Could supplemental proline be bad for Type I diabetics?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Could supplemental proline be bad for Type I diabetics?

Post by ofonorow » Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:33 am


Just started using the Cardio C packets and immediately lost my ability to control my blood glucose. You see, I am a type 1 diabetic since the age of 17 (now 54) and I have a pretty good eye for spotting changes in diet that mess up my insulin sensitivity. A quick check on Vitamin C and Lysine showed studies that said glucose control was improved by both, however, proline has been shown in other studies to increase the release of glucogon from the pancreas. As you may know, glucogon is kind of like anti-insulin in that it blunts the affects of insulin in the body. This is why it is given as an injection at home if a Type 1 diabetic becomes unconcious.

Do you sell a product that contains the amounts of Vit C and Lysine as in Cardio C but does not include the proline?

In any case, I need you to cancel my recurring order of the cardio C packets since I can't safely use them do to the effect the proline has on my glucose control.



First, the Tower Labs CardioAde product only contains vitamin C and lysine (Start at

We are all different and I hope you join this forum. I am sure we can learn something from you.

I am an "insulin dependent" diabetic myself (after having part of my pancreas surgically removed) and we have been selling Heart Tech/Cardio-C with proline since the mid 1990s. This is the first report from a Type I diabetic like this. Our "resident" MD (johnwen )over the years has wanted me to have by glucogon tested, but I never really understood why.) On the other side, adding proline to Pauling's original vitamin C/lysine therapy has seemed to a "punch" and is responsible for lowering Lp(a). (If you uncover any studies of proline and glucogon, I personally would be interested too.)

One thing to keep in mind is the proline is not essential (as is lysine) meaning our body usually makes its own. My own personal theory knowing how proline blunts Lp(a) is that we become more prone to heart disease as we age, as our own endogenous production of proline decreases. And of course diabetics are more prone to heart disease, aren't they?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Could supplemental proline be bad for Type I diabetics?

Post by ofonorow » Mon Oct 08, 2018 12:34 pm


Thanks for your thoughtful response. I am quite happy to allow you to post my letter anonymously on your website.

Regarding the glucagon effect I've described, I've switched to straight up 5000mg Vit C and 5000mg Lysine in divided doses and do not experience the insulin resistance I've experienced when the Proline is included. I tried the product with Proline two days in a row and had the exact same result.

To describe the experience more fully, when I took the Cardio C (with proline) about 2 hours after taking it in the morning, my blood glucose went from approximately 100mg/dl to 275mg/dl. I took 15 units of Humalog to correct and 2 hours later it was still around 275, took another 15, 2 hours later it was around 265, took an additional 15, it was down to about 185 and didn't really get back into normal range until 10 hours after taking the supplement.

One difference between you and me is that I produce absolutely no insulin endogenously, whereas, I presume you probably still do produce some insulin. I suspect that you may not see this effect on yourself because you produce enough insulin to still have a working glucagon - insulin feedback mechanism whereby your body detects an increase in released insulin and then stops the glucagon production. Whereas for me, it's kind of like a one way switch (at least for several hours). Without the pancreas releasing glucose in response to increasing levels of glucose, there is no way to tell the alpha cells to stop releasing glucagon. Just a guess.

Consequently, I suspect that Type 2 diabetics will not experience this issue I'm having either. I will be curious to know if other Type 1s with no C-peptide (the leftovers from insulin production) in their blood stream who read this will be able to confirm my experience of if I'm just a genetic marvel.

Thanks for the Tower recommendation too!

Best Wishes,

That seems to be an undeniable, and obviously very measurable effect, and one that may have not been reported elsewhere. We will create a warning for Type I diabetics based upon your report. I know another member of the Foundation found a patent where proline is used to "control" glucogon, and I am waiting for the link. We are glad to hear that vitamin C and lysine by themselves do not have the adverse blood sugar effect you mentioned.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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