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Gets the heart going, the blood pumping

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:43 pm
by Blanko
Just noticed after taking a good quantity of pure ascorbic acid, nothing else, just ascorbic acid and water, my heart is going, my blood is pumping, like I have had a shot of adrenaline. Before I took this dose I was calm and relaxed, and now I'm "on" like my body has just seen a dangerous animal nearby. Anyone else experienced this from ascorbic acid?

Re: Gets the heart going, the blood pumping

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 3:02 pm
by Blanko
Any possibility my body is viewing the ascorbic acid as a foreign chemical to deal with, like alcohol? Alcohol also gets the heart and blood going.

Re: Gets the heart going, the blood pumping

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 11:24 am
by ofonorow
Blanko wrote:Any possibility my body is viewing the ascorbic acid as a foreign chemical to deal with, like alcohol? Alcohol also gets the heart and blood going.

No. Ascorbic acid is the "least" foreign chemical, next to water. Required for life. We are constantly deficient due to the loss of our genetic ability to make ascorbate in our livers (or kidneys).

Alcohol, by the way, fools the brain into thinking it is sugar (glucose) which the brain requires. However, the brain cannot use Alcohol for energy or cooling, and thus we become intoxicated.