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Female looking for alternative to Crestor for BP/Chol

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:45 am
by ofonorow
I recently went to a physical therapist who recommended me trying the Linus Pauling method to help my high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I had tried Red Yeast Extract, later finding out that my numbers had increased. They put me on Crestor & do not want to take it. Could you please recommend something natural for me to take? I am 5 ft tall and weigh approximately 115 lbs.

Thank you for your prompt response,

Good advice! I like your therapist.

Yes, start with the following protocol and work up to determine your optimal vitamin C intake. When your total cholesterol reaches 180 mg/dl, in my opinion, based on personal experience and Linus Pauling's books, you are at your optimal intake.

If you can not tolerate enough oral vitamin C to lower cholesterol, there are liposomal products that feature no gas/bloating or diarrhea.

Also, blood pressure generally lowers alongside cholesterol - but sometimes, adding supplemental vitamin K (esp. K2) is required.