Questions about Cardio-C

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Questions about Cardio-C

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:20 am

I do not want to take any more vitamins that what is absolutely necessary.

I understand this attitude with regard to toximolecular drugs, but other than cost, I do not understand, as vitamins are nutrients, required for life in some amount, and many health problems are caused because of a deficiency. Other than vitamin C (which probably should not have been classified a "vitamin") the other nutrients are generally required in quite small amounts.

Now to your question. Unfortunately, what we know is anecdotal from some fifteen years of reports, starting with Pauling's own initial reports. No one is studying these substances in the required high amounts.

Dr Fonorow,

I sent you an e-mail recently and you were unable to open the attachments. In retrospect, you probably didn't want/need my historical health data. I am a 65 year old male who wants to live a long life w/o major cardio health problems. Because of the cost, I have been taking the Cardio C once daily in a smaller portion. I was mixing the powder w/ my Pomegranate juice each morning but the acidic intake was burning my throat as I was drinking it. Consequently, I had to give up the Pomegranate juice. I now consume the Cardio C 3 X daily in the recommended amount.

I will appreciate any help you can give me regarding the Cardio C intake.

1. Is there an ideal time to take the Cardio C; before, with or after meals? What is the ideal amount of time between intakes?

Over the years, people have consistently reported the best results taking the Pauling therapy about 20 minutes prior to meals, i.e., this causes the least amount of gastrointestinal difficulties.

2. How soon will I notice an improvement? What will I notice?

At the right high dosage, angina (chest) pain ends within ten days, and people with a hard time walking, start painting their homes in about a month. This is what Linus Pauling described in the first case (on his video lecture.) For those not in pain, it is difficult to notice, but many people who have not been taking vitamin C will notice a difference if/when they stop taking high vitamin C. They won't feel as well.
3. Are there any other health benefits taking the Cardio C?

Too many to document - all the benefits of taking vitamin C. People notice changes in their skin (due to more collagen).

4. Will the cardio C clear the entire cardio system including legs?

Yes, to the extent any peripheral arterial blockage is due to arterial lesions/Lp(a) cholesterol. I
think some leg problems are caused by artery/vein constriction, and magnesium may be more beneficial in those cases.

How long will it take to completely clear the cardio system?

It is a crime against humanity that we don't know (but who do you charge with the crime?) This hasn't been studied. We do know, as I have mentioned, that pain subsides in 10 days, and very ill people appear well in 30 days.

6. Are there any interactions with vitamins and/or medications and the Cardio C

All the ingredients, with the possible exception of Stevia, are nutrients that body must have, so no, there are no interactions with the primary ingredients.

7. Is the Cardio C formula harmful to the kidneys and liver?

No evidence, and much evidence that the formula would benefit both the liver and kidneys. (To better understand the difference between orthomolecular substances, such as vitamin C and lysine, and the toximolecular drugs, there is a very good book by Linus Pauling, HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER (1986).

I do not want to take any more vitamins that what is absolutely necessary.

Again this is a strange attitude, unless it is based on cost.

If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you.

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Questions about Cardio-C

Post by VanCanada » Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:12 am

Lynn wrote:I do not want to take any more vitamins that what is absolutely necessary.

Vitamins are like food, air and water. Wouldn't it sound strange to hear someone say they do not want to take any more water, or oxygen, food, or sunlight than is absolutely necessary?

What we seem to have here is a severe case of nutriphobia, a term coined by Dave Stouder:


Nutriphobia is not a joke. It causes untold misery and poor health and even leads to fatalities. It is rarely diagnosed before considerable damage has been done and is commonly spread by doctors to their patients. Nutriphobia can cause a person to turn away from natural substances (vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, phytonutrients, etc.) that can truly build and maintain health...

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Re: Questions about Cardio-C

Post by majkinetor » Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:55 pm

.... coming from a guy with 'amazing' understanding of toxicology:
Why would a person with heart problems take diluted rat poison (Coumadin, Warafin) and avoid green, leafy vegetables and vitamins?

Vitamin D is also rat poison. Why would anybody take diluted rat poison for infections and cancer is beyond me.... :roll:

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Re: Questions about Cardio-C

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jul 04, 2012 4:35 am

Thank you Mr. Fonorow for your response. I am so eager & encouraged to take charge of my health/life. I recently scheduled an appointment with a cardiologist and I was afraid of the predicted outcome. There would have been a series of tests performed, and then probably some sort of procedure would have followed. I have since cancelled the appointment in hopes the Cardio C will resolve any plaque issues. It is my desire to resolve my cardio issues through the protocol you recommend.

I take 1,500 mg of Niaispan daily. Also, I consume 2 baby aspirins twice daily. Lastly, I either take 12.5 mg or 25 mg Atenolol daily. Do you think that if I am diligent in taking one scoop of the Cardio C three times daily I can eventually wean myself off the meds?

If I have circulation issues; cold hands & feet that with continued use of the Cardio C they will eventually be resolved? I thought perhaps I could use this as a way of gauging my progress. Also, does un-clogging the arteries translate to increased energy?

Your thoughts please.

I am sorry about my comment about me not wanting to take more vitamins. I take many, many vitamins in an effort to give myself support in areas where I feel I might be the most vulnerable. I was afraid you might suggest a myriad of additional supplements that I should take.

Thanks again Owen I very much appreciate you and what you do!

Well, I like what you say, (other than the "baby aspirin" :evil: ). I think Cardio-C is a minimum, as there are other more complete products that can help you avoid pills, especially if you are on medications and canceling appoints with your doctors! Each additional ingredient, say in Heart Technology (with vitamins A and E), or Ascorsine-9/Ascorbade (with taurine, carnitine, etc.) has proven valuable in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

The entire protocol I recommend (based around Linus Pauling's original recommendations in his book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER - the minimum regimen!) are available for download here

So yes, 3 servings of Cardio-C, in my opinion, has a strong therapeutic effect on reversing the symptoms of CVD in most people. The biggest issue has always been that people start feeling so well - they stop taking their vitamin C and relapse!
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Questions about Cardio-C

Post by VanCanada » Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:54 pm

majkinetor wrote:.... coming from a guy with 'amazing' understanding of toxicology:
Vitamin D is also rat poison. Why would anybody take diluted rat poison for infections and cancer is beyond me.... :roll:

Vitamin D3 by itself is great for infections and for preventing cancer.

Vitamin D3 by itself is not a rat poison. It is added to an anticoagulant do help deal with strains of rodents that have developed anticoagulant resistance. "Quintox" and "Rampage" are two such products on the market.

Dave Stouder has done a most commendable service to the world in educating people about nutrition. He often says how he does NOT have the scientific credentials, but that he has learned from those who do, scientific and otherwise.

May I remind you that this discussion board is here to share information, not for making snide remarks about those who can't defend themselves on this board.

If you wish to mock my friend Dave then by all means go ahead, but at least get your facts straight when you do. I really can't stand hypocritical statements like the one quoted above.

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