Age 52, High CRP. Low Chol, but doc prescribed statin

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Age 52, High CRP. Low Chol, but doc prescribed statin

Post by ofonorow » Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:34 am

I am 52 with a family history of heart disease. I have controlled my bp with a low dose rx. Dr wants me on a statin for Cardiac CRP of 4.0 My cholesterol numbers are low. I also have mitral valve prolapse with a leaky valve. What do need to do to get started on the Vit C therapy.


You can begin by following the protocol at this link

Statin for CRP is "off label use" that was not approved by FDA, but is the doctor's prerogative. Low cholesterol? Perhaps you should find another doctor?

Optimal vitamin C should improve your CRP. I would begin taking vitamin K - esp. vitamin K2 for the leaky valve. May not help, but couldn't hurt!
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Age 52, High CRP. Low Chol, but doc prescribed statin

Post by ofonorow » Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:40 am

Dear Mr Fonorow.

Thank you for your quick response. I purchased your book last week on Amazon and I am becoming a believer!!

I just have a few follow-up questions for you:

1) Did you post my email on the forum - I could not find it?
2) I am going to begin your starting protocol this weekend. The Vitamin C that I take, should it be just Ascorbic Acid or can I use Calcium Ascorbate (which I currently take 500 mg per day)?
3) The vitamin K & K2 - do you have a recommended dosage?

Thanks again and have a great weekend!

Thanks for reading the book!

The problem with Calcium ascorbate is getting way too much calcium at the dosages Linus Pauling recommended. So we only recommend ascorbic acid, and if GERD/Acid Reflux problems, you can take some up to 1/2 as sodium ascorbate (the alkaline form of vitamin C). has a Super-K product which contains all forms of vitamin K. Vitamin K2 is key, and usually recommended in micrograms. However, posters at this forum have found references for much higher amounts of K2.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Age 52, High CRP. Low Chol, but doc prescribed statin

Post by ofonorow » Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:02 am

Dear Mr. Fonorow.

I have been building up the C & Lysine for just over 10 days now. My daily dosage is in the attached pdf. I feel a bit "bloated" from the & Lysine, but no other issues. Biggest problem I have is being able to easily get to th e dosage during the work day. Where should I go from here?



From pdf

he summary of my C/Lysine dosage is below.=

My biggest questions really are:

1) Should I try to increase each dosage above 2500 mg?
2) From the vitamincfoundation site, which item do you recommend that I purchase?
3) I started taking the Life Extension Super K - 1 softgel in the am - should I take more and spread throughout the day?

Thank you again for all of your assistance,

Startup of protocol:

day 1 - 3 dosage 500C total for day 1500 C

dosage 500 lysine total for day 1500 Lysine

day 4 - 6 dosage 1000 C total for day 4000 C

dosage 1000 lysine total for day 4000 Lysine

day 7 - 10 dosage 1500 C total for day 6000 C

dosage 1500 lysine total for day 6000 Lysine

day 11 - 12 dosage 2000 C total for day 8000 C

dosage 2000 lysine total for day 8000 Lysine

day 13 - 16 dosage 2500 C total for day 10000 C

dosage 2500 lysine total for day 10000 Lysine

We haven't recomm= ended more than 5000 to 6000 lysine. I know of people who have gone high er without problems, but you do not need to go any higher.

VItami n C is another matter, and people are highly variable in their requirements.

Vitamin C can vary from 6000 to 30000, but I believe 10000 mg daily
is generally protective.

There is one item I am confused about...I was thinking that I should opt for the HeartTech product, however, it has equal parts of C to Lysine. If I were to take 4 "doses" per day, doesn't that mean that I would be receiving over 11,000 mg of Lysine?

Yes. Excellent point. Most people who want a therapeutic PT dosage would take 2, may be 3 jars daily, and if they require more vitamin C, (see for guidance) - then they would take that on top of the Heart Tech. Either add C powder to the drink or add it between heart tech servings.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Age 52, High CRP. Low Chol, but doc prescribed statin

Post by Johnwen » Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:55 am

Statins for CRP???
I think this falls into the old wives tale category.
One study showed this effect five others didn't see any benefits.

What does work is a good Omega3 fish oil with 600 EPA or better and at least 240 DHA with this add about 500mg of Quercetin and about two or three weeks continued use and he should start seeing some good results. Of course the Heart Tech or what ever form of C/Lysine he chooses.
Hopefully he gets this going before his Mitral valve starts getting stenotic then the only cure is at the end of a scapel. :(
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