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Laughter the Best Medicine (Norman Cousins)

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 9:07 am
by ofonorow
Norman Cousins Laughed His Way Back to Health and Life

Norman Cousins was given a few months to live in 1964. He had Ankylosing Spondylitis, a rare disease of the connective tissues. He was told my a doctor who was his friend that he had a 1 in 500 chance of survival. He was told to 'get his affairs in order'.

I think he wrote a book "Laughter is the Best Medicine"...

Little problem.

2. He began to get injections of massive doses of vitamin 'C'.

His Step 2 may have had a teeny bit to do with his miraculous recovery.

In this vein, I recommend Johnny Carson tonight show, season 14, Episode 276 (or 247?) - the ENTIRE show

Orson Wells and Orson Bean are the main guests.

Ep 247. Orson Welles, Orson Bean, Carol Lawrence, Kay Lenz

September 23, 1976

yidio marks it as episode 247??? On my DVR listed as 276..

Next is just one segment of that show..

youtube direct link

For the full "power" of the show, (...say to win a bet in a bar, you telling the party you are interested in, I bet I can make you laugh... You can imagine the bet. You can't lose.) However, for the full power of this, the show must be seen from the monolog thru to the end. And the prospect should be awake and somewhat sober.

This Carson show isn't bad either.. he he he

youtube direct link

For my next trick...

Now for something completely different