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Best PT Product to lower high cholesterol

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:19 am
by ofonorow
Dear Owen,

My Doctor Called Me yesteday to say I have dangerously high cholesterol and is sending my results in the mail. In the Past it has been 240's. I want to order the product that will best lower my Cholesterol.

Also, about 2 years ago I was hospitalized with "peracarditis" (sorry about the spelling) my heart had fluid under the membrane.

I really want to get this under control ASAP. I started taking Alpha and Gamma tocotrienols to help as well.

Please respons as soon as possible so I can place my order as to which of the products on the Vitamin C Foundation Website will be best for me.



Vitamin C is the "best" product for lowering cholesterol.

How much vitamin C do you take? Some optimal amount of vitamin C will lower your cholesterol to around 180 mg/dl.

Start here:

and let us know your bowel tolerance to vitamin C and we can recommend a product.