Antioxidants significantly lower pancreatic cancer risk

This forum will focus on analyzing recent clinical studies of vitamin C.

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Antioxidants significantly lower pancreatic cancer risk

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:07 am

Antioxidants May Limit Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Large case controlled study... The magnitude of risk reduction varied by the quantity and types of antioxidants but reached a maximum of 67% in people who had the greatest intake of vitamins C and E and selenium

Eat Antioxidants to Lower Pancreatic Cancer Risk?

Antioxidants Linked with Lower Risk of Pancreatic Cancer

Antioxidant intake significantly decreases pancreatic cancer risk
Even more remarkable, participants in the top 25 percent of consumption of vitamins C, E and selenium reduced their risk by 67 percent. The authors concluded that this amount of reduced risk could possibly prevent 8 percent of pancreatic cancers.

Antioxidants Might Help Cut Pancreatic Cancer Risk, Study Suggests

Vitamin E cuts prostate cancer risk, so does vitamin C

All well and good! So how and why did this story also pop up in today's news ?!
How Do Vitamins and Liver Cancer Mix?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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