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Will PT in water throughout the day stay potent?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:00 am
by ofonorow
Owen, I was wondering if it was a good idea to put 4 scoops of heart tech in a 24oz water bottle and drink it through out the day without loosing its V-C quality. Thanks, Pat

From what we know - vitamin C can degrade by 50% (but only 50%) in four hours in H2O. Pure sterile water causes less degradation. (Copper ions are a primary cause of the breakdown). Concentration matters, so the higher concentration, less water, slower the break down.

Based on this knowledge, lets say you wanted 6 grams - 2 scoops - why not add another 6 grams of vitamin C powder or sodium ascorbate to the water? Then you are guaranteed at least six grams into your system and can sip throughout the day?

Re: Will PT in water throughout the day stay potent?

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:57 pm
by tjohnson_nb
Owen, would you mind saying how it is you came to know this? We are having a discussion on the OptimalC FB page.

Re: Will PT in water throughout the day stay potent?

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 7:48 am
by ofonorow
This is the figure scanned from Sherry Lewin's 1976 book VITAMIN C: ITS BIOLOGY AND MEDICAL POTENTIAL that shows vitamin C concentration in water. Note the asymptotic slope is such that about 50% is lost in 4 hours and then the curve levels off. In the discussion Dr. Lewin mentions that concentration, ions, temperature, etc. affect the drop off of vitamin C in solution.


Re: Will PT in water throughout the day stay potent?

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 10:24 am
by tjohnson_nb
Thanks :)