Outrageous Price Increases for Injectible C

Physician Reference and discussion of the methods, protocols and effects of intravenous vitamin C (versus oral or liposomal).

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Outrageous Price Increases for Injectible C

Post by ofonorow » Tue Mar 24, 2015 10:46 am

I am looking for a more affordable way to deliver Vitamin C IV. (The person on the phone says you carry powder and some of your doctors mix the powder up and put in IV bags. Can you put me in contact with some practitioners who do this?)

The price has become so outrageous I cannot deliver high dose Vit C for cancer patients.

Dr. G

And maybe that is the reason behind this? To keep it away from Cancer patients.

I, for one, would sure like to know the rationale behind these outrageous and overnight price increases? If anyone has more information on the reasons for the price increase, please post.

Fortunately, this is still a semi-free country, and doctors can have their nurses mix sodium ascorbate as Dr. Cathcart used to do.

Dr. Cathcart's youtube lecture on IV/C prep is the best tutorial on "do it yourself" IV/C. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zgi-7xPrCAg

And we have published an updated version of his written document: http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/pdfs/civprep.pdf

A compounding pharmacy (if they still can) would charge a doc $100 plus shipping for 250 grams of sterile sodium ascorbate (500 CC bag)

We, of course, cannot condone such a heinous crime against humanity, but you can purchase sodium ascorbate, for example, you can purchase Quali-C sodium ascorbate, and mix it per Cathcart's instructions and the vitamin C would cost around $34 dollars.

WE ARE NOT RECOMMENDING THE FOLLOW PRODUCT/LINK (and I hope it is "buffered" ascorbic acid for injection!)


Notice that the price for what looks to be 500 mg/Ml times 50 Ml = 25 grams (please correct me)

The current price for 25 grams of vitamin C for injection (this McGuff product) is $75 USD.. Lets let that sink in.

We offer 250 grams of Quali-C sodium ascorbate for lets say $50 (retail). If we priced ours like this, our jar would be priced at $375!

Or looking at it the other way, if you purchased 250 grams from this supplier at their prices, that would also be 75 * 5 ($375).

The increased demand from all the cancer patients demanding IV/C probably has something to do with this.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Outrageous Price Increases for Injectible C

Post by ofonorow » Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:12 am

We are starting a press release, so comments appreciated, and we will also post the following at the top of our home page. Please feel free to share on social media, but this message is mainly aimed at doctors using vitamin C for injection. This may indeed be a blessing in disguise as more and more doctors see the obvious benefits of the Cathcart-way for themselves.

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Outrageous Price Increases for Injectible C

Post by ofonorow » Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:33 am

I asked my friendly Compounding pharmacist about the reasons for the price increase, his response

Nobody will ever again be able to offer vitamins C injection for costs close to what they had been.

Cost of ingredients - nothing ever goes down in price.
New regulations. Federal intervention in a process that had been regulated solely by states.
Restrictions on who a pharmacy can sell to.
Cannot sell to doctors in bulk
The process of sterilization is costly - especially making sterile powders.
Drug manufacturers are not making the preparation - instead of making 1,000 vials at a time, pharmacists will make 1 or 2 (loss of economy of scale).
Insurance for pharmacies making sterile products went up dramatically - ours went up almost $10,000 per year.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Outrageous Price Increases for Injectible C

Post by ofonorow » Wed Apr 01, 2015 6:38 am

To PRweb's credit, they will not publish our release without independent verification of the facts, in this case, the fantastic price increase in commercial vitamin C for injection products. During this verification, with Dr. Levy's assistance, we are learning that their are even more insidious "price" increases created by the new Federal rules.

Thomas Levy, MD wrote:One is what [deleted] pointed out, namely, that having to prescribe vitamin C for a patient, and then obtain it, means that what that patient does not use is just thrown away, since nobody can take anybody's "leftover" prescription medicine.

Thomas Levy, MD wrote:The other that you might want to talk about is that even a small price increase in vitamin C has greater ramifications to curtail its use than a massive increase in the cost of regular chemotherapy, since insurance and Medicare covers the chemo, and the VC infusion must come out of pocket for the patient.

Here is the original statement from a large midwestern clinic's spokesperson.

We currently use around 500-600 vials of vitamin C a month.

We are wasting/throwing away a fair amount of vitamin C.

With the new patient specific regulations on compounded products, and the vitamin C price is pushed up because we have to now purchase Patient Specific Vitamin C.

When we had [deleted] vials as examples we could make and 10gm and 15 gram out of one vial or make three 7.5gm IVC pushes out of one vial. This allowed us to adjust our IV prices accordingly.

Now that we are patient specific if a patient wants a 7.5gm push, they have their own vial of vitamin C and we have to throw away 17.5gms as we can not use it on another patient. If they get a 15 gm IVC we throw away 10gm of vitamin C.

This a wasteful use of the raw material that they are claiming is a shortage and it requires us to have to charge the patient the price of a full vial even if they are not using the full vial.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Outrageous Price Increases for Injectible C

Post by ofonorow » Sat Apr 04, 2015 3:57 am

The press release is scheduled for Tuesday April 7. The online version points to this forum topic, and these are our "Talking Points", our opinions on the matter.

    #1 - The main reason for the overnight price increase are the new federally mandated regulations.

    #2.- Sodium ascorbate powders are not sterile and are meant for oral use. We cannot control how products are used, but we believe, per the release, that doctors forced to follow in the footsteps of Cathcart, will be offering a safe and more potent IV. (Per updated written instructions, attaching a microfilter to the IV is a good idea. Also use sterlie water, not saline.)

    #3 In our opinion, vested interests protecting the "cancer industry" and chemotherapy, are behind the 3 year effort to get the new Federal regulations passed. These interests can influence governmental action, so doctors must be discreet. These forces will be looking to make an example by going after doctors who make public what they are doing. Efficacy and safety will not matter. Effective vitamin C IV is a direct economic threat to one of the most profitable areas in medicine - oncology/chemotherapy.

    #4 In our opinion, Vitamin C is not a miracle cancer cure, as vitamin C by itself is a rather weak cancer killer. Intravenous Vitamin C (IV/C), however, can be potent. Most patients on chemo therapy do better taking intravenous vitamin C after chemo. High dosages (200 grams) are required for IV/C in conjunction with a no-carb (ketogenic) diet. We believe that other add-on supplements, those mentioned in the Hickey/Roberts book CANCER: NUTRITION AND SURVIVAL, are important to increase vitamin C's effectiveness killing cancers. These adjuncts include alpha lipoic acid, vitamin k3. New: Maitake D'Fraction mushroom, may be effective combined with Vitamin C.

    #5 Vitamin C should be taken orally 24/7 between intravenous infusions. Keeping the "oxygen redux potential" on the tumor is important according to Hickey/Roberts. We also recommend regular alpha lipoic acid and/or D'Fraction. Note: The new Vitamin C Foundation Approved chewables are designed with anti-cancer support for all day long vitamin C intake between infusions.

    ?#6 As mentioned at the end of his book, Owen believes pancreatic enzymes are the "100% cure" for cancer. He believes that the ultimate understanding and treatment for cancer was identified more than 100 years ago by John Beard.? (Soon our wiki will help people more easily find and understand this.) The Nicholas Gonzales book TROPHOBLAST is the landmark book on the discovery and modern treatment with pancreatic enzymes.

    #7 Although there are a few positive reports, we do not know yet if True-liposomal vitamin C can be an effective substitute for Intravenous Vitamin C for cancer. Dr. Levy recommends all three simultaneously, IV/C, Liposomal and ordinary powder. However, if IV/C is being used to fight an infection, then our anecdotal experience is that True-Liposomal is more effective, gram for gram, than IV/C.

    #8 A paper on Cesium (High pH Therapy) by Brewer contains an excellent cancer protocol that seems to target tumors. ( http://www.mwt.net/~drbrewer/highpH.htm ) The Brewer protocol includes high vitamin C, but also recommends 100,000 iu of vitamin A. Vitamin A promotes cell differentiation, and thus it competes directly with the few chemotherapies that have been shown to be effective for "soft" cancers (and may even work better). Note: Aggressive cancers are highly undifferentiated (stem-like) cells, which may explain the efficacy of high dose vitamin A for these cancers.

    #9 Calcium and sugars (glucose) have been shown to promote rapid cell division and should be avoided. The Ralph Moss reports (CancerDecisions.com) are available for every known cancer, and provide both conventional and alternative information. Moss only cares about what works.

    #10. Dr. Levy believes, as Hal Huggins, DDS, before him, that dental toxicity leads to cancers, especially root canals which ALWAYS become toxic. Note: our breasts shares the same lymph drainage system with the tonsils. The toxicity generated by root canals can overwhelm ordinary vitamin C defense in people with ordinary small intakes of vitamin C.

    #11 Telomerase inhibitors, such as green tea extract (ECGC) and cucumin/tumeric may help in high dosages. We also know of the Mathias Rath study showing that vitamin C/lysine/proline plus ECGC at a high dosage, 4 times greater than the recommended chronic scurvy (heart disease) dosage, can halt cancer growth.

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Outrageous Price Increases for Injectible C

Post by ofonorow » Tue Apr 07, 2015 4:39 am

Press release has been issued.

Huge Vitamin C Price Increase May Be a Blessing in Disguise for Cancer Patients, Says Vitamin C Foundation
Rising costs of sterile vitamin C solution may have unexpected benefits as doctors return to early vitamin C therapy practices.


Vitamin C Foundation Approved (Cathcart's) Sodium Ascorbate now available at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00VMX78X6/ref=dp_olp_0?ie=UTF8&condition=all&sr=8-1&qid=1428403051
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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