Age 48, had a stroke, found PT

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Age 48, had a stroke, found PT

Post by ofonorow » Thu Mar 03, 2016 8:18 am

Waiting for my account to open I'll share with you a story about me.

I'm 48 yrs of age and I had a stroke less than 6 months ago.
The stroke is in the carotid artery and they had to put in a stent. One stent only.
You put me on ASA, clopidogrel and atoravastatin. After 3 weeks of having the stroke I stopped with the atoravastatin.
My cholesterol is (mg/dl): TC: 248, LDL-C: 177, HDL: 47, and Trigl: 91.
Three weeks of being on a statin and 5 weeks after that fact I had my blood tested again: TC: 173, LDL-C: 108, HDL:48, and Trigl: 88. They wanted me stay on until my statins until LDL-C got under 77mg/dl!!
The ASA and clopidogrel I've stayed on them as required. That was 3 months. After that it was low dose ASA everyday.

I learned about Vit C/lysine/proline (been on if for about 4-5 weeks) as a way to beat this disease and I am fortunate to come across it.
I've taken myself off the low dose ASA and replaced it with Garlic and Ginkgo. And I also do a liver detox.
I do:
8-9gr of Vit C,
4.5-5gr of lysine,
2gr of proline then I have a protocol of other supplements that I take.

As for my diet I am on the paleo diet for about 2-3yrs. I think my real cause for the disease is me being vegetarian for almost 10 yrs. The reason for this is I had 1 tooth extracted and 2 very minor cavities. I'm sure you know everything there is about anti-nutrients. All other disease went way (minor ones. I didn't need to say Dr) when I got onto to the paleo diet.
I think that is everything. Let me know if you have any questions.

I think you are doing the correct thing following Linus Pauling's advice and recommendations.

There are two substances that I have read about that can protect the brain from the ravages of stroke, which is a random event affecting different cells and occurring for different reasons.

DMSO administered quickly, I forget the time frame (as reported in Morton Walker's book about DMSO) but the timeframe is probably within an hour or two, is very protective of brain cells. This to me says it is probably wise, at lesat until the arteries in the brain stabilize, to supplement with DMSO on a regular basis. (It would be nice to have doctors who could administer it IV on stand-by, but this is a pipe dream in the world we currently live in.)

The other substance, which can protect the brain from damage from stroke, as reported by the late Dr. John Ely, is co-enzyme Q10. Now these are preventive, not after the fact, but that doesn't mean it isn't a good idea to begin adding them to your regimen, and CoQ10 is especially important for anyone taking a statin cholesterol-lowering drug (which you have bravely and intelligently stopped on your own.)
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Age 48, had a stroke, found PT

Post by ofonorow » Fri Mar 04, 2016 9:09 am

I've never heard of DMSO. I will google it to learn more.

eDoc is our resident DMSO expert.. But yes you can use DMSO topically and orally, but orally it is more than a little "strong".

OMG DMSO is it!!! I cannot believe this. I could have been saved along with the millions of others that have been through the stroke.
Strokes are the third biggest killer in the USA, causing over 150,000 deaths a year. They are also "the primary cause of serious disabilities", U.S. News reported on March 30, 1998, "leaving 3,000,000 people annually unable to work or take care of themselves. If given soon after a stroke, DMSO, one of the world's greatest solvents, has been shown to dissolve the clot that causes the stroke, thus restoring circulation and avoiding paralysis. How soon? Dr. Stanley Jacob says within the first few hours is best and intravenously is better than oral, but oral works, too. Once DMSO gets into the body either daubed on the skin, given I.V., or by mouth, it permeates the body and crosses the brain barrier, so even taken orally it can improve circulation. One man who had a stroke at 7:30 AM refused to go to the hospital until after his wife had spoken with Dr. Stanley Jacob, which didn't happen until 6:30 PM. Starting at 7 PM the day of the stroke, she gave him one ounce of 50% DMSO in a little orange juice every 15 minutes for two hours and then every half hour for two hours. The next day, her husband was better and soon returned to normal. A substance that can stop a stroke as it's happening is something many might want in their home medicine chest."

Can you confirm that the DMSO (attached) can be used internally or topically? I just want to be extra sure before I buy it.

Try searching DMSO at this forum as there have been a lot of discussion based on similar questions.

From various sources, I think there are at least 3 major ways that DMSO works its magic!

a) DMSO has the ability to carry oxygen into cells and through the blood brain barrier. Cancers hate oxygen. The brain is starving for oxygen after a stroke (as the heart is starving for oxygen after an infarction.)

b) DMSO can provide the raw material (e.g. sulfur) for the body's main detoxification mechanisms, and all these major detox mechanisms (e.g. glutathione) are based around cysteine (the main sulfur containing amino acid) and, all are augmented by vitamin C.

c) Its ability to penetrate and carry other substances, even topically through the skin.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Age 48, had a stroke, found PT

Post by ddimeo » Fri Mar 04, 2016 11:07 am

DMSO is on its way! I ordered it yesterday and I got the Dr Morton Walker book "DMSO Natures Healer" yesterday as well!
I want to thank Owen for ALL your help!!

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Re: Age 48, had a stroke, found PT

Post by ddimeo » Fri Mar 04, 2016 11:14 am

I will add the supplements I'm taking in detail:
Vit C - 8-9grms
Lysine - 4.5-5grms
Proline - 1.5-2grms
Magnesium - 750mg
CoQ10 - 200mg
K2 - 120-240mcg
Vit D - 4000-5000IU
Vit E - 400-800IU

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Re: Age 48, had a stroke, found PT

Post by eDOC » Fri Mar 04, 2016 2:42 pm

Rookie, rusty, sub average doc but one that gives results!

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Re: Age 48, had a stroke, found PT

Post by ddimeo » Sat Mar 05, 2016 12:42 pm

I have a few questions about DMSO. If you could give Owen you're email address I would like to connect. I will pay for your services.

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Re: Age 48, had a stroke, found PT

Post by eDOC » Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:19 am

Hi there,

Read your post what can I do for you?

Best regards!

My services?? am I an escort??.......oh you mean my I correct?.......I charge 400$ per hour, satisfaction guaranteed now am talking like a hooker lol
Rookie, rusty, sub average doc but one that gives results!

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Re: Age 48, had a stroke, found PT

Post by ddimeo » Sun Mar 06, 2016 2:07 pm

The main thing I would want to know is the dose orally and topically. Do I have to diluted before using it? I have ordered DMOS 99.97% and I need some assistance in using it. I know this may sound easy but I thought I would ask you.

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Re: Age 48, had a stroke, found PT

Post by ofonorow » Mon Mar 07, 2016 7:11 am

There have been a LOT of discussions of DMSO - and how to take it orally.. (Maybe time to move it all to the wiki).

Anyway, here is one of eDOCs answers on taking DMSO orally:
eDOC wrote:@gizmo1955, no need to thank, you are welcome. I might not be able to reply here after this. 10 drops of pure i.e 99.9% DMSO in PT is fine. Increase to 15-20 drops OR 10 drops twice a day in V8 tomato.........

Bottom line the more you take better for you, its a harmless but a miraculous drug.

I take 15 mL once or twice a day. Occasional 120 mL IVs.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Age 48, had a stroke, found PT

Post by ddimeo » Mon Mar 07, 2016 10:46 am

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!!

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Re: Age 48, had a stroke, found PT

Post by jimmylesante » Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:46 am

there is an ebook DMSO:A handbook for doctors. very informative and easy to read.

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Re: Age 48, had a stroke, found PT

Post by jimmylesante » Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:13 am

Still waiting for eDOC book (yawn) :)

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Re: Age 48, had a stroke, found PT

Post by ofonorow » Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:41 am

jimmylesante wrote:there is an ebook DMSO:A handbook for doctors. very informative and easy to read.

Link? Author? Thx
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Age 48, had a stroke, found PT

Post by jimmylesante » Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:24 am

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Re: Age 48, had a stroke, found PT

Post by ddimeo » Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:35 am

I've got that one too.

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