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Acidity of lysine, Osteoarthritis Despite 2 gm vit C

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 1:34 pm
by ofonorow
Dear Owen R. Fonorow

After taking vitamin c with Lysine hydrochloride sometimes there is acidity problem. Is it due to lysine hydrochloride ? What is advisable-using lysine base or lysine hydrochloride ?

I am having osteoarthritis in spite of taking 2 gms of vitamin c everyday.

Should i increase the dose ? Please advise.



Perhaps try sodium ascorbate - or add some baking soda to the vitamin C/lysine drink. (If you take pills, it shouldn't matter - since the stomach is designed for a highly acidic environment. The cells are protected.)

Usually the acid reflux reaction is outside the stomach, i.e. at the bottom of the throat (esophagus) because these cells cannot tolerate the acid as well. So again, your options are pills/capsules - or to buffer the vitamin C before you swallow.

I doubt the form of lysine is the problem.

And yes, I would increase to bowel tolerance to see how that affects your arthritis. See:

And Dr. Brownstein blames an infectious agent for much o-arthritis, and is able to treat it with an IV antibiotic. See his book on Arthritis at