2 Heart Bypass op's and now on Pauling Therapy

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Re: 2 Heart Bypass op's and now on Pauling Therapy

Post by Frank51 » Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:39 am

blade wrote:
Frank51 wrote:
I'm 63 years old and have been healthy all my life until my bypass surgery a little over four months ago.

Healthy all your life?
how do you figure that ?
I didnt realize healthy people dont needed bypass surgery
and you've had 2 off them?

so maybe your idea of what healthy is, isnt realistic?

I guess it depends on how you define healthy. I've seldom ever been sick with a cold, flu or anything else in those 63 years. I had my appendix out a few years ago but that was the only other time I've been in a hospital besides the two weeks for heart surgery. I've always been active and my work involves a lot of physical labor. Three months after surgery I was back to work putting in 8 to 14 hours a day. I've had some physical injuries because of the kind of work I do but it never stopped me for long from working. In those 63 years the down time for sickness or injuries has been extremely small. I'd say I've been very healthy most of my life. I feel good now and I'm going to do what I can to stay in good health.

There is a history of heart disease in my family and if I'd known about the pauling therapy maybe I could have avoided the blockages and surgery. I'm doing what I can now to avoid having any recurrence. I had six blockages and five bypasses.

I've had my hormone levels checked a few years ago and they all fell within the normal range for my age. I did try bio identical testosterone for awhile to increase the level but stopped eventually because of the cost. I tried supplementing HGH and armour thyro for awhile too. Did a lot of reading in Dr. Frank Shallenbergers book who promotes testing hormone levels and supplementing but the cost was prohibitive and I didn't seem to be benefitting much from it.

Erectile disfunction I believe is an indicator sometimes of blocked arteries from things I've read but if you rely on that thinking you're good to go you'd be making a mistake. I haven't had in the past nor do Inow have any problem with that.

My advice to others is to follow the pauling therapy, avoid sugar, starchy foods, white flower, most grain and most of the vegetable oils. Sally Fallon has a good video on youtube called "The oiling of America" I advise people to watch and listen to it .

For people who are depressed or not happy with their lives I recommend Richard Carlsons book "You can be happy no matter what". I've bought a lot of those and given them away to people I thought needed them.

I"m not afraid of dying but I do want to enjoy the time I have here on earth. I'm christian and do my best to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ which I believe are good advice for everyone to have the best possible outcomes in their lives here on earth and beyond.

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Re: 2 Heart Bypass op's and now on Pauling Therapy

Post by Frank51 » Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:23 am

I've come across more information that is interesting when it comes to lowering cholesterol and heart health. I was taking diatomeacious earth before my bypass surgery and the cardiologist had a fit about that but it may have been a help because of the silica in it. More information on this and other things that are interesting at this link.



Re: 2 Heart Bypass op's and now on Pauling Therapy

Post by blade » Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:18 am

I understand you werent sick, pretty active, so you thought you were healthy, the CAD was unknown to you, it sounds like you were akin to one of those marathon runners who ends up dying from a heart attack for no real explanation, we know realize you j ust needed to get more AA

Frank51 wrote:.

I've had my hormone levels checked a few years ago and they all fell within the normal range for my age.

I gave you the proper range, above 500 total T and estrogen in 20-30
"for your age" is a horrible expression that MDs love to tell guys, but then again, as your MD about estrogen/estradiol and they won't know crap.
my mD told me my 248 level was "fine" for my age, a few years ago(when I was 80lbs overweight),
so I lost the fat, which increased my testosterone due to lowering belly fat/aromatase and my Testosterone more than doubled.. yet I hadnt changed anything diet wise, cept eating less food and losing the belly fat
my MD said I was stil in range
how can 248 and 630 exert the same effect? makes me think of 90mgs AA and 9000 mg, (dosage matters)
so don't fall into the trap of thinking whater rhetoric your MD learned 20yrs ago applies

Frank51 wrote:. I did try bio identical testosterone for awhile to increase the level but stopped eventually because of the cost. I tried supplementing HGH and armour thyro for awhile too. Did a lot of reading in Dr. Frank Shallenbergers book who promotes testing hormone levels and supplementing but the cost was prohibitive and I didn't seem to be benefitting much from it.

Erectile disfunction I believe is an indicator sometimes of blocked arteries from things I've read but if you rely on that thinking you're good to go you'd be making a mistake. I haven't had in the past nor do Inow have any problem with that. .

cost is an issue, as is finding someone to help you do it, if you can't/won't selfinject(ascreams/pills are not the way to go for HRT), HGH is great, but highly $$ and why were you messing with thyroid? cheap testing is found at http://www.privatemdlabs.com/

Frank51 wrote:My advice to others is to follow the pauling therapy, avoid sugar, starchy foods, white flower, most grain and most of the vegetable oils. Sally Fallon has a good video on youtube called "The oiling of America" I advise people to watch and listen to it .

For people who are depressed or not happy with their lives I recommend Richard Carlsons book "You can be happy no matter what". I've bought a lot of those and given them away to people I thought needed them.

I"m not afraid of dying but I do want to enjoy the time I have here on earth. I'm christian and do my best to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ which I believe are good advice for everyone to have the best possible outcomes in their lives here on earth and beyond.

yeah, I agree with some of that, life is finite, so make your time of the highest quality
religion is hilarious... I pray to milk, as it gives me the same answers, yes/no/wait, as any "god "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk6ILZAaAMI
treating others as you want to be treated are the best guide for life

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Re: 2 Heart Bypass op's and now on Pauling Therapy

Post by jimmylesante » Sun Jun 28, 2015 10:55 pm

avoid sugar, starchy foods, white flower, most grain and most of the vegetable oils.

Excellent advice, it's not only about what to supplement with, but what to avoid!
I wonder if you went to your optician and got a picture of your eyeballs, what your blood vessels would look like- this is supposed to be a cheap indicator to possibly what the rest of your vascular system looks like in the heart. I'd like to think it is a better indicator than ED.


Re: 2 Heart Bypass op's and now on Pauling Therapy

Post by blade » Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:00 pm

jimmylesante wrote:
avoid sugar, starchy foods, white flower, most grain and most of the vegetable oils.

Excellent advice, it's not only about what to supplement with, but what to avoid!


jimmylesante wrote:I wonder if you went to your optician and got a picture of your eyeballs, what your blood vessels would look like- this is supposed to be a cheap indicator to possibly what the rest of your vascular system looks like in the heart. I'd like to think it is a better indicator than ED.

I'd like to think donuts are needed, daily,

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Re: 2 Heart Bypass op's and now on Pauling Therapy

Post by Frank51 » Mon Jun 29, 2015 7:33 am

jimmylesante wrote:
avoid sugar, starchy foods, white flower, most grain and most of the vegetable oils.

Excellent advice, it's not only about what to supplement with, but what to avoid!
I wonder if you went to your optician and got a picture of your eyeballs, what your blood vessels would look like- this is supposed to be a cheap indicator to possibly what the rest of your vascular system looks like in the heart. I'd like to think it is a better indicator than ED.

I didn't have a photo taken of the arteries in my eyes but I did have them checked not long after my surgery. The optometrist was formerly a chemist and he said in his training he'd learned to look for plaque in the arteries in the back of your eyes. He had a 45 degree camera but wasn't set up to use it yet. I told him about Sydney Bush's work identifying heart disease and recommending vitamin c to his patients.

He did see that the arteries in the back of my eyes had plaque in them and I intend to go back sometime and have him look again. Maybe he'll have his camera set up and ready to go next time. I'm curious to know if there has been any change in the plaque since I've been using the pauling therapy.

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Re: 2 Heart Bypass op's and now on Pauling Therapy

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:22 am

Frank51 wrote:I didn't have a photo taken of the arteries in my eyes but I did have them checked not long after my surgery. The optometrist was formerly a chemist and he said in his training he'd learned to look for plaque in the arteries in the back of your eyes. He had a 45 degree camera but wasn't set up to use it yet. I told him about Sydney Bush's work identifying heart disease and recommending vitamin c to his patients.

He did see that the arteries in the back of my eyes had plaque in them and I intend to go back sometime and have him look again. Maybe he'll have his camera set up and ready to go next time. I'm curious to know if there has been any change in the plaque since I've been using the pauling therapy.

Please let us know about your eyes. In fact, if this eye doctor (former chemist) is interested in helping us collect before/after images of the retinas that would be exciting. With enough of these images, we could develop an expert system that does what Dr. Sydney Bush does - measure the degree of heart disease easily and non-evasively.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: 2 Heart Bypass op's and now on Pauling Therapy

Post by Frank51 » Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:12 pm

He was very interested in what I could tell him about Sydney Bush's work and I think he could be an asset to those who are aware of the pauling therapy and would like to pursue it. He commented that what Sydney Bush was doing made sense to him.

I'm interested in pursuing it myself and I'll be contacting him again later when I have time. I would like to have my eyes photographed and get Sidney Bush's advice on what he sees.

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Re: 2 Heart Bypass op's and now on Pauling Therapy

Post by jimmylesante » Thu Jul 02, 2015 6:44 am

I'm interested in pursuing it myself and I'll be contacting him again later when I have time. I would like to have my eyes photographed and get Sidney Bush's advice on what he sees.

I sat with my optometrist- a friend and we looked at the photograph of my eyes and the vascular system was ok.
He showed me other photographs of other peoples eyes(all on the computer so you can zoom in) Even to my untrained eye, areas of calcium build up which showed up white, were as clear as day.
The cost if he was to charge me would have been $20. The other options are a calcium score test which Owen knows more about and the guru being an MRI/MRA which does a full picture of the heart and arteries but i believe is around the $2000 mark perhaps more in the USA.


Re: 2 Heart Bypass op's and now on Pauling Therapy

Post by blade » Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:16 am

jimmylesante wrote:
I'm interested in pursuing it myself and I'll be contacting him again later when I have time. I would like to have my eyes photographed and get Sidney Bush's advice on what he sees.

I sat with my optometrist- a friend and we looked at the photograph of my eyes and the vascular system was ok.
He showed me other photographs of other peoples eyes(all on the computer so you can zoom in) Even to my untrained eye, areas of calcium build up which showed up white, were as clear as day.
The cost if he was to charge me would have been $20. The other options are a calcium score test which Owen knows more about and the guru being an MRI/MRA which does a full picture of the heart and arteries but i believe is around the $2000 mark perhaps more in the USA.

is the photograph of the eyes/ vascular system (to look for calcium build up) better than a MRI/MRA/calcium score test?
I thought the 1st step to determine your risk for CAD was to do a LPA test...so the eye photo is next?

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Re: 2 Heart Bypass op's and now on Pauling Therapy

Post by jimmylesante » Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:46 am

is the photograph of the eyes/ vascular system (to look for calcium build up) better than a MRI/MRA/calcium score test?

No it's not better than an MRA or calcium score.
It is much cheaper.


Re: 2 Heart Bypass op's and now on Pauling Therapy

Post by blade » Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:17 pm

jimmylesante wrote:No it's not better than an MRA or calcium score.
It is much cheaper.

Cheaper but as accurate sounds better

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Re: 2 Heart Bypass op's and now on Pauling Therapy

Post by pamojja » Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:02 am

blade wrote:
jimmylesante wrote:No it's not better than an MRA or calcium score.
It is much cheaper.

Cheaper but as accurate sounds better

There is no calcification at all in the microscopic arteries of my eyes (twice confirmed) - not a surprise after 6 years full on Pauling's Therapy.

However, my latest CIMT (max. carotid Intima-media thickness) at 1.9 mm is a bit concerning. And the 85% blockage at my abdominal aorta bifurcation has remained the same all these 6 years. The thing which seem to have helped is revascularisation through angiogenisis improving my pain-free walking distance from intermittent claudication from 300 meter to 2 hours. Just this year I lost this crude measurement of a pain-free walking distance because after more than 2 hours of continuous walking I now need a break due to exhaustion, without any claudication symptoms.

Therefore it is my understanding that there can be no calcification at the microscopic arteries of the eyes, some at the larger carotid artery, and a massive 85% blockage at the large aorta (about 2 cm in diameter) at the same time.

A coronary calcium score would tell about the stage of calcification in coronary arteries. Which as my example shows, can differ greatly depending on the location/size of the artery.


Re: 2 Heart Bypass op's and now on Pauling Therapy

Post by blade » Mon Jul 06, 2015 4:08 am

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Re: 2 Heart Bypass op's and now on Pauling Therapy

Post by pamojja » Mon Jul 06, 2015 5:55 am

blade wrote:so will pauling therapy help with the 85% blockage at your abdominal aorta bifurcation?

Everyone has a different medical history and individual biochemistry. We discussed that already. In my case I suffered serious tropical infections in the past - tuberculosis, 7 malarias, spinal cord infection, schistosomiasis, etc. - which each could have meant my death on their own, but seem to have kept in check by my own bodies healing power.

My 85% blockage is at the bifurcation only, the remaining aorta or leg arteries are clear. Being at only a very small section of my total aorta implies to me that in my case that section very probably also has been infected along with my multiple tropical infections at one point in the past. And the localized 85% blockage was my bodies response to heal.

Coronary calcium score, which measures the total amount of calcium in your coronary arteries. And, if done repeated, your yearly calcium score increase in percent. Usually, and with the standard of care (statins..), CAC score increases at in average 30% each year. Some cardiologist, like Dr. William Davis, maintains that with a reduction of this yearly CAC below 15% growth, already no further adverse events would have occurred in his practice.

One reason being that calcified plaque has a stabilizing effect, while less calcified or unstable plaque is more likely to rupture with deathly downstream events, and that more frequently at blockages below 50%.

Back to your question: By remaining at the same size my 85% blockage since 6 years of Pauling's Therapy seems to be of a very stable kind. And that I could increase my pain-free walking distance from 300 meter to 1 hour walking in my first year of Pauling's Therapy, to 2 hours in the second year, and now above means to me this therapy helped from the very beginning through to the end.

blade wrote:I know my mom has some calcium/blockage in her left Carotid(seen via x-ray)..

I wonder if that small calcification will diminish?

Don't worry if it doesn't diminish, worry what could be it's contributing factors if it continues to grow. Like nutritional deficiencies (magnesium, iodine, ..), thyroid dysfunction, blood-sugar issues, inflammation, infections and so on.

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