis at peak stress of anterior, lateral, septal, and inferior LV walls compatible with ischemia. My ejection fraction was measured at 35% up from 26% measured in the hospital with a nuclear Lexiscan.

I also had a DVT in my lower right leg and was taking 5mg eliquis twice daily but had ultrasound last month and it has disappeared so I am no longer taking eliquis. I should also point out that I had to keep asking my cardiologist to raise my dosage of carvedilol from 3.125 twice daily to 6.25 mg then to 12.5mg and finally to the 25mg twice daily I am now taking. I read several medical abstracts that indicated this dosage was most effective in preventing a cardiac death vs. lower dosage plus my resting heart rate was too high. I also had to ask several times to check the status of my DVT. My cardiologist is a wonderful man but he is just too busy so I have been diligent in my own care.

My biggest fear is that I will drop dead from sudden cardiac death. I have read hundred's of medical abstracts and that is how I finally found your book about Linus Pauling.

I sincerely appreciate your time and am happy to pay you for your expertise. I feel most comfortable when I can compensate a person for their time.

A Heartfelt thanks for what you have done to help so many people.

EDIT: I have noticed a slight improvement in my Raynaud's Syndrome since taking vitamin c. It seems to be connected to my other heart issues.
Last edited by deputydawg on Sat Nov 20, 2021 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dilated Cardiomyopathy + HFrEF

Post by deputydawg » Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:49 am

I might also add a peculiar hypothesis I have. Over the summer, while building outdoor structures, I found myself the object of affection by the fig beetle. If I was working with another person, the beetle only had interest in me. Just about everyday, a fig beetle would seek me out, hover, and land on me. This happened several times per day and I thought these big cumbersome beetles were just taking a rest.

After months of this happening, I decided to investigate a bit further. A few google searches revealed that the fig beetle is attracted to the gas from ripening fruit which is called ethylene. A bit more digging revealed that humans can emit ethylene gas from breath an it is an early marker of systemic inflammation. I then read a medical abstract: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5537290/

"Our results highlight that ethylene release is an early and integral component of in vivo lipid peroxidation with important clinical implications as a breath biomarker of bacterial infection."

Lipid peroxidation has been implicated in disease states such as atherosclerosis, IBD, ROP, BPD, asthma, Parkinson's disease, kidney damage, preeclampsia and others.

If my hypothesis is accurate, maybe fig beetles can detect atherosclerosis?

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Re: Dilated Cardiomyopathy + HFrEF

Post by ofonorow » Sun Nov 21, 2021 11:54 am

just a quick reply before I come back to study.... My initial reaction from your description was adrenal insufficiency... lack of cortisol...

I was in ICU last year for 5 days presenting with shortness of breath, edema in my ankles, and a cough

Back around 2011, I too wound up in intensive care for 30 days..Almost identical symptoms. Would up spending two stints of 15 day in Intensive Care, separated by about 30.. Each time 5 specialists had the opportunity to diagnose my adrenal issue, and none of them saw or thought about it... They chased what they felt must have been an infection... Perhaps because anyone with a similar issue would have died within 48 hours! So, they don't have experience...

Elsewhere I document the entire episode, but after major surgery in 2014 to implant a hernia mesh, and crashing and almost dying, they finally called in an endocrinologist who diagnosed me correctly as adrenal insufficient and I was given "stress steroids," immediately recovered and have been on hydrocortisone every since living a fairly normal life.

The book SAFE USES OF CORTISOL 3rd edition by William Mck Jefferies not only educated me, removed my fear of bioidentical (to cortisol) hydrocortisone, and how much I need to be taking, etc.


You mentioned you would obtain Jefferies book, and the next big challenge is finding an endrocrin or ND who would give you the proper prescription. More later
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Dilated Cardiomyopathy + HFrEF

Post by deputydawg » Sun Nov 21, 2021 12:32 pm

Are you thinking my enlarged heart and low ejection fraction are a result of adrenal insufficiency?

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Re: Dilated Cardiomyopathy + HFrEF

Post by deputydawg » Sun Nov 21, 2021 12:50 pm

I have not been covid vaccinated. I am concerned that the vaccination could be lethal with my heart condition and am probably more concerned about getting covid. I do not feel many symptoms of my heart failure with the exception of intermittent light headed/dizziness upon standing. I feel normal and can work long hours doing physically demanding work. Ive seen 2 unvaccinated neighbors wives get covid and their vaccinated husbands were fine. Do you have any thoughts on this?

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Re: Dilated Cardiomyopathy + HFrEF

Post by eDOC » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:07 pm

The OP's symptoms can be alleviated, disease reversed using DMSO infusions along with some supplements.

Good luck.
Rookie, rusty, sub average doc but one that gives results!

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Re: Dilated Cardiomyopathy + HFrEF

Post by deputydawg » Tue Nov 30, 2021 9:46 pm


Have you treated dilated cardiomyopathy with HFrEF previously? Would I need to have you administer the DMSO formula in your office, or is this something I can do myself with your guidance?

What area of medicine do you specialize in?


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Re: Dilated Cardiomyopathy + HFrEF

Post by ofonorow » Wed Dec 01, 2021 10:20 am

deputydawg wrote:Are you thinking my enlarged heart and low ejection fraction are a result of adrenal insufficiency?

Probably not, but that your symptoms match those of someone who has lost their ability to produce cortisol due to adrenal insufficiency. Symptoms not usually recognized by the medical profession, except a highly trained endocrinologist.

You have not mentioned what drugs you are on, but if you take cholesterol-lowering statins, those drugs would be "red flagged" as the most likely cause of cardiomyopathy. They lower CoQ10 levels.

And it is possible that low blood flow to the heart is making it enlarge and work harder. In that case, the basic Pauling vitamin C and lysine therapy, at the correct dosage, should correct the blood flow in approximately 10 days. If there are calcifications, then add vitamin K, and it might take months to restore the health of your coronary arteries.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Dilated Cardiomyopathy + HFrEF

Post by deputydawg » Thu Dec 02, 2021 12:16 pm

Hi Owen

Thanks for that information. I am taking carvedilol 25mg bid and entresto 49/51mg bid.

As for vitamins:

VC 18-20g in 5-6 doses of 3000mg-4000mg (ive noticed metallic hearing with pronounced tinnitus at this higher dose)
L-Lysine 6000mg
L-Arginine 1000mg
CoQ-10 600mg
Omega-3 1000mg
Vit B-6 200 mg
Vit B complex
Magnesium Citrate 450mg
Zinc 50mg
Vit D-3 5000iu
Vit K 200mg
Niacin 500mg intermittently

I will receive Unique E today and was going to start taking that to see if my ecg tracings can improve from abnormal to normal.
I was also going to start taking Selenium per an article I read written by Dr Jeffrey Dach.
https://jeffreydachmd.com/2018/08/cardi ... -selenium/

How can I determine if I have calcification in my coronary arteries?

As always, thank you for your help!

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Re: Dilated Cardiomyopathy + HFrEF

Post by ofonorow » Mon Dec 06, 2021 10:11 am

The fast CT-scans report calcium. However, we have learned that if you think of the arteries as a pipe, calcium deposits more on the outside of the pipe, and makes arteries stiff, but doesn't narrow and block blood flow like an Lp(a) atherosclerotic plaque would.

Supplements are very good. One concern or red flag in your list of supplements is the arginine. Lysine and arginine are antagonists, and I thought that meant they compete for absorption in the GI tract. However, after reading Jerry Tennant's heart disease chapter in HEALING IS VOLTAGE, he reviews the science and does not recommend supplementing arginine.

And 200 "milligrams" of Vitamin K? That would be high, maybe no harm. Do you mean micrograms?

I would personally take less vitamin D3 (or add vitamin A) and rely on the sun for my vitamin D
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Dilated Cardiomyopathy + HFrEF

Post by deputydawg » Mon Dec 06, 2021 8:29 pm

Ive stopped the Arginine, I read your post regarding the potential for heart attack associated with Arginine. Yes, I meant 200 micrograms.

I will eliminate the D3 for now.

I would like to post the results of my stress echo from March 2021 but the copied jpeg is too large.

I have had several ecg tracings this year and with the exception of 1, they have all been abnormal with various algorithm indications. I read in the forums here that Unique E will help bring the ecg tracings back to normal so I started taking 2000mg daily. Is this enough?

Is there anything else I should be doing to help reverse my condition? I feel great but the prognosis of dilated cardiomyopathy with low EF is very poor.

Thank you Owen for taking the time to educate me.

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Re: Dilated Cardiomyopathy + HFrEF

Post by pamojja » Tue Dec 07, 2021 5:59 am

deputydawg wrote:I will eliminate the D3 for now.

I did try to increase my 25(OH)D3 level by getting as much as possible sun-shine for 8 years. By only having a night-shift job, I was able to sun-bath on any sunny day in a usually realtively meager central European summer. 2 hours daily in something between 50 to 150 days each summer all those years. Additionally went to a South-Indian beach always in the deepest winter for 6 weeks all 8 years, with 4 hours in the sun those 50 days each (hasn't been possible since 2021 due to the corona-scare).

However, I still needed an additional of in average 8000 IU supplemented vitamin D3 each day, to be able to keep my 25(OH)D serum levels up at healthy levels, despite already getting the maximum possible from the sun.

Therefore it could really be to your disadvantage, if you stopped oral vitamin D3. Without making first sure your 25(OH)D serum level already is at a healthy level, and stays there while decreasing oral vitamin D3. Everyone is different, and most aren't simply able to produce enough endogenous vitamin D from sun in their skin.

I agree while taking vitamin D3 one should also take its co-factors, like ample Magnesium, vitamin A and Ks, also some Boron. And of course, get as much as possible from the sun.

deputydawg wrote:Ive stopped the Arginine,

I also use about 6 g/d of Arginine and/or a mix of its precursors (AAKG and Citrulline Malate) along with 6 g/d of Lysine for a total of 13 years. And also did experience remission from a walking-disabilty (due to PAD and a 80% stenosis at my abdominal aorta).

Arginine does feed certain viruses, and if one does experience such viral-flares with Arginine, its certainly better to leave it for that reason. Otherwise there isn't any reason not to add it to one's arsenal due to its NO-raising properties. Digstive absorption antagonism is always only partial, if it matters at all.

In my case it was only of benefit. But I did take much at higher doses, like Niacin at 3 g/d, EPA/DHA at 4 g/d, elemental Magnesium and Potassium both at about 1.8 g/d, vitamin K-complex a total of 20.000 micrograms (=20 mgs).

Still consider starting any supplement at its lower doses and increase gradualy over weeks/months/years the best approach to catch - due to chemical individuallity - always possible adverse rections early and easier to correct. That's what I successfully did.

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Re: Dilated Cardiomyopathy + HFrEF

Post by ofonorow » Tue Dec 07, 2021 11:26 am

However, I still needed an additional of in average 8000 IU supplemented vitamin D3 each day, to be able to keep my 25(OH)D serum levels up at healthy levels, despite already getting the maximum possible from the sun.

I do know that relying on the sun, measured vitamin D blood levels are lower than recommended, however, I am not convinced high levels are proven to be "healthy." I have avoided almost all sickness in winter, with just a reptile UV/B light on my skin. There is also sulfate "substance" that is also created on the skin from, sunlight, a deficiency of which has been correlated with atherosclerosis. (Source: HEALING IS VOLTAGE: Handbook, Jerry Tennant).

If you can't get sunlight, then 2000 to 5000 iu poses no known harm, but that amount (without light) does not protect me from winter illness, but the light does.

Tennant's argument's against arginine are surprising, and I would think a) we get some in hour diet, and probably 500 mg would not pose a problem.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Dilated Cardiomyopathy + HFrEF

Post by pamojja » Tue Dec 07, 2021 12:58 pm

ofonorow wrote:I do know that relying on the sun, measured vitamin D blood levels are lower than recommended, however, I am not convinced high levels are proven to be "healthy."

As much proven as it can get. Just todays article by Mercola: Vitamin D Level Above 55 ng/mL Cuts Infection Rate by 47%, along with the references to the studies (he now takes down articles after about 40 hours).

Or take a deep dive at https://www.grassrootshealth.net/docume ... ults-2018/

Or https://vitamindwiki.com/

ofonorow wrote:If you can't get sunlight, then 2000 to 5000 iu poses no known harm, but that amount (without light) does not protect me from winter illness, but the light does.

2000-5000 IU would not be enough for me too, to get up to healthy levels (the 8000IU above are average, naturally my intake in European winter is much higher). And I do never get winter illness. In fact can't remember even the last flu.

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Re: Dilated Cardiomyopathy + HFrEF

Post by deputydawg » Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:13 am

Thank you Owen and Pamojja for that information on D3. I need to find out where I am with my vitamin D3. I live in Orange County CA and work outdoors, so I am in the sun most of the year with shorts and t-shirt.

Owen, I keep noticing my heart palpitating intermittently and still have a relatively high heart rate of about 82bpm. I take 900 mg of magnesium citrate daily. Is there something else I can take?

Also, Im going to look into the endocrine theory you mentioned earlier. How the hell do I find a doctor well versed in this area?

Lastly, with the abnormal ecg's...what are your thoughts on the Unique E? I am taking 3000-4000mg per day now.

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