Afib, PVI/Ablation (2007) and now Heart Enlarged

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Afib, PVI/Ablation (2007) and now Heart Enlarged

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:12 am

I have had atrail fibrillation /flutter since 1990. I had a PVI/ablation in 2007 and now the flutter has returned. My heart has enlarged. Can Cardio-C or Heart Technology help me at all? The last test showed no artherosclerosis.
I am scheduled for \'touch-up\' surgery ( to re-burn the ablation lines) in Sept. Thank you for your patience, sincerely,

Very sorry to hear about your condition.

Pauling therapy products are designed for the atherosclerosis that develops to strengthen arteries weakened from years of low vitamin C intake. However, vitamin C seems to be beneficial for a lot of related cardiovascular conditions. How much vitamin C are you taking now?

Here is the way to begin taking vitamin C:

My first thought outside of vitamin C is magnesium, and CoQ10.

Perhaps others at this forum will have advice.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Afib, PVI/Ablation (2007) and now Heart Enlarged

Post by Johnwen » Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:58 pm

Owen could you find out from this Emmie if she's having any kind of stomach problems?
Her age would be helpful also! :?:
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Re: Afib, PVI/Ablation (2007) and now Heart Enlarged

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:17 am

Dear Owen,
thank you so much for your response,
I'm taking magnesium chelate, (plus potassium and taurine) on a daily basis. The amounts are tweaked to my needs. I also take 800gm Gamma E, CoQ10 (ubiquinol), curcumin, liquid B complex (inc 1 mg B12) and nattokinase as a blood thinner/clot buster, every day.I also take Betaine HCI for my digestive issues. I take Vit D3 every second day. My kitchen cupboard looks like a vitamin supplement shop!
I am not diligent enough with my Vit C and will correct that as from now. Thank you for starting a forum on my query. I appreciate your help,
warmest regards from 'down under'

Oh, just a quick follow up after reading that one post on the forum. I am unable to reply/comment on the forum as I'm getting a message saying my username is not valid. Don't know what's happened there as I registered some time ago.
The poster asked what my age was - I'm 64 ( Afib started when I was 43) and yes, I do have stomach issues. I know that GERD/GORD is implicated in Afib but I never suffered from acid reflux so thought I didn't have any digestive problems. It wasn't until someone told me that hiccups are also a sign of GERD, that I woke up. I used to get 'backward' hiccups regularly. I just thought I'd eaten too fast...:)
At the moment I'm not producing enough bile either, so have to look into that. Our regular GP is away and I'm really sorry for that because he is one of those wonderful doctors who is willing to try complementary medicine. He's happy to try intravenous Vit C and I'm just saving up for the Vit C preparation now. When one is on a pension it takes a bit of budget juggling to fit in extras :)
I would like to be able to comment on the forum if that would be possible,
thanks again for your help,

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Afib, PVI/Ablation (2007) and now Heart Enlarged

Post by Johnwen » Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:43 pm

Hi Emmie
I know you can't respond till you get your sign on things straight.
I'm glad to hear your Doc has an open mind it's always got to be able to talk to someone like this as he'll guide you thru the muck and have you do only whats good for you.
The reason I asked about stomach problems is after an abelation if a_fib returns it normally indicates Vagal AF.
The vagus nerve runs all over the place with a common connection with the stomach and the heart which has been identified as the culprit in above sitituations.
It quite a complex issue so I'm going to give you a couple of links so you can get a idea about this problem and how the nerve works. If it sounds like the kind of problems your having then you could talk to your Doc about it and see what he thinks. Don't just stop at the links either search Vagal a-fib theres a world of knowledge out there to be used.
In the mean time it would be a good idea to up your B1 to Min. 50 Mg a day.
Note: B1 will make your urine smell strong! Not a problem!!
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Re: Afib, PVI/Ablation (2007) and now Heart Enlarged

Post by jknosplr » Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:32 am

good post!!
I have been diagnosed with GERD two years ago. Been taking protonix on and off as treatment for the lesions found in my stomach. Doctors eluded to the vagus nerve but never named it or explained the function. I kept complaining about chest pains and pressure in under the chin that emulated a MI. Learned that GERD was the culprit, but appears that its only one of the parameters that activate the symptoms. Alcohol seems to irritate my lesions as when alcohol is removed from my diet the symptoms will disappear in three to four days. I got off the powered VC last month (irritation) and now taking the Lypo-C as substitute, much more user friendly on the lesions.
I have experienced stabbing pain, right pectoral,center chest and left pectoral when the attack begins. The pain then drops to just below the diaphragm and runs parallel across the bottom of the rib cage at the sternum as a intense dull pain. After I eat the pain is diminished for approx 1/2 hour then returns. This pain will last for three to four days. Another symptom noted is complete exhaustion for several days after the attack begins, totally used up.


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Re: Afib, PVI/Ablation (2007) and now Heart Enlarged

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:08 pm

J - I'd be interested in johnwen's analysis of your pain, but it reminds me of the "gallstone" pain that led me to have the nuclear stress test done in the hospital. Do you have a gall bladder?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Afib, PVI/Ablation (2007) and now Heart Enlarged

Post by Johnwen » Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:11 pm

Jk Sounds like a ulceration of the esophagus the alcohol reaction is kind of the give away. Your doc needs to have you get a endoscope done with a biopsy to check for H-pylori. This is a pretty serious issue hopefully it hasn't moved into barretts which usually advances to the C word.
This I can say!! I hope I'm wrong for your sake. but it needs to be checked out if you do have H-pylori this could explain the clogging arteries also.
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Re: Afib, PVI/Ablation (2007) and now Heart Enlarged

Post by jknosplr » Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:07 pm

Had the endoscope done with a biopsy to check for H-pylori back in 4/12/2011 negative for H-pylori and barretts- esophagus cancer or cancer in any other part of the stomach. Diagnosed with chronic inflammation GERD. Even got the PICS. Still think its the ethanol intake which is being addressed. Also had an ultrasound done of all the internals along with the gallbladder test which excretion was slightly below normal but not a problem

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Re: Afib, PVI/Ablation (2007) and now Heart Enlarged

Post by Johnwen » Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:26 pm

JK you got a good doc!!
Did he ever discuss leaky gut syndrome or LGS with you??? It's causes and threatment??
Did you have a C-reactive Protien test done (Blood test) if yes what were the levels?

Here's somethings you can do now to help.
Limit your intake of asprin and N-saids.
up your Omega 3 intake at least 1200 EPA and 480 DHA per day in divide doses.
You said on a previous post you take statins. Take them on a empty stomach an hour before eating.
Cut the coffee max 1cup per day 8 hours before going to bed Min.
Take a walk at least a half hour long per day. It's not a race just a walk.
Eat cool or cold foods only.
Stay away from breads and bread products.
Limit gluten intake.
Eat yogurt or yogurt products that are pro biotic.
Theres a good product called "Good Belly" which is an excellent pro biotic without milk products.
If you have a problem with dairy.
Watch your weight!
Last get at least 8 hours sleep a night.
If this sounds like an echo that's because it'll help.
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Re: Afib, PVI/Ablation (2007) and now Heart Enlarged

Post by jknosplr » Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:06 am

Did you have a C-reactive Protien test done (Blood test) if yes what were the levels?------- yes <.10 mg/dl

Limit your intake of asprin and N-saids.---------------part of heart protocol/statins
up your Omega 3 intake at least 1200 EPA and 480 DHA per day in divide doses. ------ yes
You said on a previous post you take statins. Take them on a empty stomach an hour before eating.--------yes
Cut the coffee max 1cup per day 8 hours before going to bed Min.---------3 cups in AM
Take a walk at least a half hour long per day. It's not a race just a walk.---------1 mile /day & resistance training
Eat cool or cold foods only.-------------------sometimes
Stay away from breads and bread products.---------------got to have a sandwich once in a while
Limit gluten intake. ----------------yes except for above
Eat yogurt or yogurt products that are pro biotic.----------------occasionally
Theres a good product called "Good Belly" which is an excellent pro biotic without milk products.-------look into it
If you have a problem with dairy.-------------No
Watch your weight! ----------------------6'2 215lbs
Last get at least 8 hours sleep a night.---------------sometimes

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Re: Afib, PVI/Ablation (2007) and now Heart Enlarged

Post by Johnwen » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:19 am

I'm sure you have been preached to about cutting down on coffee so I won't!!

Theres a natural product that does a excellent job at cutting down chronic inflamation it doesn't work over night but takes a while to work which makes it better then Nsaids because it don't hurt the stomach etc. It's called astaxanthin most health food stores have it. Don't get the complex!!! 4mg a day!! As usual check with your doc to see if it will interfer with any other meds your taking also do a I-search and read about it.
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