80, HBP, Irregular Heart Beat, Started PT

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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80, HBP, Irregular Heart Beat, Started PT

Post by ofonorow » Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:28 pm

Hi Owen,
I just called your foundation in Spring to order Cardio C.... I ordered 2 jars. I have a lot of questions. I have read all the testimonies and am very thankful that I am not as severe as they are. I am almost 80 and I've had high blood pressure... well, still have it... In November, I was in the ER twice with an irregular heart beat and a heart rate over 100. It usually takes me about 1 1/2 hours to get it under control and then I leave. I have had echocardiograms...normal... a heart monitor..okay... no signs of a heart attack ever...no stents or surgeries. I am on low dose high blood pressure medicines... 2... two of them... 3 times a day...they are not time released. So, I have been taking Omega 3 Fatty acid and CoQ10 and have the irregular heart beat under control. But, at night about 1:30am, I experience a racing heart...last night, the pulse was 94....the blood pressure was 139/84.... thank goodness, I didn't have the irregular heart beat.
These episodes really scare me but the doctor's had me on Sotolo to keep the heart beating slow...and I felt like I was dying on that... it was a high dose and I told them I wasn't going to use it anymore, I'd rather be dead.
So, I'm probably winging it right now... I only started the vitamin C a few days ago.... don't have lysine yet. I'll grab some today in capsule form to take until your Cardio C gets here.... I'm sure that my heart needs lots of good nourishment.... but I need to slow down the rate, also... I'm sure I have the irregular heart beat under control...there is a long span at night time when the blood pressure medicines aren't working because they aren't time released... and I only take them 3 times a day. So, last night, I just took another pill and within less than an hour, the heart slowed down.
I feel blessed because I am not in the critical category but sure would like to get a better handle on it. How long before the powder starts to work? I think the pills are doing a good job but I've only used the Vitamin C...not the lysine. Thank you, Sandra T ....from Bryan/College Station

I posted this because there can be a lot of reasons for these symptoms, but not taking vitamin C in the dosages that Linus Pauling recommended may be the root cause. Glad you are starting vitamin C, and you might try to find out your bowel tolerance (while waiting for lysine) to see where you should be. See : http://www.orthomed.com/titrate.htm for the basic information on calculating your vitamin C requiement.

Also "professor" johnwen create the following table and formula for determining a person's minimum vitamin C requirement (he recommends doubling that amount for a basic therapeutic effect.)
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: 80, HBP, Irregular Heart Beat, Started PT

Post by Johnwen » Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:51 am

This young man first needs to follow Owen's advice which will bring him more strenght to his heart and vascular system. Then he should talk to his regular doc about getting in to see a endocronoligist to get his hormone and thyroid levels checked. The 1:30am wake up with racing heart is a good sign something is out of balance. Since the ticker looks in good shape with the testing they did. It's a good reason to keep it strong while it's getting abused like this. Till they find the problem.
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