My triglycerides and LD ratio is terrible

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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My triglycerides and LD ratio is terrible

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 21, 2022 10:51 am

lostsole wrote:Hi Owen,

I've followed the Pauling info and Levy info for many years, and your forum. Of late my cholesterol is very bad, including my ratios, so I'm doing the Tower products, liposomal, etc. Might have a question now and then so I wanted to sign up.

Cholesterol isn't the cause of heart disease, but if it is high, that is a strong signal that you aren't supplementing enough vitamin C.

That's what I understood, thank you. For me, my triglycerides and LD ratio is terrible. I read a 5 ratio is very bad, and I'm at 9. Should be around 2. So, I'm doing the Ascorsine 9 at three times per day, most days. Sometimes I miss all three doses. And, some liposomal C as well. I take other things also like ACV, magnesium, etc. We'll see what happens.

The idea that cholesterol ratios mean anything has been hard for me to understand. They seem to have been developed to help sell cholesterol-lowering drugs.

I do understand total cholesterol and the idea that 180 mg/dl is probably optimal. As Pauling, citing Ginter, wrote, the higher your total cholesterol is above 220 mg/dl, the more vitamin C you supplement, the more cholesterol will drop and normalize closer to 180 mg/dl,

In my case, something has gone terribly wrong. I can't get my total cholesterol (which was 180 mg/dl for years) above 130 mg/dl.

What do we think we know about triglycerides? These molecules are fat in the blood, probably coming from the liver (where they are made - out of fructose) traveling to their storage home in fat cells. Dr. Atkins was among the first to discover in his patients that carbohydrates increase triglyceride levels. We now know it is the fructose half of ordinary sugar that turns on the "fat switch."

Ideally we'd all be eating mostly glucose, but avoiding ordinary sugar (w/fructose) is almost impossible.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: My triglycerides and LD ratio is terrible

Post by lostsole » Tue Feb 22, 2022 10:11 am

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Joined: Sun Apr 02, 2017 6:33 am

Re: My triglycerides and LD ratio is terrible

Post by Alafairsmom » Tue Feb 22, 2022 8:03 pm

Good evening lostsole. I had a heart attack while on the Pauling Protocol but am not blaming PP. I think everyone's mileage may vary. Recently I was able to reach out to eDOC and he was kind enough to take me on as a patient. While Vitamin C is still part of my daily regimen, the heavy lifting is being done by oral, topical, and nebulized DMSO. I've followed most of the threads on this site, and appreciate all I learned here about PP, but like you taking Ascorsine 9, and all the other supplements, not only didn't see a change in my numbers, I felt really terrible every day. I'm finally gaining some energy, feeling a little better every day, and don't feel miserably ill after a couple of weeks on DMSO. No disrespect to any recommendations here, honestly. I DID reach out to eDOC after reading the DMSO/MSM thread here on Vitamin C Foundation, and doing my own research. People react differently to protocols, and while I think I have a pretty decent understanding of supplements and how they work, I decided I needed a pro to help me not only find the right combinations, but eliminate what wasn't working. I don't know about you, but I needed a spreadsheet to keep track of what to take when. Short history, T2 diabetic, familial hypercholesterolemia, keto (since 2012?), no processed foods, no tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and a quiet lifestyle. Diabetes well managed on keto. I sincerely hope you find a protocol/plan that works for you. BTW, agree wholeheartedly about your statements about inflammation. My cardiologist wanted to do a 4-5 CABG. I explained that until he can do something about the inflammatory response that damaged the vessels that required the cholesterol patch job, I'm not interested. DMSO is an anti-inflammatory. I'm hoping this works. Wishing you the best on your journey!

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Re: My triglycerides and LD ratio is terrible

Post by lostsole » Wed Feb 23, 2022 2:11 pm

Hi Alafairsmom,

Thank you for the alternate ideas on cardio stuff. I'm sorry to hear you had a heart attack even on the PP therapy. : ( But, glad you are still with us!

I agree with you. We are all different and different things will be effective or not for our unique genetics, environment, microbiome, diet, etc.

I also personally feel EMF radiation can contribute to CVD. I've read a ton about it over the last fifteen years. Now days I have all wireless turned off in the home and I sleep with the power breaker shut off in the master bedroom. I try to use the cell phone minimally and away from me while only talking on speaker.

I will look into the DMSO idea. I have some of that actually in the overstocked vitamin pantry but have not tried it yet. So, now I have a reason to look into it.

As well, I will continue with the C therapy and ACV. As soon as the sun hits 50 degrees in angle around the end of March and thus D can be produced, (in Idaho) then I'm going to lay out a lot and get my natural D up dramatically. Apparently low D levels can be a big contributer to CHO/CVD issues. I say natural D because I've been taking supplements all winter and my blood test recently showed I was only around level 30. Guess the supplements don't work for me all that well. I know the sun will get me back up to 70+.

As a side note, but possibly applicable to CVD, I've learned that I have numerous palatine tonsil stones we found in a 3D dental cone beam scan. Many people do, even if you don't have your typical tonsils, you can still have palatine stones or other ones also.

This is potentially a big problem because the stones can be filled with nasty bugs that keep reinfecting a person as they swallow the pathogens all day long, and thus the bugs can cause inflammation, leaky gut, cardiovascular issues, autoimmune, etc.

I'm going to look into having an ENT guy remove my stones and hopefully get some ozone injections also into those areas. This could also be why I have EoE and various burning throat and severe phlegm issues when I eat.

As for other dental issues that can relate to inflammation and CVD, fifteen years ago I had all my root canals removed, jaw cavitations fixed, and mercury/amalgam fillings removed. All of those can be big contributors to CVD, etc. Did you look into those things?

Thomas Levy's free book, "Rapid Virus Recovery" talks more about tonsil stones, dental, etc., such as this quote below. (I found a link to his book for free in one of his news articles.)

"Once chronically infected
and abscessed, the tonsils, especially the palatine
tonsils, become an even more significant focal
infection than the infections they drained, even
after those other foci of infections have been removed
or resolved. Part of the tenacity and persistence of
chronically infected tonsils is because biofilms
protecting the acquired pathogens have been identified
inside these tonsils. In one study on patients under-
going tonsillectomy, biofilms were found in 20 out of
20 tonsil specimens upon pathologic examination."

Anyway, thanks for your post. If I don't get anywhere with what I'm doing I might try this eDoc you are talking about.

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