Consultation Requested re: Calcium

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Consultation Requested re: Calcium

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:09 pm

Greetings, I ordered Tower Ascorsine-9 two days ago. I have recently been diagnosed with heart disease. Three heart arteries. I have seen the heart scan and inside the block=age in one artery are two peices of calcium which look like two "dice" side by side. I am interested in your thoughts concerning "oral chelation". Will it work to remove the calcium, and can I> take it with the Ascorsine-9? What do you recommend? Respectfully, R.

Dear R.
Sorry to hear about your disease. In my opinion you have selected a good product . I can not really help without knowing

A) How much vitamin C do you take daily, and your tolerance

B) The drugs you are taking

You should determine your bowel tolerance - see

If it is low (less than 10,000 mg) you may have to adjust, otherwise you should start with 2 Jars A-9 monthly, and then add the additional vitamin> C (to tolerance) in between A-9 dosings, e.g. every 4 hours.

If your tolerance is low, you should consider Lypo-C as the supplemental ascorbate. Now there are other factors and a new book that explains everything should be availa ble within one month.

As far as the calcium - common heart drugs PROMOTE the deposition of calcium in soft tissues and heart valves, and the best way to> reverse these deposits is with the proper use of vitamin K. But, vitamin K is contraindicated if you are taking the drugs that cause the calcium build-ups. It is a real mess.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Consultation Requested re: Calcium

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:20 pm

. I should have supplied you with more information. Sorry about that.

Thank you for your quick response

I rejected the Lipitor the cardiologist perscribed. The only meds I take ar e one aspirin a day and multi vitamins with an additional 2000 mg of sodium ascorbate daily.

I have determined to stop taking the aspirin once I begin the A-9. It appears that one of the ingredients of the A-9 will replace the benefits the aspirin provides.

I am concerned about the calcium "dice" being released once the plaque surrounding them is removed. This concern is what prompted my question about the oral chelation. Can I take both A-9 and Oral Chelation? Can you give me your thoughts on Oral Chelation. I'm not convinced that it is productive.

To conclude. I take one aspirin, vitamins and suppliment a little Vit C daily. I believe I'm actually in good shape to begin the A-9. My only concern is the calcium "dice" being dislodged. The cardiologist said it would not happen but he also said the plaque would never go away:-)

Can you point me at some Vitamin K information if this is what you recommend?

I intend to have another CT scan of my heart in one year. I

Warm Regards,


First, Ralph Lotz contributed this


In my opinion, the best way to reverse the deposit is with Vitamin D3, FIRST, then K2 (MK-7)

Just any vitamin K will NOT work.

vitamin K1 is worthless for this purpose, but will screw up coumadin where small amounts of K2 will not

K2, MK-7 100 micrograms (derived from natto, available from Source Naturals and Jarrow)

Ralph Lotz, OrthomoPath

Vitamin C will help overcome any damage to the stomach lining and other tissues caused by the aspirin.

You need to determine your bowel tolerance. 2 servings per day of A-9 is sufficient for most people, but until you know your tolerance, or until CardioRetinometry is routinely available from your local optometrist, we don't have a great way to know exactly how much C you require.

I have no strong opinions on so-called Oral Chelation. Can you find anyone who felt it was of benefit?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Consultation Requested re: Calcium

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:23 pm

As a matter of routine advice, once you start taking a drug, even aspirin, it is prudent to wean yourself off it. So reduce the dosage. Cut the pill in half, then in quarters, then every other day, etc.

As far as the optimum replacement for Aspirin - I think the Omega-3 fish oils per Barry Sear's zone books fit the bill.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ralph Lotz
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Re: Consultation Requested re: Calcium

Post by Ralph Lotz » Tue Feb 19, 2008 7:23 am

If you live north of Atlanta or don't get much sun, chances are that you are deficient in vitamin D3.
Calcium can be removed from the arteries with vitamin D3.
I take a minmum of 5,000 IU daily as D3, cholcalciferol.

The danger level of Calcium in the arteries can be determined by your AGATSTON SCORE.

Linus Pauling recommended at least 3 grams of C and 1 gram of lysine daily. People at risk need to take at leat 6 grams of C and 5 grams of lysine daily.

The best time to start taking Ascorsine 9 is YESTERDAY, 2 servings daily.
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush


Re: Consultation Requested re: Calcium

Post by bonehead » Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:51 am

Owen, thanks for the book! It answered many questions and left me with a few. That's as it should be.

I take six scoops of A-9 a day. Three a 6 AM and three at 6 PM. I do not take the 6 AM dose with food. Is this okay or am I subjecting my stomach to too much acid?

Can I take antibiotics with the A-9? If the need arises to take antibitotics, will there be a conflict with the A-9 ingredients?

Calcium. I have read many articles that suggest we need more calcium than we get in our normal diet. What are your thoughts on this?

Dental work. I have had 7 or 8 root canals. In the book you mentioned that this could be a problem which affects the performance of the A-9 therapy. I have been on the A-9 for six weeks. I plan on having a cholesterol test in about two weeks. I am thinking that if I do not see a reduction in my 300 plus level from last year that it may be due to the bacteria produced by infected teeth?


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Re: Consultation Requested re: Calcium

Post by ofonorow » Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:59 am

bonehead wrote:Owen, thanks for the book! It answered many questions and left me with a few. That's as it should be.

I take six scoops of A-9 a day. Three a 6 AM and three at 6 PM. I do not take the 6 AM dose with food. Is this okay or am I subjecting my stomach to too much acid?

Does your stomach bother you? Another excellent books is WHY STOMACH ACID IS GOOD FOR YOU by Jonathon Wriight, MD, and Lane Lenard.

The only "issue" I am aware of about the empty stomach might be the lack of absorption of fat solubles, however if you eat within 2 hours, even this theoretical issue wouldn't be a problem. Many people have reported good results, after experimenting to reduce gas and bloating, by taking the Tower mix about 20 minutes prior to meals.

Can I take antibiotics with the A-9? If the need arises to take antibitotics, will there be a conflict with the A-9 ingredients?

Yes, you can take antibiotics and no there is no adverse interaction.

By the way, there is yet another excellent book by THomas Levy, CURING THE INCURABLE: VITAMIN C, INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND TOXINS, which provides the evidence supporting this assertion.

Calcium. I have read many articles that suggest we need more calcium than we get in our normal diet. What are your thoughts on this?

I agree with Bill Sardi and Dr. Levy that the calcium we need is the "organic" calcium that comes in vegetables, not the kind of calcium found in many supplements, and that Americans generally get enough of the right kind of calcium from the diet. I know doctor Levy has begun a manuscript entitled DEATH BY CALCIUM, and I wrote a survey article on this issue:

If you do feel the need to supplement calcium, I would advise taking at least the same amount of chelated magnesium. Good amounts of sunlight and vitamin K and vitamin A should reduce the need for calcium. I am also aware that high calcium content within cells promotes rapid cell division and would thus pose at least a theoretical problem for those fighting agressive cancers.

Dental work. I have had 7 or 8 root canals. In the book you mentioned that this could be a problem which affects the performance of the A-9 therapy. I have been on the A-9 for six weeks. I plan on having a cholesterol test in about two weeks. I am thinking that if I do not see a reduction in my 300 plus level from last year that it may be due to the bacteria produced by infected teeth?


I must rely on Dr. Levy and Dr. Huggins, and their yet another excellent book UNIFORMED CONSENT. According to Levy, every root canal turns toxic, highly toxic, and the body's entire store of ascorbate can be drained fighting this toxicity leading to progressive cardiovascular disease. If you are like most people, and can not afford to get "7 or 8" root canals removed by a dentist competent in such things, then you would be wise to take even more vitamin C (see: ) to your so-called bowel tolerance. I know Levy doesn't think this will overcome the serious toxicity issue, but as a stop-gap measure, it makes a great deal of sense to me, as does spreading the dosage out to every 4 hours. That is, take the extra vitamin C every 4 hours between your A-9 doses.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Consultation Requested re: Calcium

Post by rizwanuk » Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:10 am

If root canaled tooth are extracted what alternative is the best and safest? A bridge? Implant (perhaps not why have another foriegn material in your body)??

I have one root canaled tooth want to get rid of it but i am not sure what is a good alternative?

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Re: Consultation Requested re: Calcium

Post by ofonorow » Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:46 am

rizwanuk wrote:If root canaled tooth are extracted what alternative is the best and safest? A bridge? Implant (perhaps not why have another foriegn material in your body)??

I have one root canaled tooth want to get rid of it but i am not sure what is a good alternative?

This is an excellent question, and if I ever did get a clear answer, I do not remember or I misunderstood. Dr. Huggins is in practice in Colorado and has a web site that might provide help in this regard.
Might be his web site. There is a search feature. Or you might try to get him or a nurse on the phone.
Must be his web site. I ran a search for "root" and up came the following very very scary article.. ... ctid=16160

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Consultation Requested re: Calcium

Post by J.Lilinoe » Thu May 01, 2008 1:01 am

About alternatives to root canaled teeth. It could cost from $2000 to $3000 per tooth to get implants. Dental insurance could cut the cost by 30% or 40%. So getting 8 root canaled teeth replaced without insurance would be between $16000 and $24000. I just had an implant done today so that is why I know the cost. This implant is a front tooth where I had had my first root canaled tooth for over 20 years and the root canal got infected and began to destroy the bone. Since then I have had several more root canals but unfortunately, I am not sure when I will be able to afford having the others replaced by implants. I want to thank all those dentists out there who have kept their mouths shut for all these years and failed to inform their patients of the harm that root canals could cause to our health. They made lots of money from us doing root canals and at the same time have placed our lives in great danger even thought they will deny it.

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Re: Consultation Requested re: Calcium

Post by ofonorow » Fri May 02, 2008 8:50 am

J.Lilinoe wrote: I want to thank all those dentists out there who have kept their mouths shut for all these years and failed to inform their patients of the harm that root canals could cause to our health. They made lots of money from us doing root canals and at the same time have placed our lives in great danger even thought they will deny it.

I wonder, given this expense, if at least some of the toxicity might not be "controlled" by gargling with a diluted hydrogen peroxide mouthwash? It is my understanding that these toxins are anerobic (exist without oxygen). Perhaps one might oxygenate the root canal area, destroying the bacteria which produce these toxins?

I do know that you want to be careful. I routinely garble with a little 3% H2O2 added to my normal mouthwash, and if you aren't careful, you will vomit. (Aside, if you want to induce vomiting use a tiny amount of 3% H2O2 by itself. I read they use this for animals also.) But I'm not recommending swallowing, just trying to get H2O2 to the root canal.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Consultation Requested re: Calcium

Post by J.Lilinoe » Fri May 09, 2008 8:51 pm

I wonder, given this expense, if at least some of the toxicity might not be "controlled" by gargling with a diluted hydrogen peroxide mouthwash? It is my understanding that these toxins are anerobic (exist without oxygen). Perhaps one might oxygenate the root canal area, destroying the bacteria which produce these toxins?

I am not so sure if gargling will be able to get to the root canal site since it was my understanding that all of that is sealed so that bacteria cannot get in. But the bacteria from the tooth that is still in the tooth itself is what travels down into the root canal and wreaks havoc in other parts of the body especially the heart.

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Re: Consultation Requested re: Calcium

Post by ofonorow » Wed May 14, 2008 8:07 am

I was fortunate to meet with a homeopathic dentist from Illinois yesterday who explained to me how he removes root canals. It was a very interesting discussion that confirmed most of what I thought I knew. (I forgot to ask him about gargling with H2O2, but I have his email.) So if you happen to live around Chicago, have a potentially toxic mouth, and would like the reference to this dentist, send me a private message.

In a nutshell, his procedure utilizes a laser. The cavity is slowly replaced with new bone which regrows.

He also removes mercury.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Consultation Requested re: Calcium

Post by rizwanuk » Wed May 14, 2008 8:52 am

Dear Owen,

For those of us who do not live in USA, could you kindly get as much detail about his procedure as possible so that i can share it with my dentist and see of a solution is possible here.


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Re: Consultation Requested re: Calcium

Post by ofonorow » Wed May 14, 2008 9:59 am

I am afraid that a second or third hand anecdotal "conversation" would not be of much good, especially considering my limited understanding. (I basically wondered what they replaced the root canal with, and I learned, new bone.) If you think you have a doctor with interest, and you provide me with an email as a Private Message, I'll contact this doctor and see how much of his technique he is willing to share, or find out whether it is published anywhere. I do remember that for older root canals, they tend to get "fused" with the jaw bone so there is a lot of work before even starting the laser.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Consultation Requested re: Calcium

Post by J.Lilinoe » Sat May 17, 2008 4:19 am

The cavity is replaced with new bone? What kind of bone? and where is it coming from?
My dentist said that the bone usually shrinks in the space where a tooth once was unless it is properly replaced by an implant. The bone needs something to grow on.

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