Historical medical study by US Army, proving Vitamin C prevents cancer

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Historical medical study by US Army, proving Vitamin C prevents cancer

Post by rphair » Sun Jul 10, 2022 2:32 pm

For about 18 years I've been looking for a paper, originally given to me by an alternative doctor in Ireland in 2004, with a several-page result of the longest ever running (at the time at least) longitudinal study of Vitamin C use: by career US Army servicemen & women.

As I remember it proved with experimental & statistical rigour that multi-gram daily oral Vitamin C doses, consistently administered over decades, practically eradicated the emergence of cancer in the general test group and nearly eradicated lung cancer in the chronic over-a-pack-a-day smokers.

Then I lost this paper and the online scan I'd made of it during a personal health crisis which lasted about three years. When recovered (around 2007) I tried to find the paper again: but noticed it had since been eliminated from any place it might have been posted or quoted on the Internet before. This was roughly the time the Codex Alimentarius had fully emerged in Europe and many health publications & web sites were legally forced to disqualify their own statements about holistic & nutritionally based disease recovery.

The copy of the paper I had was monospaced (could even have been from a typewriter) and might have been photocopied a few times, and the apparent date was the late 1980's or perhaps early 90's before the circulation of web pages & printouts became common. I would hope this paper has since been reprinted from an authentic & more readable source, although it was also compelling to see the paper's folksy appearance along with the unembellished but eminent Army credentials of the paper's authors.

For the last 2 years I've been working daily & intently on bypassing Internet censorship of medical topics & collecting censored resources. All this time I've been thinking about that paper & the fact that its disappearance from the early Internet might have been the first emergence of government mandated search engine bias of a medical issue. We can also see a specific bias today with increasingly politicised revisions of the US Army's approach to Public Health: in this case, privately circulated US Army commissioned digests have apparently eradicated this study from their own body of collected research.

In any case I was happy to come across this forum because I am optimistic that the founder, moderators & readers will probably know of this old paper and perhaps have a scan of it or a reference where it can be found in another publication.

I'm not currently treating myself or anyone else for cancer, but I believe this old "US Army Vitamin C & smoking" study is still vitally important for the general health reason of understanding Internet & institutional censorship. Once this paper can be found & re-posted if necessary I believe it will be a good complement for the papers & publications already assembled here.

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Re: Historical medical study by US Army, proving Vitamin C prevents cancer

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jul 11, 2022 10:03 am

Thanks for this pointer. If it was ever posted on the internet, than it probably exists. However, starting @ google scholar - no luck.

Ironically, if anyone still has a copy, it might be the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Historical medical study by US Army, proving Vitamin C prevents cancer

Post by rphair » Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:49 pm

thanks @ofonorow ... yes, I know what you mean by ironically. I've checked the Linus Pauling institute a few times over the years to see if they've posted it somehow from their archives without anyone in authority noticing :lol: ... but no luck yet.

I appreciate your answer & would have responded sooner but I was never notified of your reply; I'll check my phpBB settings again. I'll also keep this page bookmarked & will check it manually whenever the subject comes up.

If there's any answer to this question it likewise may come up in a few years' time, from someone else searching the keywords in the title... so to help some future visitor post the answer, please exempt this page from the archiving process 8)

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