Vit C Dosing in Children

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Vit C Dosing in Children

Post by musashie » Fri Dec 31, 2021 7:56 am

I have long planned to start a thread re vit c and children. I feel it would be of benefit to for parents to share their experiences. Our 3 year old recently took 32000mg of vit c over a 2 day period, during a bout of illness, with no bowel tolerance. She has however been in and out of some issue temp, cough, etc etc for some time over last while and very irritable.

We maintain Vit C dosing routinely. However she has been complaining of stomach pains on and off for a time. Obviously this can be a number of things but I am curious as to other parents experience who dose their children with C.

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Re: Vit C Dosing in Children

Post by ofonorow » Fri Dec 31, 2021 3:38 pm

Thanks for sharing. Yes 32 grams is a large amount for a 3 year old, and your child is lucky to have you as parents.

So how much do you normally give her when she is not sick?

Dr. Fred Klenner recommended 1 gram per year of age, up to age 10, so 3 grams (in divided doses) would be a good number for a 3 year-old.

You might try what Pauling himself reported that he did, and that is to add some sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to the ascorbic acid. This should be gentler and slower, i.e. it would take the vitamin C (now as sodium ascorbate) longer to reach the blood stream.

FYI, we followed Klenner's 1 gm/year advice with my son, but he was so healthy that we stopped increasing after he reached 6 grams daily, i.e., we never had to go above that. (Until he went off to college, but that is another story).
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Vit C Dosing in Children

Post by musashie » Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:53 am

A gram per year of age(klennar also). So 3 grams/day@ 3x1g. Wife drank over 70,000 mg during the delivery.Natural birth. She followed the klennar protocol during pregnacy also. With a little higher dosing than even klennar prescribed. The C we give little one is Sodium Ascorbate. How does Bicarbonates work with that? We normally give it in RAW milk, sometimes once a day in apple juice understanding the competition between sugars and the C molecule. But with kids you get it in how you can get it in. I do feel childrens immune systems are being challenged in a way they never were previously. Whole new landscape to a degree. It was approx per day during illness -8g -16g-16g-8g . We have kept a diary I will at some stage start adding to this thread with my practical experiences re dosing etc. I really feel giving the environment children are being subjected to this forum was never more important.

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Re: Vit C Dosing in Children

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jan 04, 2022 1:58 pm

Again, you sound like great parents - well informed and doing the right thing to counter our genetic GULO defect.

I wonder about sodium ascorbate, as Cathcart himself said he could never achieve the "ascorbate effect" orally with any mineral scorbate, only ascorbic acid. We used mostly ascorbic acid, with our son, and we think we know know that when ascorbic acid is given alone, at least on an empty stomach, it reaches the blood stream by minute 3. So no need to go down the digestive tract, which should mean less stomach and bowel issues.

I'd still give some as sodium ascorbate (for the timed release effect) and by doing what Pauling did with adding baking soda to his ascorbic acid, that would turn "some" into sodium ascorbate. However, I think based on our experiments, that I would try to use mostly ascorbic acid when fighting an acute infection.

understanding the competition between sugars and the C molecule.

I'm glad you mentioned this. There is a change in our thinking. Based on new, "other wordly" knowledge, (that many here doubt, but I have found highly reliable, i.e. I have not found this knowledge to contain even a single error), this supposed glucose-vitamin C competition is not an issue. With high regards to Dr. Ely's theory, I now believe that insulin is most likely required for our bodies to use and metabolize vitamin C (at least the usual unmethylated variety.) This new source tells us that the "methylated" vitamin C, uniquely found in celery juice, does not have to be processed by the liver (get methylated) to be used by our body's cells. While the new knowledge is high level (insulin is not mentioned), only that glucose is required to "drive nutrients" into cells, primarily the liver for preprocessing. The way the body releases insulin is when we eat carbs, especially fruits. This might also explain why such high doses of vitamin C are required for a therapeutic effect - because such high doses are documented to invoke an insulin response by the pancreas, (i.e. high doses of vitamin C fool the pancreas into believing we have eating sugars.)

Bottom line is that personally I am now not worried that high sugar levels somehow crowd out vitamin C, per se. I take my vitamin C intentionally with glucose, and near my own insulin injections (just as I now take all my supplements.) It is not clear from the new knowledge whether this is as optimal as getting nutrients already bound to glucose in fruits. Someday, we may be able to set up a lab which investigates this issue.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Vit C Dosing in Children

Post by musashie » Thu Jan 13, 2022 6:12 am

Thank You... We also used portable nebuliser when little one was asleep at night. Placed on top of head board. The nebulised Sodium Ascorbate floated down onto her face. She will not use nebuliser so this was better than nothiing. I would have to say it worked quite well for an application method. Nebuliser has 10ml container. Generally i dissolved between 1500-1700mg of sodium ascorbate in 4-6 ml sterile water + 2-3ml saline. Too much vit c/salt will clog mesh. So it is trial and error. I am wondering now though how plain ascorbate would be. This is also good way to infuse colloidal silver during the night. I use Mesosilver. Generally takes about 20-30 minutes to empty chamber. We have not used the 3% hydrogen Peroxide at night but another option.
Re my initial query, on opening this thread, little one complaining of stomach ache. We now feel this may be ' a need for some attention' : :) as opposed to supplementation issue.

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Re: Vit C Dosing in Children

Post by ofonorow » Sat Feb 19, 2022 1:12 pm

I personally learned a lesson long ago, and was chided by a doctor forum member. You do not want to use colloidal silver in a nebulizer! You do not want any metals in the lungs. All sorts of lung disease are caused by "metals" in the lungs.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Vit C Dosing in Children

Post by musashie » Fri Dec 23, 2022 5:46 am

ofonorow wrote:I personally learned a lesson long ago, and was chided by a doctor forum member. You do not want to use colloidal silver in a nebulizer! You do not want any metals in the lungs. All sorts of lung disease are caused by "metals" in the lungs.
Hi Owen are you making this statement as a statement of fact or merely as comment on the Doctors lack of knowledge?

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Re: Vit C Dosing in Children

Post by musashie » Fri Dec 23, 2022 6:11 am

Just another update on mega dosing children with Vit C.

Currently everyone is sick. Currently all bets are off with regard viruses and how they operate. I could spend the day writing on the number of people who are sick. With variations of a variation of a bug.
Andrew Saul stated that raising his children he kept them on the klennar protocol a gram per year of age. And they never were in need of a physician.
I wonder given the current extreme climate will that work. I do not think so. We are seeing children with temperatures that reamain for 4-5 weeks , even with the use of anti biotics etc etc. Will this become the norm. I think so. In a few years time the online advice may be " if your childs temperature remains after 6 weeks" seek help. The new normal for temperatures in kids.
We have maintained our daughter on a Vit C regime all this time. She is now 4 years 4 months of age. She is some child to swallow her vit capsules. I get my C from in bulk and make the capsules myself. German Amazon provide excellent capsules. German Amazon provide excellent orthomolecular products.
Our daughter still gets sick still runs a temperature. Her last bout she ran a temperature of 40.4. And she was, to look at, quite normal. Was eating , playing to a degree but all in all not that sick to look at. Here i is the benefit of supplementing. A temperature is an incredibly efficient thing at killing invaders if allowed to do so with the proper ammunition. Over the last week she has been taking 10 gram/daily of AA in 1g capsule form. Since I have been making my own capsules she can now easily tolerate the AA. Prior to this all her Vit C was as SA. We have noticed with the AA capsules she has less stomach issues then with the SA taken in liquids.
We also giver her ionophore zinc as zinc ascorbate. The RDA for a 4 year old is 3-4mg/day. We, depending on the sickness will giver her 15mg skip a day and give a second 15mg. Also 10,000ius of Vit A as Retinol maybe 2-3 times/week while sick.

1 gram -hour before bed
60mg of Magnesium byglycinate before getting into bed.

We are fortunate she takes all of these with barely a sound. But we have modeled this supplementation in front of her since she was born.
While it is impossible to estimate whether this lessens the occurrence of sickness it absolutely arms the body to deal with it.

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