Proline and Heart Bypass

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Proline and Heart Bypass

Post by ofonorow » Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:53 am

In your book practicing med without a lic. ( ) on page 158 there is a precaution as to removing the proline for earlier bypass patients. Does that still stan=
d today, or do we have newer info now? bruce

Thank you for the question. I wish somebody in medicine was researching this. We really don't know and the precaution is purely theoretical.

Linus Pauling only recommend Vitamin C and lysine. The proline recommendation comes from his associate Matthias Rath, however, recent research points to its unique power w/r to Lp(a) and atherosclerosis. So for those without Heart Bypasses, adding proline has substantial benefits.

It seems that cardiology is apparently moving from grafting leg veins to using arteries from the chest, and if the heart bypass was from an (3-ply) artery, then precaution would not apply - only (1 ply) veins.

So if I had a bypass, using standard leg veins for the graft, I would use something like Tower's CardioAde ( just vitamin C/lysine, no added proline, for at least 12 months after the surgery.

The amino acid proline is not essential, which simply means our own bodies make it. So assuming heart patients make it too (though probably less) this may be a non issue.

You can also closely monitor Lp(a) levels, as the fear is that proline, by turning off Lp(a) provides no mechanism whereby the bypassed veins can become thicker/stronger. A doctor could adjust the proline dosage based on the Lp(a) levels. Perhaps some day.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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