Why does vitamin C lower blood pressure? (and etc.)

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Why does vitamin C lower blood pressure? (and etc.)

Post by kohlrabicroce » Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:52 pm

Hi all,

My s/o is still not doing well on blood pressure meds. He's the one who won't take
more than 3 grams of vitamin C, and 1 gram of lysine.

At least he hasn't has any new issues with strokes (he's a stroke survivor) or heart problems,
but its seems he still needs the drugs to control his blood pressure. This despite the fact
that the doctor took him off of all blood thinners after a scan showed his arteries are
clear. If his arteries are really clear, how can he still be having high blood pressure?

He's now taking nitroglycerin for blood pressure, and hydralazine. He's been through
everything else, all with horrible side effects, and he's still having horrible
side effects. Now he's got kidney issues, and looks like diabetes is right around the
corner too now (high fasting blood sugar).

He's also very tired all the time, depressed, and apathetic. I don't know how much of
that is caused by the drugs, and/or how much just by the stroke. He often gets really
horrible stomach pains that make him sick. When that happens, he can't work that day.

I had high blood pressure (as high as 150 / 90 or so), but the vitamin C takes care of it
quick. I wish I understood why.

I don't know what to do to convince him to try a higher dose of vitamin C.
Should I just try to educate us both about the corrupt medical industry?
He got to this point by ignoring his health, now he meekly does what he
is told by doctors.

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Re: Why does vitamin C lower blood pressure? (and etc.)

Post by kohlrabicroce » Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:16 pm

Oh, he also has some cognitive issues - he "confuses himself."
That also could be either the stroke or the drugs, but I've seem
him be much better, cognitively, on lower doses of drugs.

His diet could be better, imo: he eats way too much dairy and sugar.

He has 1% milk and oatmeal for breakfast, eats most of that, then adds
sweetened yogurt to what's left and has that for lunch. Also he has
about 1 glass of sweetened fruit juice per day. Then whatever I make with
legumes, tofu and vegetables for dinner - way not enough vegetables.
He also has low carb bread and butter or bread and neufchatel cheese.
Still not enough vegetables. He has meat once a week.

I've thought of proposing the dash diet to him, but the high potassium
route would be problematic too. Even wihtout the drugs that are potassium
sparing, the kidney issues make it difficult. He's also got Benign prostatic
hyperplasia, and is taking 2 other meds for that, including one that reduces
testosterone. Great, wouldn't low testosterone increase his blood pressure?

He can't take a diuretic because of the bph.

I'm going to get him to go to a hypertension specialist, but I'm sick
of allopathic medicine.

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Re: Why does vitamin C lower blood pressure? (and etc.)

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:44 am

You can lead a horse to water...

We want to believe our doctors know what they are doing. We all want to believe that highly educated doctors are experts in medicine and it is just too hard to face the fact that the industry that surrounds them is absolutely corrupt.

When we first started, the first people who found us on the Internet (and recovered so quickly) only did so because their own cardiologists/doctors told them there were no more options. They were in intractable pain, and their own doctors suggested they search for options on the Internet (probably figuring they would find an ACAM doc doing EDTA chelation therapy.)


This despite the fact that the doctor took him off of all blood thinners after a scan showed his arteries are
clear. If his arteries are really clear, how can he still be having high blood pressure?

Good question, johnwen?

What kind of scan?

If ultrasound, from my anecdotal experience, calcium buildups which are not narrowing the arteries, per se, are making arterial walls "stiffer" which causes high blood pressure during testing. So the answer is that the clear arteries probably have calcium.

Long ago we discovered that adding vitamin K to Pauling's basic CVD protocol does seem to make arteries more flexible. From the original Japanese research, this is because vitamin K has a hormone-like property that moves calcium from soft tissues into bone. In this way, vitamin K may lower blood pressure over time.

If the scan (Fast CT scan) measured calcium, then the answer is less clear.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Why does vitamin C lower blood pressure? (and etc.)

Post by kohlrabicroce » Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:36 am

Hi Owen, thanks for answering :). That's really dismaying, that the first people only sought help
because the doctors told them they can't help any more.

The scan was an ultrasound. It did show that there was still a small amount
of calcification, but the doctor felt it was minimal enough that he could be taken
off the blood thinners.

We know about vitamin K - I got him on vitamin K as soon as he was taken off warfarin.
He's taking vitamin K-2 MK7. It's been a couple of years now, I think.

Since he would not take more than 3 grams of C, I also added in artichoke extract for
clearing out the blood vessels. He's also taking magnesium, vitamin B6, etc.

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