continuing statin drugs on cardio-C

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continuing statin drugs on cardio-C

Post by Mazeroller » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:10 am

I have been giving my 80 year oud mother cardio-C for over a month, 3 times a day and suplementing with sodium ascorbic to a around 8-10 grams a day total. She seems to being doing much better but I have not taken her off the satin drugs or the high blood pressure pills and the nitro patches. I asked her doctor if I could switch her to nitro spray rather than the patches and he told me I would be putting her in danger. I didn't mention that I was giving her the vitamin C. Does leaving her on the drugs affect the good the cardio-C is doing for her? How can I tell if I am reversing the heart disease if I can't remove her from the drugs. Her history has been high chlorestrol, high blood pressure and angina. She moved in with me a little over a month ago and has been improving ever since. I'm not sure how to handle it from here on. She is going for a cat scan this week and I am hoping that will tell me something.

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This is always tough

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jun 11, 2007 9:00 am

She seems to being doing much better but I have not taken her off the satin drugs or the high blood pressure pills and the nitro patches

I'm glad she seems to be doing better and tolerating the product and C.

But "taking her off her medication" is always difficult. So long as organized medicine operates under the "community practice" umbrella, your doctor MUST practice the same as all the other medical doctors in your community -- even if that practice is killing people!?. It is nuts, but it is apparently the law.

Even if your doctor wanted to take her off the drugs, and try vitamin C, she can't do it without jeopardy. At least until she is certain in her own mind of the risks and benefits (and there is an army of pharmaceutical reps working to convince her of the "science" behind their prescription drugs, and a flood of pharmco-inspired media propaganda designed to disuade your doctor from trying vitamins.)

Your mom can certainly make her own decisions - if she is capable. Let her make up her own mind. You might try to explain the benefits and risks. I usually start with "listen to your body." How you feel is a good guide whether what you are doing is the right thing (generally true - after any detox reaction)

Try making small changes in her drugs, diet and supplements, and keep a record of how she feels. Good luck!
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Seymore Spectacles

question for Owen

Post by Seymore Spectacles » Mon Jun 11, 2007 12:33 pm


Couldn't/wouldn't an ACAM doctor be able to help with this transition? Aren't there ANY health care professionals out there that could assist with this situation? Perhaps a qualified ND?


Still on satins

Post by Mazeroller » Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:35 pm

We have a medicare system here but doctors are hard to come by and I consider myself lucky (or not) that I have access to a family doctor. If it was a decision for myself there would be no question, but to make a decision to take my Mom off doctors percsribed medicine requires a gutsy move that would also go against my brother and sisters will. My mother can make her own decisions but she is brainwashed like the majority of the population when it comes to doctors. I can take her to a nuropath but It probably won't change her mind. All I can do is hope that she continues to improve despite the medications. I was however able to wean her off nerve medication which was really making a wreck out of her when she was taken off it too fast by my brother. I just wish there was some way I could prove that the cardio-C was reversing her heart disease then I could make a case for removing her off the drugs.

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Re: question for Owen

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:40 pm

Seymore Spectacles wrote:Owen,

Couldn't/wouldn't an ACAM doctor be able to help with this transition? Aren't there ANY health care professionals out there that could assist with this situation? Perhaps a qualified ND?

In theory, maybe. But the reason so many of these doctors are brought before state medical boards is because they are going against standard community practices. So they risk their careers and practice by doing what is right. They are my heros.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Proof and the hidden agenda

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jun 12, 2007 6:12 pm

I just wish there was some way I could prove that the cardio-C was reversing her heart disease

Me too.

I think Dr. Thomas Levy's book makes the best, fairly easy-to-read case for vitamin C being the root cause of cardiovascular disease. Very powerful. The hope is that anyone you can get to read it will realize that not only is there no harm in trying, in all liklihood, taking extra vitamin C will do a great deal of good.

The hard part is overcoming the mountain of propaganda promoting drugs, especially statin drugs and aspirin as "life savers."

If you are going against your mother and brothers and sisters, I think I would take a step back, because you will get blamed for everything bad that happens, and will not get credit for any of the good.

Final thought, it has occurred to me that what is really going on, perhaps since the bankers started controlling governments behind the scenes in 1913, is population control. In other words, there is a hidden agenda, and it isn't pretty. The infamous "they" know that pharmaceuticals kill and maime, but not only do they allow it, they are counting on it.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Seymore Spectacles

Re: question for Owen

Post by Seymore Spectacles » Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:06 pm

ofonorow wrote:
Seymore Spectacles wrote:Owen,

Couldn't/wouldn't an ACAM doctor be able to help with this transition? Aren't there ANY health care professionals out there that could assist with this situation? Perhaps a qualified ND?

In theory, maybe. But the reason so many of these doctors are brought before state medical boards is because they are going against standard community practices. So they risk their careers and practice by doing what is right. They are my heros.


I appreciate the difficult circumstances in which such doctors find themselves. I guess what I can't fully comprehend is why some doctors, like Dr. Ornish, can manage to take patients off of medications without being brought up on medical misconduct charges.

Certainly, Dr. O's approach is drastically different from the AMA's position. It's true that mainstream medicine doesn't accept his treatment protocol widely ... but no one is threatening him with any sort of professional penalties.

Why do you think this is?

Seymore Spectacles

reply for Owen

Post by Seymore Spectacles » Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:20 am


Can you please begin a new thread, starting with your last post as a jumping-off point?

I'm at work at the moment and it looks like it'll be a hectic day. But, over the weekend, I will do my best to address the questions and issues you brought up.

I hope others will add their input as well.


Post by J.Lilinoe » Sat Jun 16, 2007 10:38 am

Final thought, it has occurred to me that what is really going on, perhaps since the bankers started controlling governments behind the scenes in 1913, is population control. In other words, there is a hidden agenda, and it isn't pretty. The infamous "they" know that pharmaceuticals kill and maime, but not only do they allow it, they are counting on it

Owen, this devastating thought has crossed my mind many times after I began to realize that the government has done nothing to punish the companies who have killed people through drug side effects. I am glad that I am not the only one who feels this way.

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Big Pharms Secret Agenda

Post by ascorbicjoe » Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:20 pm

I tend to agree that there seems to be a goal that is different than saving people's lives. They win twice, they kill you off, but after they drain your money from you.

That way you do not leave any behind to improve the lives of your children. The best slaves are hungry and poor. They will work for food.

If, that is not the case, they are just greedy corporations that can operate without remorse regarding the damage they do. As long as the cash register continues to ring, everything is alright.

individual freedom

population control??? see the article below...

Post by individual freedom » Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:14 pm

see paragraph nine regarding population control. read the whole article if you have the stomach for it and here is another link as well:

this idea of population control is not a new one. the protocols of the elders of zion and the talmud itself indicate that such a thing is real.

what we know for sure is that our thinking and the fruit of our labor are being controled and stolen. this is an indisputable fact.

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