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Question on High Blood pressure

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 5:15 am
by ofonorow
Subject: Blood pressure

I have to get my blood pressure down, it's running at an average of 145 /105 / 55, what do you recommend?

From Scotland

We get asked this from people wondering what specific Pauling-therapy product is best for lowering blood pressure, and as anyone who has been reading this forum for awhile knows, there is no simple answer. We usually respond that many cases of high blood pressure have responded to Pauling's vitamin C/lysine therapy. There are many different causes, but there is no harm in trying.

My usual recommendation for hypertension is to begin vitamin K - but this interferes with drugs routinely given to heart patients

Re: Question on High Blood pressure

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:50 am
by whitney357
A couple of days ago I have checked my blood pressure to a doctor and it was about 88/68. My doctor didn't say more about it, so I thought I'm fine. But I heard about one of my friends whose blood pressure was same like me and her doctor told that she has low blood pressure. So do I also have low blood pressure? Can you inform me about the number of low blood pressure?

Re: Question on High Blood pressure

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:13 am
by ofonorow
Blood pressure varies, and it is somewhat unusual to be at a doctor's office and have low blood pressure, usually these visits create at least some stress. I wouldn't worry about it. Do you have any symptoms of low blood pressure? Fainting?

Re: Question on High Blood pressure

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 4:21 pm
by T300WbyMag
Do you recommend Vitamin K 1 or K 2?

Re: Question on High Blood pressure

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 4:17 am
by ofonorow
Both. Supposedly K2 is better, but in the one case I am most aware of, I believe they supplemented K1. I think Life Extension offers a product with both forms. Posters have had specific recommendations, and if someone finds them, maybe they can post the link. I am no expert, but I believe mg of K1 and micrograms of K2 would be effective, and the body can turn one into the other.

Re: Question on High Blood pressure

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 4:35 pm
by T300WbyMag
Thank You Very Much.....