how much to take

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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how much to take

Post by hvc » Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:25 pm

I have been increasing my vit c 1 gram per day to bowel tolerance. I had stopped at 10 grams ad day for a few weeks (not because of any problems) and am now continuing to increase. I am now up to 19 grams with no issues. How high should I go? Also, my stool sometimes(not always) has a slight orange/copper coloring. Is this a concern? Is this from the vitamins?

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Re: how much to take

Post by ofonorow » Sat Feb 06, 2016 7:09 am

I assume you have read Dr. Catchart's TITRATING TO BOWEL TOLERANCE paper, if not, I will provide the link (or expand and do a browser search for "Cathcart.")

The finding is that people under stress can metabolize enormous amounts of ascorbate, and that not having the ascorbate available, as it would be in animals that can make their own, can be a significant health issue.

So not taking enough it more problematic than taking too much (which will be expelled, believe me).

You are currently experiencing a very high metabolic need for vitamin C and your body has adjusted to the increased ascorbate in your blood. There is no good reason not to try and go higher, because if the vitamin C was not being absorbed, it would be noticeable going out your rear end.

However, is you get well, you'll notice the amount of vitamin C before you hit tolerance goes down.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: how much to take

Post by hvc » Sat Feb 06, 2016 6:33 pm

When you say "as you get well", are you referring to plaque reduction? Also is the stool color a concern?

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Re: how much to take

Post by ofonorow » Sun Feb 07, 2016 8:48 am

I'll leave the stool coloring to the docs... But yes, a guess would be that something you are eating - is not being absorbed and is therefore making it to the stool.. Have you started taking a Super-B complex (per Pauling)? If so, perhaps a better, more absorb able brand is advisable.

And I suppose what I mean by "getting better" is a reduction of the stress that has your body metabolizing so much vitamin C. Per the Cathcart paper, when our bodies are under stress, we can metabolize enormous amounts of vitamin C, amounts that are not absorbed and passed out the rectum after the stress passes. So lack of stress is the definition of wellness in this case.

Plaque is a symptom that something else is wrong. The Rath analogy is that plaques can be viewed as the body creating its own "plaster casts" to stabilize weak arteries which would otherwise weaken under the force of the heart beat, creating lesions (holes) and then death. So the plaque, in and of itself, is probably not related to stress or vitamin C tolerance. The Pauling/Rath contribution was the realization of how important Lp(a) is to the "plaster cast" building process, and how to stop and reverse that process.

But the underlying problem is a chronic vitamin C deficiency - chronic scurvy. Lets imagine that you have root canals, mercury amalgams and unrecognized pockets of toxicity in and around your mouth, for example. All the vitamin C available in your blood would thus be quickly used up combating this toxicity, creating the effective or local deficiency. This is one reason Dr. Levy feels that no amount of vitamin C can make up for these dental infections/toxins, if they are present. Now we imagine that the root canals, mercury and infections have been eliminated, somehow. Your need for vitamin C would then decline, as measured by a reduction in bowel tolerance. The amount of vitamin C you can take by mouth that causes diarrhea would be reduced. And the "stress" doesn't have to be dental toxicity, but this is of course common. (I was just reading in Bollinger's cancer book that parasites are not only a 3rd world phenomenon!)
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: how much to take

Post by hvc » Sun Feb 07, 2016 4:02 pm

I thought vit c is a major player in removing arterial plaque. Is that not correct?

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Re: how much to take

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 08, 2016 7:26 am

Good question. First, I was trying to correlate how "getting well" would affect your the amount of vitamin C your body can use (metabolize). To my mind, plaques, as symptoms of an underlying arterial weakness, probably have little to do with bowel tolerance or the amount of vitamin C you can take without diarrhea.

Now we know that vitamin C alone probably has little effect on reversing the plaque build-up in arteries. The very first case Pauling describes on the Unified Theory lecture is instructive. The National Academy of Sciences award winner had stabilized his heart disease by taking vitamin C, but did not improve. He was alive, but still had pain walking across the room.

At this point, when the fellow scientist asked what else he could do, Pauling related how he suggested the addition of lysine (later patented as a Pauling/Rath invention). By adding lysine to the vitamin C, the heart disease apparently reversed and the fellow was soon out chopping wood. All this is on the video and Pauling published the first three cases.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: how much to take

Post by hvc » Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:11 am

I'm up to 22gm of vit c a day. 6 gm lsyine. 1 gm proline. I was told 6 lysine and 1 proline is enough. Is that correct for any amount of vitamin c?

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Re: how much to take

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:30 am

From our experience, all this is correct (while there is no known harm in taking more lysine/proline) Usually 10 grams of vitamin C has turned people around... Do you have fillings/root canals?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: how much to take

Post by hvc » Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:35 am

yes. but i had my mercury levels checked and they were low.

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Re: how much to take

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:41 am

This is going to branch or digress this topic, but checked how? Feces? Urine? Hair??

How dangerous fillings are depend on the year they were inserted, and from memory, those inserted prior to 1976 as the safest. The formula changed after the 1970s, and mercury is released at a much higher rate.every time you chew - (this is easily seen by xray photos made during chewing). As mercury is released is can be absorbed by the mouth tissue which is close to the brain. One effect of mercury is to displace oxygen atoms in hemoglobin (blood cells) leading to fatigue, but the worst effect is damage to the brain.

But mercury isn't the toxicity that I was thinking of that creates a large bowel tolerance.

This toxicity is created by root canals... As Dr. Levy has written, EVERY root canals that has been extracted and tested was found to be highly toxic - with the most toxic substances known.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: how much to take

Post by hvc » Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:44 am


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Re: how much to take

Post by ofonorow » Wed Feb 10, 2016 7:53 am

I am impressed! The only blood test for mercury that I am aware of is by Quicksilver - a company owned and run by Chris Shade, PhD. Can you tell us more about your testing?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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