Taking PT for years, regressing

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by ofonorow » Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:32 am

I have been taking the A#9 powder religiously for over 4 years and this very day made an appointment to have an angiogram preformed. My unstable angina has increased especially
after eating a rich meal. This in concert with chelation therapy (twice a week since June) all in an effort to stave off the inevitable (another bypass!!). Owen, what am I missing? I would value your input...and a copy of your book. Thanks


How much vitamin C are you taking daily? And do you have any idea what your bowel tolerance is? FOr example, if you are taking two scoops - you are getting 6 g daily, but I take 18 g, and have a feeling 10 g is the low-end cut off for most heart patients.

If you have dental work or other forms of toxicity (taking medications) the amount of C you require increases. So adding vitamin C, even a 500 mg tablet, every 4 hours, while inconvenient, may be necessary.

I'll send you my book, but have you read Dr. Levy's book? STOP AMERICA'S #1 KILLER?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by ofonorow » Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:35 am

Thanks for the input. I take 3 scoops daily and an additional two vitamin C tablets. Not sure of their "Value". Dental work is all up to snuff. Do you think taking 3 scoops am and also pm beneficial? I also take a good multi...3 tablets daily plus magnesium, zinc, digestive (ox bile), and CQ 10s. I just turned 65 and want to feel better...and I'm simply not willing to undergo another bypass. Last operation (bypass) was 22 yrs ago. Hanging in there. Appreciate your input.

What do you mean "up to snuff" - you mean all toxicity (amalgams/ root canals removed?) It may just turn out that most (all?) serious heart disease is probabl caused by old dental work turning toxic. This is what got Dr. Levy (cardiologist) interested in vitamin C. Long story, but it is in a great book UNIFORNED CONSENT by Levy and
Hal Huggins. So, toxicity drains the body of vitamin C, and dental toxicity can drain so fast that no amount of oral C can suffice to recover.

What is your daily bowel tolerance? 3 Scoops should be 9 grams, and maybe another gram or 10. You made need to double your C, by adding C (if you can) to your drink, or as I said, taking thepills every 4 hours between servings.

The key is vitamin C, and this is all explained in Levy's book.

Now, one way to make your body better able to utilize vitamin C has to do with diabetes/trans fats and Omega 3s. Another long story, but don't take C with carbs, esp. sugars, (competes with C for entry to cells), do not eat anything with artificial trans fats (gums up cells ability to absorb sugar/as well as vit. C), and take a lot of good Omega-3s - which improves the cell membranes permeability - and ability to absorb vitamin C.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by ofonorow » Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:38 am

Thanks. I take a good Omega 3 (two per day). I try to avoid trans fats for the killers they are. As for my teeth; I have one root canal (should that be removed and what might I replace it with [that's safe?]) . I'm ordering the vitaim C Dr Levy recommended (someplace in Nevada). Back to teeth for a moment. All mercury fillings have been replaced w/ the "white stuff". I do have a crown (or two) with a metal base. Again, can
a dentist remove and replace with something less objectionable? Thanks for your reply
P.S. Does the Levy book address these dental issues?

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by ofonorow » Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:39 am

Levy wants ALL root canal teeth removed. I have one. What would he suggest I do with the resultant gap? It apperas he isn't a fan of implants either. They use titanium and I suppose that is a toxin?!

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by J.Lilinoe » Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:14 am

ofonorow wrote:

Levy wants ALL root canal teeth removed. I have one. What would he suggest I do with the resultant gap? It apperas he isn't a fan of implants either. They use titanium and I suppose that is a toxin?!

You know that is always a problem that I have with Levy saying that root canals need to be removed. I have 3. The 4th root canal recently became a titanium implant because if not, it would have left me without a front tooth. Taking out the other 3 would also be noticeable unless they are replaced with implants and implants cost $3000 to $5000 each.

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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by ofonorow » Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:23 am

Don't blame the messenger (Levy). If ALL root canals someday become toxic, the answer is to avoid them in the first place.

There is no good answer after the fact, but I have been (divinely?) directed to a local dentist who specializes in their removal. (Illinois).
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by J.Lilinoe » Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:47 am

ofonorow wrote:Don't blame the messenger (Levy). If ALL root canals someday become toxic, the answer is to avoid them in the first place.

There is no good answer after the fact, but I have been (divinely?) directed to a local dentist who specializes in their removal. (Illinois).

No, I don't blame Levy its just that its expensive to have them removed and replaced with implants and the dental professionals who installed my root canals YEARS ago never informed me of its problems as they should have.

Ralph Lotz
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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by Ralph Lotz » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:01 pm

Check 25(OH)D3 levels. If less than 35 ng/ml, consider supplementation with vitamin D3. Costs about $10.
80% of the world's population may be deficient in D.

Try K2. NOW makes one for about $8.

If you go for the dental work, use some selenium.
Natrol makes one for about $5.

Consider adopting a Mediterranean diet.
Drink some green tea.
Western diets are overloaded with omega 6 fats which are one of the major causes of atherosclerosis.
Use olive oil instead.
Last edited by Ralph Lotz on Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:10 am

Owen. Just an FYI. After all the powder and over 250 chelation treatments I'm scheduled for a triple bypass...my second in 23 years!

I'm disappointed. Four arteries @ 100% (colatteral veins are supposedly keeping me upright) and several others @ 70 to 90%. There is no justice..


I am sorry. Thanks for letting me know, and please keep me informed.

The chelation failure doesn't surprise me, but high vitamin C not working is a huge surprise. It is possible that your C tolerance is similar to Pauling's and mine, meaning you require at least 20,000 mg of vitamin C daily, and dental toxicity may play a role, creating a need for even more.

How much vitamin C are you now taking, and what is your age?

I would recommend adding 1 or 2 packets of Lypo-C daily form livonlabs.com (We carry it at vitamincfoundation.org/cart) Take this form at the end of the day, after your other C. (Don't stop taking the powder!) This one packet of LYpo-C is worth approximately 5,000 mg of ordinary C - and it is ALL absorbed, eliminating one factor (that you may not be absorbing what you are ingesting. I remember from your testimonial that in the beginning, you were taking the powder with Fiber, and did not experience pain relief until you separated the powder from the fiber.)

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by ofonorow » Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:50 am

Did I mention that I had a quad bypass operation in January? Four arteries were 100% blocked! Given my 277 chelation treatments and untold jars of Ascorzine powder I was disappointed it came down to that. The good news is I'm here and in great shape (for the shape I'm in!). Still taking the powder too!


Glad you are still kicking... And sounding strong...

I always wonder about these statements 4 coronary arteries "100% blocked", so how did they explain you heart was getting blood?

I am not against bypass when warranted. No amount of powder can reverse these callous-type "growths," if that is the type of blockage that you had.

The reason that I am not always against heart bypass operations is based mostly on what I know from Levy's book STOP AMERICA'S #1 KILLER. His explanation of the nature of older, complex "blockages," makes these types sound more like callous, almost tumor-like, with small capillaries. Because these capillaries can rupture, causing the clotting process, they can cause a heart attack from the heart beat. Ergo, I think there are cases where vitamin C/lysine cannot (in theory) resolve the plaque -and where a bypass is warranted (after an angiogram).

Rereading, I note all the dental work/root canals. Sigh.

But now good vitamin C nutrition is even more important because they may not have any more veins that can be used for future bypass.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by Frank51 » Wed Nov 11, 2015 9:13 am

I did a search here of this forum after seeing my dentist yesterday looking for information about implants and their possible side affects.

I have a tooth that is infected at the root with some bone loss. My dentist wanted to do a root canal but I didn't want it. After seeing a crack in the tooth he said a titanium implant would be the best choice. I'm wondering if an implant is as bad as a root canal. I don't have Dr. Levy's book on dental work but I may have to order one.

I had six blockages and bypass surgery was done to fix five of them in February of 2015. I started on the pauling therapy about a month and a half after the operation. I've worked my way up to 40 grams a day of vitamin c now. I could probably take higher amounts since it doesn't seem to be a problem with diarrhea. I mix 40 grams of AC with a cup and a half of water then sip on it off and on for the next 24 hrs. I started taking it at night when I'd wake up and there seemed to be a noticeable improvement in my feeling of well being. Taking it at night rather than just during the day also increased my bowel tolerance.

I keep the mixture of AC in a Laken 24 oz. water bottle with a built in straw and that makes it easy to take a sip any time day or night.
I also mix up d-ribose, L-arganine and L-Citruline in another water bottle to sip on over a 24 hour period.

Right or wrong I guess I'll go ahead with the titanium implant and keep taking lots of AC. I've been too busy since the bypass surgery to have my eyes photographed and checked out by Sydney Bush and his cardio retinometry. Haven't had time to have my cholesterol checked lately either because I've been busy. I feel good and it sometimes seems like I never even had the surgery. Even the scar is hardly noticeable.

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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by ofonorow » Sun Nov 15, 2015 8:21 am

I've worked my way up to 40 grams a day of vitamin c now. I could probably take higher amounts since it doesn't seem to be a problem with diarrhea.

Thank you for this encouraging report, although the amount of vitamin C you are taking indicates an underlying issue, probably dental toxicity.

All root canals become toxic. Period.

I don't have any root canals, but my wife had several. We had them professionally removed by a friend of Dr. Levy, and I don't know what (if anything) they were replaced with. In theory the implant might be okay - from my understanding it is the maze of passages around the root canal that harbors the bacteria that the immune system cannot reach.

But you might benefit greatly from having an expert search your mouth for signs of infections.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by Frank51 » Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:28 pm

Thanks Owen. When I had my teeth cleaned they took x-rays and then an MRI to see the infection. I hope that is the only one where I have infection. I do have a root canal and my dentist swears they are ok. I think a lot of people have questioned him about the danger of infection with them. He has told me there are people he sees who have had all their teeth pulled that have root canals. No more root canals for me.

Sometime in the next couple of months I'd like to have my eyes photographed and have the photos sent to Sydney Bush. That would tell me from my understanding of it if the vitamin C is working. If it's not working then maybe I'd have to think about having the root canal I have removed.

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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by ofonorow » Tue Nov 17, 2015 9:24 am

I do have a root canal and my dentist swears they are ok. I think a lot of people have questioned him about the danger of infection with them.

I do not want to dissuade your from reading Levy's books .e.g Toxic Tooth (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B010TT ... 1_1&sr=8-1 I notice these prices are absurd! $1800 ??? :evil: I would recommend the latest edition, and you should be able to order from http://www.medfoxpub.com/medicalnews/store.html ($29.95 for latest edition) Anyway, there is one point that I remember. Every root canal that has ever been removed and sent to to a lab for testing was toxic. Every one. I believe that Hal Huggins sent every one he removed to be tested. The Levy book explains the reasons why they become infected, and how it is impossible for them not to be infected. And yes, the dentists have no idea about this.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Taking PT for years, regressing

Post by Frank51 » Tue Nov 17, 2015 9:32 pm

$1800 did seem like an awfully high price for a book. I ordered one from Medfox as you suggested. I do have Levy's Primal Panacea book and on page 184 he mentions root canals and mercury amalgam fillings can be toxic. Not to much information there though on it. He does say the fillings and root canals should be removed and possibly implants if there is still a problem after removing the root canals and fillings.

Thanks for the links on Levy's book. I'm looking forward to reading it since I'm dealing with heart disease and a dental infection. I hope I can get on top of this thing and that the pauling therapy will work for me.


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