Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Re: Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

Post by Johnwen » Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:50 pm

Total cholesterol was 533 in December, 483 last week.

I was going to ask you what your TSH was on your blood work???

Let me guess it was 3.8 with a range of 0.40-4.25 mIU/L
And your Doc never batted an eye about it, Did they ??? ... onnection/

One problem here is since you are already experiencing angina etc.
This can be a touchy situation. In my experience people who have had work done on the heart a lot of times start experiencing A-fib when trying to get their thyroid back in line. So if my hunch is correct your in a category that would require an experienced Endo that could coordinate with your Cardio to get things back in line. So be careful here! This applies to statins also!
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Re: Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

Post by Alafairsmom » Thu Jun 15, 2017 4:57 am

Johnwen, here are the thyroid results from mid-March:

TSH=2.77 (0.4-4.5 mIU/L)
T4, Free=1.3 (0.8-1.8 ng/dL)

PTH-RP=18 (14-27 pg/mL)
PTH,Intact & calcium=42 (14-64 pg/mL)
(that's all the endo ordered for thyroid)

Thyroid was not checked in the hospital.

Here's what I'm asking the cardiologist to order from Quest:

CardioIQ advanced lipid + inflammation panels (will capture Lp-a and hs crp)
Comprehensive metabolic panel
Thyroid Panel with TSH
Vitamin K
Magnesium, RBC
And Quest Assure D-25 (D2,D3)

The last 3 are for me to get an idea where I am with supplementation. The endo ordered the Vitamin D study in March, and the total was 36, barely in the range of 30-100 ng/mL. D3=36, D2=<4. The lab reference said total D less than 30 suggests insufficiency. I am now taking 6000 IU of D3 daily because the 36 seemed unimpressive. My endocrinologist despises supplements, including multivitamins, and says the only thing he approves is D3, Rx only, and only one manufacturer. Since I didn't test low he didn't prescribe.

I'm going through the PA at the Cardio office, and he is pretty amenable to labs. He may want to add to that, do you?

Statins? Every doc wants them, now they're pushing Repatha ($1243 per injection every other week for life might be why there's a market push)

I reject both/either.

BTW, in March as I said
total cholesterol =533
Chol/HDLC chol=6.5
Non HDL chol= 451.

Last week in the hospital they measured
total cholesterol =483

Truly, Johnwen, I am grateful for your time and clinical expertise.

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