Hospital Worker Reports on Statins Effects

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Hospital Worker Reports on Statins Effects

Post by ofonorow » Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:10 am

Doctor: With a smile he said to me "don't worry, this is the [statin] least likely statin to give you DIABETES"

This is a new one and from the following:

Dear Owen, thank you so very much for your website (which is gone now) and also for your new book (which I have just finished). While your website was up, I found it by accident while researching the dangers of statin drugs.

It completely changed my life and opened my eyes. How wonderful that you are carrying on the work of Dr. Pauling and trying to spread the word about Vitamin C and the sad current state of modern medicine. I myself work in a hospital (clerically) and am put in the uncomfortable position of questioning the very industry in which I am employed.

I was sitting at my desk one day when I suddenly had shortness of breath and palpitations, and a co-worker of mine (a nurse) promptly took me upstairs to the ER (which is where I work) to be seen as a patient. To make a long story short, I ended
up the next day in the cath lab where thank goodness I didn't have any stents placed and was diagnosed with "mild" heart disease, whatever that is.

In a follow up visit to a cardiologist I was weighed, measured, had another EKG done, and the Dr. handed me a prescription for Toprol and another one for Pravachol (without a single word about weight loss, diet or lifestyle, not a single mention). With a smile he said to me "don't worry, this is the least likely statin to give you DIABETES" - what?????? I never went back.

My co-worker's eyes widened when I told her I was given a statin drug and she told me the horror story of her mother who had lost the ability to walk while on some statin drug.

That afternoon I began investigating everything, starting with your awesome, wonderful website. My journey is still ongoing, and I cannot even tell you all that I have learned - I take Vitamins D, E, K, fish oil, and of course the Tower Labs Therapy. I eat raw foods and nuts and have stopped drinking milk and all dairy products. All because I started reading your website.

I can't wait for your second follow up book to come out, and again, thank you so much for the work you have done and are still doing. Gabriele

Thanks for the note and feedback, but I am curious about which web site is gone?
do you remember? We have reorganized, and most of the material thatwas taken down is in the book, or moved.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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