Apparent Failure - On PT since June

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Apparent Failure - On PT since June

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jan 05, 2018 11:08 am

Hi Owen,
We have been faithfully taking ascorbic acid to bowel tolerance, lysine, proline, and supplements since June.

Dad is in ICU with serious heart disease affecting L-branch. Will need bypass Monday if he stays stable. They said he had a silent heart attack yet no muscle damage and it is beating well.

They are scanning his carotid artery with dye as they don't want him having a stroke during surgery...
Has it doNE some good? I'm surprised his CAD wasn't gone. .. My dad is confused. We both believed this protocol would Reverse any heart blocks?

I'm worried he's not getting his powder since he had to go to hospital yesterday. He almost died on the toilet but I found him and got help in time.
Any thoughts?
Thank you.

You say bowel tolerance, what is his bowel tolerance? i.e., what was his daily intake of vitamin C? And is it our vitamin C, or another brand?

There are few extenuating factors (i.e. if he has infected root canals or other dental infections that may "use up" vitamin C that gets into his system.)

Otherwise, it sounds like a mystery that we would benefit from studying.

What other supplements? Does he take vitamins E and K?

What drugs is he on?

A heart attack "without muscle damage" is interesting - johnwen?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Apparent Failure - On PT since June

Post by KerryRobertson » Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:23 pm

We are using NutriBiotic Pharmaceutical Grade Ascorbic Acid. He was taking 1/2 tsp (2500mg) 4 times a day. He is 160 lbs. I tried to add liposomal but he couldn't stand the taste and wouldn't use it. He has had a PSA which keeps going up to 9.5 and had a biopsy yesterday morning several hours before the cardiac event.
He claimed to have no root canals but does have amalgams and I believe lead poisoning along with mercury. (He was in the Marines for 8 years in the 50's, early 60's) also worked in manholes for phone company around lead.

L-Lysine HCL 1/2 tsp X 4 Bulk around 5758grams
L-Proline (bulk supplements) 1/4 tsp x 4 around 2400 grams

He also took vitamin E 1000 iu Solar Mixed tocopherols...d forms
Vitamin A25 daily
Molybdenum glycinate 1000mcg daily
L-OptiZinc 30mg 1 day
Metanx (b12, folic, b6 prescription methylated forms)
Chromium Polynicotinate 200mcg daily
Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 complex 1 daily
Holistic Health All in One one daily
Evening Primrose Oil 500 mg 1 daily (prostrate, acne)
DIM poweder (prostrate) I made into capsules...1 daily
Natural Choice Botanicals Milk Thistle 1 day
Thorne Basic B Complex (recently added) 1 day'
Potassium citrate 1/4 tsp x 4 day
Magnesium Malate 1/4 tsp x 4 (seeking health pure powder)

Drugs: He takes 1/2 grain armour thyroid down from 1
Benazepril 40mg oral daily
Hydroxyzine 25mg
Primidone 50mg (PRN for tremors)

The cardiac team is preparing for bypass surgery on Monday if he stays stable. His carotid artery seems to still be at 70% blockage as it was in June so they are running a different scan with dye today.
Dad has been having "back spasms in the morning where he can't walk so used a cane until it passed" ..the docs feel this was symptoms of cardiac.
I found him passed out on the toilet. Nasal Discharge, hands limp by side, I could hear no breath sounds. I could not lift him to get him to the floor. I rubbed his chest and held his head up to open airway as we awaited the ambulance. When they arrived and got him on the gurney he started gaining consciousness. A EKG appeared as if there was a cardiac event. Repeated with the same. At the hospital theirs at first showed no abnormality and they thought "stroke"... CT normal... When the cardiac consult was done, they felt it was suspicious and did another EKG which was abnormal and did the CardioAngiogram which showed SEVERE heart disease which requires dad to remain in the hospital.

Any insights would be appreciated. Dad believed in me to do this protocol and I'm really confused as well.

They did a Cardiac Angiogram last night at first wanted to go to surgery immedietly but he had the bleeding from the biopsy and he is a Jehovah's Witness and will not use blood so they decided since he was stable to get thoroughly prepared. Yesterday at noon he has not had any supplements and the first time he has skipped since we started.

The regimin did correct his night vision and he is still fairly active. We are just shocked that his arteries are not at least improving...

Update: The cardiologist are now saying he cant have had an MI as he has no heart damage...they think he had an episode similar to "elvis" except I found him in time...his heart may have stopped for a bit as he was straining and had a vagal response and heart something.....? I cant remember the terms...

He is on Cipro for 3 days due to the biopsy, they will clean out his carotid which is still at 70% on Monday, then bypass surgery on Wednesday.

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Re: Apparent Failure - On PT since June

Post by Johnwen » Sat Jan 06, 2018 12:08 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Apparent Failure - On PT since June

Post by KerryRobertson » Sun Jan 07, 2018 4:45 pm

Dad's docs said he has a very minor leaky valve, not enough to address at this time. I sure hope they are right because at 80 yeas old, we don't need to be doing multiple heart surgeries!
I will see if in future he will agree to Periaptical xrays of roots of teeth to see if any hidden infection.

I cared for my mom until her death, my 26yo son died in October and frankly I'm getting tired of figuring stuff out. I feel very "let down".

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Re: Apparent Failure - On PT since June

Post by KerryRobertson » Thu Jan 11, 2018 11:38 am

Both surgeries were successful. Carotid Monday, Quadruple bypass yesterday. Doc says heart of a 50 year old but the arteries were severely calcified. Bloodless Medicine was used and he is quickly responding...

I ordered a book with more info on teeth issues and heart disease to learn additional preventive measures..
"Beat The Heart Attack Gene" Bradley Bale, MD and Amy Doneen, ARNPP

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Re: Apparent Failure - On PT since June

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jan 14, 2018 10:39 am

Doc says heart of a 50 year old but the arteries were severely calcified.

Per our long-time discussions, calcified arteries are caused by a lack of vitamin K (as various medications, e.g. warfarin, work by blocking vitamin K receptors.) So the heart medications often lead to the rapid build-up of calcification in soft tissues.

Thanks to a year 2000 Life Extension report on Japanese research, we learn that vitamin K has a hormone-like function, moving calcium from soft tissue into bones, and we have a ton of anecdotal evidence, supported by a large number of studies, that vitamin K does reduce arterial and tissue calcification (what if his valve is calcified?) and like vitamin C, higher blood levels have been linked to lower mortality - all causes. (We have referenced all this before, but I can do it again if you enjoy reading references.)

My wife and I started taking LEF.ORG's super-K. She had a zero calcium score on a Fast-CT scan (age 60+) and I never have any evidence of heart disease on any medical test. So the Pauling Therapy works to inhibit and dissolve Lp(a) plaques, but we know it won't immediately work on calcified arteries. Vitamin K is required for this purpose, K2 is apparently "safe" for people on blood thinners (I don't know this, but suspect it is true)

For your mental state, e.g.

I cared for my mom until her death, my 26 yo son died in October and frankly I'm getting tired of figuring stuff out. I feel very "let down".

See post #9 in this topic - with links to a 99 cent book on oxytocin. It is a 30 minute read, but like almost every other "miracle" cure - that requires a prescription - it may not be easy to get what may set you right mentally.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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