please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by jpoww » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:56 pm

I also wanted to let you know what types of stents and their location he has
3-16-2005 first heart attack in LAD, taxus drug eluting stent
7-15-2005 second blockage in LAD, cordis drug eluting stent
12-6-2007 second heart attack in RCA-mid, taxus drug eluting stent

One of the two stents put in back in 2005 is the one clotting all the time.

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by Johnwen » Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:51 pm

If it's the 2nd one, The cordis and if it's the cyper model this might be of interest!! :(
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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by jpoww » Sat Oct 06, 2012 7:58 am

it is a cypher cordis stent, now i just need to ask the doctor if thats the one clogging up. I will find out. my question to you is, if it is the cordis stent clogging up. Is there anything that can be done? can they remove it and put another one in? can they put another stent on top that one? how can this be fixed?

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by Johnwen » Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:16 am

Nope! Stents are there for keeps. If the growth is small another can be placed inside but usually by the time it gives trouble it's to far clogged to place another inside. Another option is one I don't reccomend is called Brachitherapy which is where they irradiate the area with a radio isotobe and basiclly kill the the tissue with radiation. Not my idea of good medicine!
Then the one I know you don't want to hear Bypass surgery if it comes to this see if your doctor or surgeon will do an arterial bypass graft. Which is where they use a artery from the breast area for the graft otherwise using a vein he's only looking at about 10 years before trouble comes back. That's a 85% probability! In the mean time and I have seen this work PAULING THERAPY VITAMIN C-L-LYSINE!!!!! Don't stop, bog or hesitate start pouring down his throat NOW.
If your going to try the Lypo don't wait for it. Get that other powder form you have mentioned before mix it up and dump it in him. Did I mention Don't wait!! Hopefully you can save him a lot of pain.
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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by jpoww » Sat Oct 06, 2012 12:43 pm

I have started on him the vitamin c (Absorbic acid) powder that I have already. He is up to 8,000mg now(we just started this on tuesday of this week. He is working up to 10,000-12,000 mg a day of vit. c. I'm waiting on the lysine and proline. I order them.
Owen mentioned adding 1 or 2 packets of lypo-c this something that is taken daily? and in addition to the the 10,000-12,000 mg of vit.c? whats the difference between lypo-c and the vit. c i'm currently giving him?

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by ofonorow » Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:12 am

jpoww wrote:I have started on him the vitamin c (Absorbic acid) powder that I have already. He is up to 8,000mg now(we just started this on tuesday of this week. He is working up to 10,000-12,000 mg a day of vit. c. I'm waiting on the lysine and proline. I order them.
Owen mentioned adding 1 or 2 packets of lypo-c this something that is taken daily? and in addition to the the 10,000-12,000 mg of vit.c? whats the difference between lypo-c and the vit. c i'm currently giving him?

For most people 10 to 12 g oral vitamin C as ascorbic acid is a good target dosage for people with heart disease - but he as an individual may require more. (My uncle, not related, recovered (reversed blockages) on only 1500 mg of vitamin C and lysine daily over 30 days.) I like to target high since neither nutrient has any known toxicity, and after reversal, you can try tapering off.

How is his bowel tolerance to 10,000 mg of vitamin C? If no reaction, he probably requires even more, and Lypo-C is a good way to increase blood levels without adding the possibility of diarrhea. We conservatively estimate that 1 packet is the general equivalent of 5 g of ordinary oral vitamin C, so 2 packets would add the bio-equivalence of another 10,000 mg, making his total a healthy "20,000" IU of C (of course there is no IU - maybe there should be?)

As per Pauling's very first case report - vitamin C can stabilize heart patients, but it takes lysine (and probably proline) to reverse the condition.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by jpoww » Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:06 am

He is doing fine at 10,000mg no diarrehea so he will increase. At first he got diarrehea for one day then it went away and he continued to increase.
Now, on lysine? the maxium amount he should take is 6,000mg?

and what blood work should I ask the doctor to run so we can see his progress?
is there any blood work we can test for to see if there is any indications of a pending blockage?

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by ofonorow » Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:18 am

No diarrhea @ 10 g. Strong sign he requires more C!

Yes, 6000 mg lysine is a good target amount.

If blood work that could tell us about blockage - we'd have a study long ago.

I suppose a measured Lp(a) number would be a good indication, but they probably haven't ordered that, right?

I went back to find his symptoms, but I only found some in connection to a drug, e.g.

now my husband has side effects from the Amiodarone , increase heart rate, consitpation and cant sleep.

Vitamin C will definitely help with constipation.

Johnwen may be able to advise more about heart rate.

Has he tried melatonin for the sleep issue?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by jpoww » Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:24 am

No he has not tried melatonin yet.
two questions: i'm a little confused as to when you say bowel tolerance(i assume this means diarreha) so to know if your at the right dosage of vit. c he would need to constantaly have diarreha? because what he has noticed is that he got diarreha for one day on 6,000mg of vit.c then the next day he took another 6,000mg of vit.c and he did not get diarreha so he increased his vit. c to 8,000mg, he got diarreha for one day then it went away again and he increased to 10,000mg of vit.c got diarrehea for one day and now he doesnt have it. so keep increasing the vitamin c till he gets dirreahea for how long? til his diarreha doesnt go away??

I guess what i was asking about the blood work was, is there any blood test to run to see if the vit.c , lysine and proline are working on his plaque removal?
the doctor normal just runs lipid panel blood work and thats all.
I have to ask him to test his homocystine level and prothrombine there any test i should ask him to run? i will ask him to run a measure lp(a) number. anything else?

by the way, two months before his heart attack his homocystine level were 12.3 then it went to 12.5 and the doctor never even said anything to us, it was out of range both of those times.

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by ofonorow » Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:40 am

when you get time, this paper explains "bowel tolerance." There is the "one time dosage" and the daily dosage... We usually call the combined daily dosage the "bowel tolerance" per that chart of diseases.

Again, if there were blood work, there would have been a study fifteen years ago!

Lp(a) can determine risk.

total cholesterol can give a strong indication whether he is taking enough vitamin C. (Optimal intake usually leads to a total cholesterol around 180 mg/dl) However, during the first part of the program, as the cholesterol dissolves from the arterial wall, his cholesterol may even go up sharply, before settling down.

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by jpoww » Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:28 pm

He is also on lipator so how can his cholestrel be an indicator if the vitamin c is working?

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by ofonorow » Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:00 am

It won't. What is the dosage of Lipitor? (In my opinion, this drug can do more harm than good, and it means he should also be taking AT LEAST 200 mg CoQ10 daily.)
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by jpoww » Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:41 am

he is taking 80mg of lipator, if you remember i mentioned he had a heart attack on sept.7 2012 and we had him completely off lipator in a years time and he was on red rice yeast and within a year one of his stents clotted up again so after this passed heart attack the doctor put him back on lipator and said that is what cause his stent to clot again. he is on 200mg of coq10 already.
so on his blood work just look at the lp(a) number to see if the vit.c therapy is working?

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:16 am

Look up restenosis. It is all too common (more than 40% of the time) for stents to reclog with atherosclerotic plaque. (This is the reason medicine has tried to use deadening medicine (Drug Eluding Stent) or even radiation stents - to kill the process that causes stents to reclog. This is madness - or worse, I describe my theories in our book as they are trying to stop a natural healing process.

What to do? Take vitamin C and lysine in the dosages Linus Pauling recommended.

Now every heart patient is on a statin cholesterol-lowering drug. (Generalization, but probably too true.) So if statins really prevented arteries with stents from clogging - why do 40% of the stents in these patients fail?

Again, if you discover a blood test that shows Pauling's vitamin C/lysine therapy is working, it would really be something! We've been looking for almost 20 years.

Now the nuclear stress tests can show blockages in the arteries of the heart, and I have undergone the test myself, and my heart was shown to be entirely clear of blockage. (That at least tells me that this test is legit - and can show good results.) So this is something (not a blood test) that can indicate success of Pauling's therapy.

He is probably so bad they didn't bother with the test, but if they did, then you would have an opportunity for a "before" and "after" test, and we would be very interested in copies of those medical records.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: please advise.. 3 heart attacks & stenosis

Post by jpoww » Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:05 pm

My husband has false positives when he does the nuclear stress test so they havent done those on him in since 2005.
Is the homocystine levels good to test for anything?
The doctor claims that the lipator not only lowers cholesteral levels BUT they stabilize the plaque. I think that doctor knew we were using red rice yeast and didnt know what else to blame for the stent clotting again so he blamed the us for using the red rice yeast instead of the lipator.
since he is on lipator low and he just had his heart attack on sept.7 how soon do you think he can gradually start cutting back on the lipator?

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