Medical Medium: Chemtrails are the deliberate release of toxic chemical waste into the atmosphere

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Medical Medium: Chemtrails are the deliberate release of toxic chemical waste into the atmosphere

Post by ofonorow » Wed Nov 09, 2022 1:19 pm

Medical Medium: Chem trails are the deliberate release of toxic chemical waste into the atmosphere

Anthony William the Medical Medium wrote:In the old days, industries just dumped chemical waste right into rivers, oceans, and land.

The other-worldly source of the Medical Medium books must not believe that these books will be widely read or believed, but at least from the latest book, we now know the basis for their bleak predictions:

1. Human Life Expectancy declines during the decade, then "drops off a cliff" and
2. the population will rapidly decline as half the women in the USA will not be able to get pregnant 10 years from now

Anthony William/Medical Medium wrote: Chem trails are composed of every toxin possible that the chemical industry creates. This includes toxic heavy metals such as mercury and copper. It also includes old, outdated, antiquated chemcial storage bins that have been backlogged in storage for decades -- chemical waste that has sat in tanks for 50, 50, 70 or even 80 or 100 years. Its a combination of chemicals, both old and new, being placed in planes and dumped out of the sky.

Apparently, Climate Change has been an enormous diversion from the real threat to humanity: The man-made release of chemical industry waste product into the atmosphere. A crime against humanity being perpetrated by a "power" above governments and militaries.

We humans do like our chemicals.

Anthony William the Medical Medium wrote:With more chemicals being produced than ever before, where does all the chemical waste go? There's too much chemical byproduct and no place to store it or release it. It can't be recycled. And so, since the chemical industry cannot dispose of their waste in the ways they once did, now chemicals are systematically dumped on us from the skies. Again this happens all around the world. Planes filled with chemical industry byproduct release these toxic chemicals into the sky.

The implications are staggering, especially since these wastes are being directed at large populations out in the open. These toxins are brought down by rain and enter the soil ( meaning these chemical toxins must be on or in our foods, organically grown or not.)

Judy Mikovitz in her recent books speculated that the COVID release/hysteria was deliberate and meant to obscure the cause of much illness, and to reduce the massive liability that governments have from knowing, but not warning us about the dangerous viruses being carried in vaccinations.

This truth about Chemtrails ups the ante.

People are going to start dropping dead, in large numbers, vaccinated or not. All the while Big Pharma cleans up making massive amounts of money on those becoming ill.

Brain Saver by Anthony William, pg 230 (Chem Trails and Rainfall Exposure) wrote:
Project Chem Trails started in the 1960s as only a very small number of planes and only in small parts of the world.. Now it has flourished into endless numbers of planes on rogue flight patterns all over the globe.

Today, there are planes that fly over every city, town and village in the world that are not planes filled with passengers, .... These planes are hollowed out, with large plastic tanks installed, tanks that can be filled with toxic chemicals. ... And there are thousands upon thousands upon thousands of the planes flying all around the globe releasing what's called a chem trail day in and day out.

When the weather is nice around holidays such as Easter and the Fourth of July when a lot of people will be outdoors, chem trails are usually increased substantially on purpose, to the point where the sky loses its blue color and the streaks in the sky spread out. It can look like a constant mild cloud cover along with streaks you see in every direction.

When you look up in the sky on Easter Sunday, Memorial day, or any given weekend and you can count 5, 10, 20 or ever 100 chem trails crisscrossing each other in all directions.

Knowing that there is an economic "force" or "power" above all governments that is able to keep these flights running "under the radar" without government or military interference is more than frightening. There is a power above all law with no regard for human life or health and seems interested in genocide. ( I used to think ignoing Linus Pauling's cure for heart disease was crimminal.)

Medical Medium Brain Saver, p.g 235 wrote:
No one is allowed to know chem trails are there or believe they're there. This is why everyone who's a public authority ignores chem trails and chem trail planes. This is why militaries and governments ignore chem trails and chem trail planes. This is why the air traffic control towers ignore chem trails and chem trail planes. This is why school institutions don't teach children about chem trails and chem trail planes. This is why universities and university professors don't utter a word about chem trails and chem trail planes. We just go about our lives.

You could be the most powerful public figure in the world having a cookout in your backyard, you could look up at the sky watching the chem trains, and you can't say a word because the people behind it are above all. They are above even the most powerful public figures and above the people who run every country in the world. Most public figures aren't even aware of chem trails. If they inquire, they're told they're just seeing contrails - normal exhaust coming out of a normal plane.

So now we might better understand why most Governments are resorting to tyranny and cannot tolerate free speech. (By the way, I have been feeling GREAT lately, proving (at least to myself) that the Medical Medium protocols work like magic. If I suddenly disappear, we all know the reason, for what that will be worth. They should have bots/AI looking out for posts like this. I may try something on the new Twitter... He Elon... did you know.. 8)

We can also understand why so much effort and money is spent against politicians and upstarts who cannot be controlled...

The are better answers. Should the world population find out, raising public awareness and outrage, a person such as Elon Musk could conceive of a chemical waste disposal system in space, to even be transported periodically to the Sun. Or, we'll invent atomic incinerators, etc.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Medical Medium: Chemtrails are the deliberate release of toxic chemical waste into the atmosphere

Post by ofonorow » Sat Nov 12, 2022 12:01 pm

The Medical Medium's source tags chemtrails with the mass deaths of birds, fish and bees.

Medical Medium Brain Saver pg. 235
Did you ever hear about thousands of birds falling out of the sky? That's from a migration of birds running into a very thick patch of chem trails, being poisoned in the sky and falling to their death. It happens all over the planet.

Algae blooms and chemical clusters in oceans and lakes are from chem trail fallout as well, causing schools of choked fish and other sea life to wash up on shore.

Even with all the energy, time and knowledge that have been invested into why our bees are dying, it's still a mystery. While theories float around about whether bees are disappearing due to bacteria, genetically modified organisms (GMO) food, or a mysterious bee disease, chem trails are the real main . That's why we're losing our bees.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Medical Medium: Chemtrails are the deliberate release of toxic chemical waste into the atmosphere

Post by ofonorow » Fri Nov 25, 2022 12:50 pm

Brain Save, pg 234 wrote:There are hundreds of thousands of chemical sused in our industries every day. Thy're put in our food, they're put in our cleaning supplies, they're used in everything that's manufactured. Many of these chemicals are so toxic that if the human body were dipped into a vat of these chemicals, it would be a very quick death. And every single chemical that's manufactured for industrial use equals thousands upon thousands of gallons of waster. From the chemical's inception to the chemicals release in the marketplace, the amount of byproduct that results from perfecting that one chemical far surpasses anyone's imagination.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Medical Medium: Chemtrails are the deliberate release of toxic chemical waste into the atmosphere

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jan 13, 2023 11:29 am

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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