Back neck chest (ribcage) pain

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Back neck chest (ribcage) pain

Post by hvc » Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:51 pm

Could this be associated with PT? Are other vitamins/minerals being depleted that would cause this?

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Re: Back neck chest (ribcage) pain

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jan 05, 2016 6:23 am

You should probably go to the hospital again. It has nothing to do with vitamin C.

I wound up in intensive care - two 10 days episodes from "back/neck pain" about 3 years ago. My memory is getting poor about this, but I know that my pericardial sac (around the heart) had filled with fluid, causing the pain. The sac had to be drained at a hospital. If this is the cause of your pain, you may need to go to the hospital to have this checked out by an ultrasound procedure.

Cutting to the chase, after fooling 10 specialists (who believed that I had some time of infection) I finally figured out what had gone wrong with me after reading SAFE USES OF CORTISOL, 3rd Edition, by William Mck Jefferies M.D., My problem was entirely due to low cortisol output by my adrenal glands.

We all make some cortisol (lest we die in about 24 hours) so doctors are not taught to consider low cortisol as a potential issue. It is a serious issue, and there are saliva tests that you can order that can tell you if low cortisol output is the root cause of your pain. Given you situation, and stress, it is a logical assumption that you may have exhausted your adrenals.

My chronological history discovering the importance of cortisol are in these archived topics.

With a few daily "cortisol" pills (hydrocortisone) i am perfectly fine, although there have been periods of stress/illness where I could feel my peri. sac filling again. I simply upped the dosage of cortisol, and the problem quickly disappeared.

If low cortisol is your problem, then the next problem is finding a doctor who will give you a long-term prescription. If I remember correctly, you live in New York and there is a team led by T. Pinkus who are experts in Cortisol therapy for arthritis. You would be able to get a long-term prescription from them.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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