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Relatives heart, stents, pain and blockage

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:57 am
by BaronZemo
A while ago I posted something about a relative who had chest pains and went into doc who gave him a full pallette of heart medications..statins, blood pressure, trglyceride drugs etc.

Two years after that he needed to have two stents put in, now, three years after that he experienced chest pain after excercise. He went for stress test, they found blockages....two more stents put in

So much for the current medical establishment protocol working !

ppps.. he said that losing weight lowered his blood pressure, now he is somewhat thin but still has heart problems, so much for obese people only getting heart problems

Re: Relatives heart, stents, pain and blockage

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:10 am
by ofonorow
So what is his vitamin C intake? Sounds like it must be ordinary low.

Re: Relatives heart, stents, pain and blockage

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:29 am
by BaronZemo

I told him about the c protocol two years ago, I know he was taking fish oil and coq10 for the statins.

The whole c thing seems too much outside the box for most
Being somewhat distrustful of mainstream authority, and realising that many great discoveries come from people at odds with this authority, I was drawn to the c protocol.....independent, critical thinkers are a dying breed in US ...get in line and just go BAAH BAAA BAAH!

Re: Relatives heart, stents, pain and blockage

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:33 am
by ofonorow
I know all about leading horses to water... Even in my own family. And the more "intelligent" people are (by conventional standards) the harder it for them to accept that simple vitamins can be the answer, and medicine would be ignoring this fact. We all have certain "truths" we hold on to.

However, maybe there is still time and he may be in enough pain to finally listen to Linus Pauling? Is he currently having angina pain? If so, he is the person who usually responds in about 10 days - assuming he can tolerate 10,000 mg of vitamin C and 6000 mg lysine.

Re: Relatives heart, stents, pain and blockage

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:37 am
by BaronZemo
Is he currently having angina pain? If so, he is the person who usually responds in about 10 days - assuming he can tolerate 10,000 mg of vitamin C and 6000 mg lysine

no pain after stents. but it doesn't seem right that you take all these pills and you stil need more "add ons" like stents etc later on

Re: Relatives heart, stents, pain and blockage

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:08 am
by ofonorow
Well, if he doesn't have pain now, after stents, without increasing his C - he will.

Re: Relatives heart, stents, pain and blockage

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:39 am
by BaronZemo
ofonorow wrote:Well, if he doesn't have pain now, after stents, without increasing his C - he will.

yeah, every two years seems to be the cycle

Re: Relatives heart, stents, pain and blockage

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:16 pm
by Johnwen
yeah, every two years seems to be the cycle

Sounds like their using DES (drug elluding stents) Most people can get 5 years out of them but it seems more like 2 years is the norm. This sounds like the RCA, LDA area better known as the "Widow Maker," In a few more years he'll have whats known as a "Full Metal Jacket." that's between 6 to 10 stents in one artery. AT this point his Cardio will tell him there's nothing more he can do for him and there's not a lot of surgeons who do parallel bypass's. Once a heart patient always a heart patient!

Hope this gives you a little fuel to lay on your realitive and it's not intended to scare him, just the facts.
When he get's off the Plavix he needs to follow Owen's Advice and get with the program (V-C) if he's planning on being around for more then another 10 years or so.

Re: Relatives heart, stents, pain and blockage

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:47 am
by BaronZemo
Once a heart patient always a heart patient!

Or , once a cashcow, always a cash cow.

And the more "intelligent" people are (by conventional standards) the harder it for them to accept that simple vitamins can be the answer,

Especially for him, as he has a masters degree