Root Cause of Coronary Calcium and Heart Problems

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Root Cause of Coronary Calcium and Heart Problems

Post by ofonorow » Sun Aug 08, 2021 10:17 am

Dr. Thomas Levy wrote:Hello Owen,

So many people on the forum seem desperate to find a way to stop/slow
heart disease, and they consistently miss the elephant in the room: infected
teeth and secondarily infected tonsils (all that do not hurt).

I know people do not like going to the dentist, having teeth extracted, and paying a lot
of money. But for many people there is no chance of stopping the progression
of their heart disease and their progressive coronary calcification if they don't. And
the traditional way of dealing with heart disease involves a lot of expense, duress,
and often a significantly shortened lifespan.

Such individuals MUST have a 3D cone beam examination of their mouth
to detect the many abscessed teeth that the regular dental x-rays miss. Believe
me, ignorance is not bliss in this situation.

All in the book. Free download:

Best regards,

Dr. Levy
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Root Cause of Coronary Calcium and Heart Problems

Post by ofonorow » Sun Aug 08, 2021 10:35 am

Dr. Jerry Tennant agrees with Dr. Levy about the serious problems caused by leaving dead tissue (e.g. root canals) in our bodies creating the most toxic substances known. These toxins interfere with our "power circuits" as Tennant explains, every tooth is connected to a different organ, so toxicity in the tooth can lower the voltage in that organ.

Page 427

Jerry Tennant wrote:Having poisonous mercury coming from your teeth is one problem. Another problem just as severe is having an infected tooth. The teeth that are always infected are root canal teeth, but any cavity or infection under a crown releases the same toxins.

Page 439

Jerry Tennant wrote:I have a friend that is an oncologist. I looked at 20 of his cancer patients. What I founds was that 70% of this patients had a root canal in the same acupuncture meridian as their primary cancer. All but one of the rest had an infected crown in the same meridian as their primary cancer.

In my own practice, I have seen only two patients where I could not find a dental connection to the meridian associated with their cancer. One was a heavy smoker.

These numbers are too small to prove...

and finally

Page 438
Jerry Tennant wrote:Generally one cannot measure the voltage coming from a root canal tooth. However, one can measure the voltage coming from a tooth if it has a metal in the form of a filling or crown. Teeth, like the rest of cells are designed to run at -20 to -25 millivolts. You can take a voltmeter that measures in millivolts. Place one electrode on the cheek and one on the metal of the tooth. If you measure more than 100 millivolts, either the tooth or one of its neighbors is infected.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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