UK 94 year old mother facing foot amputation

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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UK 94 year old mother facing foot amputation

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:51 am

Dear Owen

I have been trying to contact you by phone to no avail.

a friend of mine knows you. I have my mother 94 she has heart frailure and she is very alert with her mind she reads every day and is great for her age.

however she went in for angiogram and it has failed.

we are in nottingham UK.I need to know if one of your products will clear the leg they are going to take off the foot. this is dreadful I have studied nutrition for the last nineteen years and I do believe we can do some thing for her before it is too late can you please advise me.

kind regards susan.

I'm not sure I understand how angiogram relates to amputation, but certainly, if you can get her to take vitamin C, perhaps in her case, age 94, the liposomal Lypo-C from livonlabs, then her chances improve. Dosage is key. Taking vitamin C, even 500 mg every 3/4 hours would be useful.

There is obscure knowledge from World War I where a doctor accidentally discovered that testosterone prevented gangereen/amputations in war veterans. This is obscure, and unlike female hormones, male hormones are harder to obtain, but that approach might provide hope for the foot (in addition to high vitamin C/lysine).

So start her on vitamin C/lysine pills - first day, 1 of each every 3/4 hours. If she can tolerate that, then slowly increase. If she can reach 6000 mg of each daily, then one of our drink mixes would be appropriate. (If she can't, then Lypo-C is the best bet).

The book that contains the information about testosterone and blood flow is Maximize Your Vitality & Potency: For Men Over 40 ... 689&sr=1-1

The heart failure is likely caused by CoQ10 deficiency, especially with the drugs they are likely to have put her on. I would recommend as much Co!0 as you can afford, at least 200 mg, but perhaps 600 mg daily (200 mg with each meal).
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: UK 94 year old mother facing foot amputation

Post by J.Lilinoe » Fri Jul 24, 2009 7:05 pm

Speaking of drugs, my mom went in for surgery about 4 weeks ago to remove an aneurysm in her right iliac artery. She was not on any drugs before the surgery except for an herbal remedy to help with her HBP. She had to stop taking her ascorsine 9 a day before her surgery. When she was recovering her BP went up and her heart rate went up so they put her on a beta blocker to lower it. She had the hospital socks on during her stay so they did not notice her swollen foot which as I understand is not only a side effect of taking beta blockers but also an indication of congestive heart failure. It wasn't until we got her home and removed the sock that we saw the swelling. Anyway, we got her back on her supplements and the swelling went down but not completely gone. When she finally got to see a doctor 2 weeks later for a check up, he saw the swollen foot and immediately cut her beta blocker dose in half and all of the swelling disappeared. Bottom line is that these drugs actually CREATE the health problems that they are trying to treat and when the elderly folks take these drugs they become even sicker. BEWARE :shock:

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: UK 94 year old mother facing foot amputation

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:08 am

Bottom line is that these drugs actually CREATE the health problems that they are trying to treat and when the elderly folks take these drugs they become even sicker

Yes, this is the Orwellian dirty little secret. However, I do not blame the doctors. Most doctors are so brainwashed about the supposed science behind the drugs they prescribe, that they cannot believe that drugs would actually make their patients worse! (Of course, there is the old story of the doctors who recommended vitamin C to their patients after Pauling's book in the 1970s, and the patients never returned - ever.) My point is that ones anger should be directed at the drug companies, not always the doctors.

And of course people who claim that drugs make patients worse are nuts. I am happy to be a nut.

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: UK 94 year old mother facing foot amputation

Post by J.Lilinoe » Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:08 pm

Yes, this is the Orwellian dirty little secret. However, I do not blame the doctors. Most doctors are so brainwashed about the supposed science behind the drugs they prescribe, that they cannot believe that drugs would actually make their patients worse! (Of course, there is the old story of the doctors who recommended vitamin C to their patients after Pauling's book in the 1970s, and the patients never returned - ever.) My point is that ones anger should be directed at the drug companies, not always the doctors.

If the doctor is brand new just out of doctor school, yes, you are right, can't blame them for what they just learned. But a doctor with 30 years in practice who keeps giving his patients Lipitor and notices that most of them complain of muscle problems and keeps blaming the patient instead of the drug for the muscle problems is a real stupid doctor who should be blamed for his/her own stupidity IMO. :evil:

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