Heart Attack after Vaxx, Now has 2 Drug-eluding Stents

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Heart Attack after Vaxx, Now has 2 Drug-eluding Stents

Post by ofonorow » Tue Feb 13, 2024 11:09 am

Dear Owen,

I am contacting you about the Paul Linus therapy (or variations of) for heart disease.

To add some background, at age 54 I suffered a heart attack not long after being administered the second V shot some 2 years ago ago. I have been a pro sportsman most of my life and am apparently regarded by my medical advisers as fit and healthy with my risk of heart attack under 1%. I ended up with 2 drug eluting stents and was put on a standard cocktail of meds, including Atorvastain (max dose), Bisopropril, Lisinopril, Aspirin & Ticagrelor. As you can imagine it was a bit of a shock to me, my wife and young family.

You probably won't be surprised that this cocktail of drugs hasn't agreed with me! After a few months it was apparent something was off, and after 12 months I was feeling very weak, very dizzy at times and my muscle mass began wasting away particularly around my shoulders. I ended up with a frozen shoulder which in hindsight I now know was a trickle down effect from the stains and their blocking effect on hormones and immunity. Interestingly I was never told of these side effects and it was only after I got them and complained that I was informed of them..go figure!

There's no way I am prepared to accept these side effects, so I am faced with finding an alternative therapy for my apparently very advanced heart disease. My Cardiologist and Dr simply have no answers except to eat lettuce and try different Stains at lower doses to reduce my cholesterol, Lord forbid I suggested the Linus Pauling therapy I'd be laughed out the door and told I won't live a year.
I reside in New Zealand and nobody ( at least that I know of) seems at all open to the possibility that there might be another way except for taking stains to lower cholesterol and limit arteriosclerosis.

I have read Dr Aseem Malhotra's book "A Stain Free Life" which offers some hope and a slight deviation from the mainstream stain approach.

I have read of Dr Ken Walker (W.Gifford-Jones) and his pragmatic approach that appears to be successful using LP therapy in a real world situation. Can you comment further on him?

I have read of Dr Rath, he seems rather controversial, but that may just be what I can immediately find on him after the search engines have censored the news on him? Your comments on Dr Rath?

I have learned of Dr Levy by reading your material. Is he reachable and available for consultation for situations like mine?

I have read your various articles on Vit C. They seem very compelling and almost too good to be true. I would really like to believe this could work for me but am a little sceptical.
Can you connect me with a health professional (General Dr or Cardiologist ) that endorses this approach and could tailor the best therapy for me?

I have also found 2 sites that sell Vit C, Lysine etc . Tower Laboratories & Pauling Heat Therapy/ Intelignetvitaminc.com. Both of these seem to be connected to you but have slightly differing products. Can you recommend one or the other and why you have 2 outlets? Residing in New Zealand means shipping these products for prolonged use makes it very expensive. Assuming this is the right way to go, is it possible to buy in bulk ( after figuring out the right product dosages etc)?

I look forward to your reply.

Kind Regards

Sorry to hear how you have been caught up in the World-wide Medical Industrial complex.

There is hope. You didn't mention reading my book, but a woman, Carol Smith, kept feeling cured, but then relapsed about six months after she stopped her high-dose vitamin C. She went through this cycle at least 3 times. The third time ill-fitting drug-eluding medical stents were placed causing her pain. She went back on vitamin C (and lysine) and Unique-E vitamin E at a high enough dosage that she was able to overcome her pain and difficulties.

The key is dosage. You need high antioxidant power, and that usually means very high vitamin C to overcome the "poison" those stents are emitting. My book explains the folly that are "drug eluding" stents, and I hope someday a good lawyer gets them inserted and stops the practice.

The drugs you are on aren't helping, but we have enough experience to know that only good things happen as vitamin C (and lysine) are increased, no matter how extensive the medications.

IMO the worst drugs are the statin cholesterol-lowering drugs. High vitamin C can reliably lower your cholesterol, but it does so by fixing the root cause. Statins are dangerous because they make the underlying condition worse, while lowering the "symptom" (cholesterol) which your body is using to try and control the fire that is heart disease.

Go to the store, purchase vitamin C and lysine as pills, and work your way up to 5000 mg of each. If the pills are 500 mg, then 10 pills of each (20 pills) will provide the minimum therapeutic dosage.

forum post for newbies with basically the same information and schedule of dosing

Taking all these pills you will start to understand why our powdered drink mixes are so popular! But the pills will work if it can work for you. However, with those stents you will likely need at least twice as much vitamin C, or at least 10,000 mg of vitamin C daily.

As far as the different products, it depends on how many pills you want to avoid? Everything in them are dietary supplements you should be taking, e.g. vitamin E, vitamin A, CoQ10, magnesium, etc. At their core is Pauling's invention: Vitamin C and Lysine. Cardio-C has only Pauling's invention, and has worked miracles, but I assume customers are also taking the other recommended supplements on their own, esp. vitamin E and CoQ10.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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