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Naturopath diagnosed with mild CHF

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 3:41 am
by ofonorow
Dear Dr. Fonorow,
My name is Dr. Robert H. and I am a naturopathic practitioner in prvate practice in upstate New York. I have read Dr. Paulings book "How to Live Longer and Feel Better" several years ago and agree with its teachings. I have also read the excerpt from Chapter 7 of your Book "Practicing Medicine Without a License." I am fascintaed by the orthomolecular protocol but I have a question. I was recently diagnosed with "non-ischemic" cardiomyopathy and very mild CHF...I have no blockagesanywhere, no high cholesterol, normal EKG, never had an angina attack and my lungs are clear. Since the Pauling protocol seems to only address coronary artery disease (which I apparently don't have according to "them") would this program be benefical for me to use to reverse my own cardiac situation?

I thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from you.
Dr. Robert H., N.D.

Dear Dr. H.,

I am curious how you were diagnosed? What are the symptoms? Your age?

I take it from your description that your vitamin C intake is good. And that you are not on any prescription medications, such as, (especially), statin drugs.

My first thought is to increase your CoQ10, either ubiquinone or the newer ubiquinol. Are you supplementing CoQ10 now? Generally, CoQ10 should be taken with fats (requires bile to be absorbed) and we get most of our CoQ10 from eating meats. Vegetarians can be deficient, leading to organ failure.

I await your response.

Re: Natropath diagnosed with mild CHF

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 3:54 am
by Johnwen
I read this post and a light came on in my head just the other day I was reading an article about a person who died sudenly and the autopsy found that although the main cardiac vessels where clear a great number of the minor vessels were occulded. This leading to numerous infarcts and cardiac failure. I wish I could find that article again. I also remember it was a statin pusher so I really didn't put to much intrest in it.
In this ND case I would say by all means he needs to be on Paulings thearpy asap! Because if he's showning CHF and no obivious reason it has to be at a microscopic level. Yes he needs to be on Q10 as Owen suggested at least 200 Mg. to start!
I think you can see this guy is walking around with a loaded gun stuck to his head just waiting to go off. He's fortunate to have found it at this point and needs to take action now.

Re: Natropath diagnosed with mild CHF

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 2:51 am
by ofonorow
Dear Dr. Fonorow,

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly (faster than my cardiologist!). I am 50 years old, and initially my primary care physician took a chest X-ray as he was trying to rule out the possible cause of a chronic dry cough that I had.

At that time he told me that the X-ray looked good and there was nothing to worry about. Two days later, he reported that the radiologist who read my X-ray said that I had "moderate heart enlargement and possibly mild CHF."

I was referred to a cardiologist who ordered an echocardiogram and he confirmed the diagnosis made by the radiologist.

As far as my supplements, I have adopted the Pauling Therapy as outlined in Chapter 7 of "Practicing Medicine Without a License?" I am currently on 300 mg of Co-Q10, 9 grams of vitamin C and 5 grams ofL-Lysine.

Thank you for your interest in my case. I know that I will feel better if I can get rid of some of this excess only symptom other than slight swelling in my lower extremities and abdomen was some slight shortnest of breath on minor exertion which would return after about 20 seconds of rest..

If I may be of assistance to the Vitamin Foundation, please feel free to contact me.


Dr. Bob

Sounds like you are on the right track. Coincidentally, the latest Townsend Letter for Patients and Doctors (May 2010, pg 76) has an article by Stephen Sinatra about the main 4 nutrients he uses to increase heart energy. The following are his "therapeutic" daily dosages:

CoQ10 - 300-600 mg
L-carnitine - up to 3000 mg (in divided doses)
D-Ribose (7-10 grams for heart failure, 10-15 g for those awaiting heart transplant)
magnesium at least 400 mg

The only one not in my protocol is D-Ribose which is a "sugar" that is well absorbed and that the body apparently must make to produce ATP.

Re: Natropath diagnosed with mild CHF

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:12 am
by ofonorow

Dear Dr. Fonorow,

I am feeling better already just by speaking with people of like mind and I have adopted as of today the Pauling Therapy Protocol in its entirety. I would LOVE to be a member of the forum!

I also appreciate what the doc who responded to my case said...makes sense that the blockages could be on the microscopic level...good "food for thought."

Looking forward to hearing from you and I thank you so much for all that you are doing for me...nice to know that some people still care.

Dr. Bob H.

Re: Natropath diagnosed with mild CHF

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:39 am
by Johnwen
This is not the paper I mentioned before. However this one gives insight into the supplements that can be used and the reasons for their use as well as references for further reading.
With this info he should be able to establish a good natural path to follow to health.
You'll also notice that there's no mention of V-C protocal which is disappointing but he's targeting a specific problem and not the causes.
My beleif is prevention should always be part of the cure so the Pauling therapy should also be included and work from there.
Note the emphasis on Magnesium!

Re: Natropath diagnosed with mild CHF

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:29 am
by Ralph Lotz

Your link is excellent, however enlarged heart is also symptomatic of wet beri-beri, so thiamine (B1) supplementation could be part of the solution, and is dirt cheap.

Re: Natropath diagnosed with mild CHF

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:18 am
by DoctorBob
Many MANY thanks to Johnwen, Ralph and Owen for your input! I am working with a holistically-minded chiropractor who also does a lot of Applied Kinesiology..I am feeling better already. I am using 12,000 grams of Vitamin C per day (seems to be my "tolerance") and six grams of L-Lysine. I am taking 300 mg of ubiquinol per day and magnesium (750 mg). I am following the Pauling Therapy quite closely, I just need to add the aminio acids. Thanks for all of your help and feeback.

Dr. B.

Re: Natropath diagnosed with mild CHF

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:19 am
by DoctorBob additon to "cleaning up" my once-horrible dietary intake, I have also began supplementing with Vitamin B1 and Super-B Complex.

Re: Natropath diagnosed with mild CHF

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:58 pm
by Johnwen
First of all welcome to the forum. A good way to get yourself familiar what whats going on is sit down and go back to some of the older posts and work your way up to date. You find that there is some knowledgeable and helpful people here and sometimes things are missed. Don't be bashful if you see something going the wrong way get involved your going to learn alot or your going to teach alot. Somethings will just baffle you, Thats what makes it interesting.

Just a little help if I can! Now your taking more supplements then I'm sure you where use to before. Taking then faithfully is important. A little trick I found is if I have a busy day coming up I preload my pills and caps in small bottle or plastic pill container and keep it with me. That way I know if I took a pill or forgot it. I spread mine throughout the day so this helps keep track.

Have fun!!

Re: Natropath diagnosed with mild CHF

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 12:24 am
by DoctorBob

Thanks for your interest and kind words! I have been diligent with my new supplement program, and I lay out my lunch and dinner supplements in the am when after I get up...I wrap them securely in a napkin and tape it shut. I take my morning regimen with my breakfast at home.

I'm actually feeling if I could just get rid of this excess fluid in my lower legs and feet...I refuse to take Lasix. I tried 40 mg at the request of the "specialist" for a few did nothing.

Have a god day and I look forward to helping the good folks here as much as I can with my background.

Dr. B.

Re: Natropath diagnosed with mild CHF

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 4:10 pm
by Ralph Lotz
I'm actually feeling if I could just get rid of this excess fluid in my lower legs and feet...I refuse to take Lasix. I tried 40 mg at the request of the "specialist" for a few did nothing.

DoctorBob, make sure that your vitamin D3 levels as 25(OH) D are between 50-80 ng/ml.

If you are inside a lot and live north of Atlanta, supplement of 4,000-5,000 IU daily might be appropriate.
20 minutes of sun with 80% body exposure is the preferred method to increase vitamin D3.

Vitamin D3 is involved in muscle strength and kidney function.

Lasix causes B1 deficiency.

Re: Natropath diagnosed with mild CHF

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 12:18 am
by DoctorBob
Hi Ralph,

Thanks for your feedback...I notice that the Vitamin D3 recommendation is in the Pauling protocol...I'll be picking that up today and starting that too...also....being from Central New York our sunshine is hit-and-miss (even during the summer)...but i'll be sure to do my best to soak up the sun. As a matter of fact, my training as a naturopath included using and fecommending to my clients "DR. W. SAFE" which stands for diet, rest, water, sunshine, attitude, fresh air and exercise.

Thanks as always!

Doctor Bob