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Questions from a reader of the PMWL book

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:38 am
by ofonorow

Owen, I have your book and cannot put it down!!!

I read if I'm not mistaken, that your oldest brother has heart disease and could not take dosages neccessary because of no bowel tolerence. How do we know when we are like your brother and cannot take as much as we need.

And what do you take now and what did you take to cure yourself? I really would like to be a part of this vitamin c foundation and am planning on making a donation soon.

Thanks for all ypu do for all of us! Vickie P

I am always happy to read messages like this. Thank you. However, if I left the implication that I needed to be cured, at least of heart disease, I left the wrong impression. I was speaking mostly of previous infections, gouty arthritis and allergies B.C. (Before vitamin C)

The bowel tolerance phenomenon is hard to miss. My father could not tolerate more than 200 mg, and my brother can barely take 4 g without diarrhea. He may be absorbing less. The answer for him, in my opinion, was to add at least 2 Lypo-C ( daily.

I think if someone can tolerate at least 10,000 mg of ordinary vitamin C, then barring dental work, diabetes, etc. they shouldn't have to worry.

So, if you can absorb large amounts of C, you should go to your tolerance.

If your tolerance is very low, less then 4g, you should consider a liposhperic form of the vitamin for maximum utilization without diarrhea.

If you are border line, maybe add 1 packet of Lypo-C as insurance.

I myself now take vitamin C foundation C powder, which I add to Cardio-C and various Tower products which my entire family consumes throughout the month. So we take CardioAde, HeartTechnology and Ascorsine-9 throughout the month (which Tower is kind enough to donate to me).