Question on Lypo-C for CVD

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Question on Lypo-C for CVD

Post by ofonorow » Sun Sep 09, 2007 8:19 am

Hello Dr. Fonorow - Did try to call but not available - the Foundation kindly provided you're email and suggested I write. Generally speaking, what is your opinion on how much lypospheric C is needed per day to aggressively treat arteries. I think a could afford 3 1000mg packets per day for awhile and maybe 2 per day in the long run. According to the lypospheric website, about 6000 mg of regular C would be approximately equivalent to 1000mg of lypospheric. Would there be any problem using the lyposheric and a Foundation product together, e.g., the Cardio-C or another product you might suggest? Any problem combining C therapy with EDTA oral chelation?

In my situation, I have 5 stents placed and very occasional chest pain. I've done EECP therapy twice. I've had no by-pass surgery. My traditional medications are 50mg Toprol XL, 10mg Norvasc, 10/20Vytorin, 75mg Plavix, 325mg Ecotrin. I take a variety of supplements including 100 mg CoQ10 (CoQ Sol type), 9000mg C capsules ( 3 morning, 3 noon ,3 night), 1000mg Omega 3 - fish oil, natozine product (2000-3000 units /day), blood sugar supplement, natural alph lipoic acid (about 600mg/day), 400mg magnesium, muti-vitamin/mineral (New Chapter), 400mg EDTA liquid oral chelation product-CardioRenew (in process of switching to/trying CardioClear capsules), prostate supplements.

Thanks very much for any information you may be able to provide,


Dear John,

Well, I think the Lypospheric C is a fine product, but I'm not sure from your communication why you are focusing on it for CVD, unless you have a low bowel tolerance for ordinary vitamin C? Due to the expense, we would generally recommend Lypo-C for those looking to increase their blood concentrations of vitamin C above what is generally achievable with ordinary oral intakes. An example would be helping to keep a redux pressure on cancers.

If you have a low tolerance, then a good strategy is to find your bowel tolerance with ordinary ascorbic acid, then back off maybe 25%, and start using Lypo-C at that point.

You seem to indicate that you are taking 9000 mg C - 3000 mg X 3 times daily. Do you get any gas or diarrhea?

I think that one packet of Lypo is probably worth 2 to 5 g of ordinary vitamin C. You can improve the bioavailability of ordinary vitamin C by taking it with protein, away from carbs. There is also some evidence that taking it with Aloe Vera increases uptake.

Your supplements seem good, although I would recommend Pauling's advice first - orthomolecular, substances the body requires for life.

Your drugs don't seem as onerous as most heart patients. The goal should be to get off all drugs.

No lysine/proline?


Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 15:49:51 +0000
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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